Vodafone Spain data balance
August 5, 2013 7:33 AM   Subscribe

I purchased a Spanish Vodafone sim card for use while on vacation and have successfully added credit (20 EUR) and then activated the Smart16 tariff which includes 1.5GB of data. How do I know how much of this is left?

I activated the tariff using the key code *505*22#, and I was sent confirmation SMS.

How do I monitor my data balance on the account? I have searched and found numerous ways to see the euro balance (only a few cents currently, the bundle was 16EUR + 21% tax) but nothing on seeing how much of my data bundle is left.

For various reasons I need to ensure that I always have data connectivity but would rather avoid just adding a 20EUR buffer to the account as it'll be wasted once I go home.
posted by samworm to Technology (2 answers total)
Best answer: In a spanish forum someone said to call *452*1#
Or *123# and then option 1.
Or register at vodafone.es and then check on mi vodafone under consumos.
posted by Marauding Ennui at 7:48 AM on August 5, 2013

Response by poster: Thank you! *452*1# worked :)
posted by samworm at 9:25 AM on August 5, 2013

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