A website about new product and service innovations?
July 14, 2013 4:53 AM   Subscribe

Help me find a website about new product and services innovations?

I am trying to track down a website (from the Netherlands but in English) which updates every day or two with new products and services. Loads of wacky product and service ideas, some of them not so wacky. Overall, I remember it being a really entertaining read everyday.

The site is NOT one which focuses on new "Apps" but products and services.

But, I cannot remember the name of this site and cannot find using Google.
posted by jacobean to Computers & Internet (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Perhaps Engadget or Gizmodo?
posted by Dansaman at 6:25 AM on July 14, 2013

Neither Engadget nor Gizmodo are from the Netherlands.
posted by dfriedman at 7:04 AM on July 14, 2013

However, Gizmodo.nl re-routes to Gizmodo.com. Is it possible you clicked on a Gizmodo.nl link and did not realize that it is a US company?
posted by dfriedman at 7:06 AM on July 14, 2013

Was it this?
posted by rmless at 7:50 AM on July 14, 2013

Best answer: Springwise is based in London but it sounds like what you are looking for otherwise.
posted by ropeladder at 9:06 AM on July 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

I came in to say Springwise, as well. In addition to products, it covers a wide variety of innovations in the service sectors: advertising, healthcare, financial services, education, non-profits and social causes...

But, and this is almost assuredly wrong (but nonetheless cool), could it have been Dutch Innovation?
posted by The Wrong Kind of Cheese at 10:51 AM on July 14, 2013

Response by poster: Ropeladder, Thank you, I've been looking for that site for nearly 3 years!

I know it is now based in the UK but back then I am almost certain the contact details were somewhere in the Netherlands.

Thank you to everybody who responding to this thread.
posted by jacobean at 12:26 PM on July 14, 2013

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