Mailchimp madness
February 29, 2012 12:58 PM   Subscribe

Our web developer has left our department, and our email templates are suddenly breaking!

Our web developer has left our department, and our email templates (Mailchimp) are suddenly breaking. More specifically, the developer left areas in the template for images, with code that would automatically resize image to fit in that area. It works most of the time, but will break the table every once in a while. Since it's unpredictable, our marketing department won't use this until we get it figured out. I can read html, but can't speak it fluently. This one's over my head.

I spoke with Mailchimp's tech support, and while they were friendly, there solution was to send us along to a list of paid experts or consultants. Are there any forums or communities that could help me out?
posted by Sreiny to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
This is likely something that is best solved when someone knows something about your content, so free advice will be lacking in effectiveness. Are you on good terms with the former developer to ask them to sort it out, either gratis or paid?
posted by dgran at 1:31 PM on February 29, 2012 [1 favorite]

You really really really don't want to put your businesses code out on a forum and have strangers make corrections that people in your workplace can't verify.

I think your best option is to pay a consultant.
posted by sarahnicolesays at 1:52 PM on February 29, 2012 [1 favorite]

If it's a one-off fix why not just offer your old guy some dollars to fix it?
posted by jjmoney at 3:43 PM on February 29, 2012

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