does david lynch still keep his head?
August 7, 2011 8:00 AM   Subscribe

In his 1996 essay, David Lynch Keeps His Head, David Foster Wallace describes his three day visit to the set of Lost Highways. In the course of the essay, he describes his opinions of the success or failure of previous David Lynch projects, but did he ever comment on, or publish a review of Lost Highways after the film was released?
posted by mumblelard to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: According to this list of DFW miscellany:
Michael Feldman's comedy-quiz radio program Whad'ya Know? (4.5.97) would seem at first a most unlikely venue for a David Foster Wallace interview. But, in fact, Feldman's witty smartypants patter brings out the jokester and the one-upsmanship in Wallace. DFW is very sly and funny here. Biggest revelation: Wallace has finally seen Lynch's Lost Highway, which he dismisses as "kind of a dink."
posted by bcwinters at 8:17 AM on August 7, 2011 [3 favorites]

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