Delicious Digging?
April 12, 2011 5:40 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for the best/ most functional social bookmarking site.

I keep reading about how this or that site is the best way to get your blog out into the public. However, I -do not- care about that.

I want to use my social bookmarking site to:

- save my bookmarks from any computer

- tag bookmarks

- simple/ easy-to-read site

- does not require me to install a toolbar or button of some kind. In other words, is a website that can be logged into. However, I do not mind getting an optional toolbar or button for my personal computer. If I wanted to join a site from work, this site would then not require that work computer to be my "home" computer. You see?

- Other bookmarks are easy to find via the site through those tags.

- This site isn't just some beta thing that's going to die after a few years. Likely something with higher traffic.

- I would -prefer- not to have to have some sort of AOL or Yahoo account in order to log into this. I do, however, have a google account that I use often, so if there's something that connects through that, it's fine.

- I'm only seeking access through my computer. I do not have an iPad, or any sort of smart phone. While -future- access though such technology would be nice, it's certainly not critical for my use.

As always, any help is appreciated.
posted by DisreputableDog to Computers & Internet (6 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Google Bookmarks?
posted by ella wren at 5:53 AM on April 12, 2011

I use Google Bookmarks. It's not as useful as delicious if you care about the more social aspects, but it is perfectly fine for saving your own bookmarks.
posted by COD at 5:57 AM on April 12, 2011

Google Bookmarks is my new favorite thing in the whole entire world.
posted by ACN09 at 6:09 AM on April 12, 2011

Best answer: I love Pinboard.
posted by neushoorn at 6:29 AM on April 12, 2011 [6 favorites]

Response by poster: Thank you for such a quick response!
posted by DisreputableDog at 7:40 AM on April 12, 2011

Pinboard is the way to go.
  • It uses a one-time fee to open an account but it keeps out spam and means it is likely to last a while.
  • I have an archival account ($25/year) that also caches a copy of every page I bookmark.
  • Items may be marked private or not, and you can set private to be the default. In fact, Pinboard bills itself as unsocial bookmarking but offers the same options as more social services (thanks to the Delicious API it's based on).
  • You can link your account to your Instapaper account and thus also use your bookmarks to save articles to read later.
  • The interface is very attractive and easy to read. Plenty of white space and readable text.

posted by willhopkins at 8:58 AM on April 12, 2011

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