Help me find a good Halloween party in Vegas!
October 28, 2010 6:15 PM   Subscribe

What clubs in Vegas have the best Halloween events?

My boyfriend and I will be in Las Vegas from Sunday until Tuesday, and have some some newly assembled costumes that we'd like to get some use out of. We want to go to a wild and crazy Halloween dance party full of oodles of people in awesome costumes.

Originally we were thinking of going to Studio 54, but it seems that the "Nightmare on 54th St." party we thought was happening on the 31st is actually on the 30th, and the Golden Rainbow Beaux Arts Ball is going on there on Halloween night. Don't get me wrong, the Beaux Arts Ball could be totally fun, but from the website it sounds like there may be a TON of performances and awards going on, and we were looking more for a night of costumed dancing with some awards for great costumes thrown in.

Have you ever gone to any Vegas clubs for Halloween? Is there a particular party you've enjoyed before and would recommend? Am I over-estimating the amount of time that will be spent on performances at Beaux Arts? Any advice or suggestions would be very appreciated!
posted by Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld to Grab Bag (2 answers total)
The clubs all cost a ridiculous amount of money on holidays, but I've heard that there's a lot of fun to be had on Fremont Street on Halloween.

Be advised that most casinos frown on anyone strolling through while wearing a mask, large hat, or anything else that significantly obscures their face from their surveillance system and facial recognition software.
posted by Jacqueline at 9:09 PM on October 28, 2010

Las Vegas Weekly's roundup.
posted by zepheria at 11:19 AM on October 29, 2010

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