Locating "Battery" energy drink in Canada.
March 26, 2005 8:30 PM   Subscribe

I remember a few years ago I purchased "Battery" energy drink at a 7-11 in Ontario. I haven't seen the drink anywhere since, but I do know it exists here. Does anyone know where in Ontario I can find it?

According to the website the only North American country that has this drink is Mexico, but I would hope that there is some store somewhere that imports it and sells it. Does anyone know where I can buy any? I'm near Hamilton if that makes a difference :-)
posted by Sonic_Molson to Food & Drink (1 answer total)
I am sure I have seen this around where I live (Prince George BC) but I may be misremembering, or confusing it with another similar product.

I remember when I lived in Victoria there were often many small, specialty shops that sold imported drinks (including, at that time, Cherry Coke, as well as a variety of British sodas). You might want to see if you can find a small mom and pop type convenience store, or any convenience type store that deals with imported foods.
posted by synecdoche at 11:42 PM on March 26, 2005

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