Montreal Osheaga festival 2010
April 19, 2010 11:43 AM   Subscribe

Has anyone here ever volunteered for the Montreal Osheaga festival? I'm considering volunteering or just going this summer - any advice/stories are welcome.
posted by Anali to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: I somehow missed this when it was posted, hopefully you'll see this.

Sorry, I've never volunteered there, but have been to the festival the past 2 years and just bought my ticket for this year. I love the festival because of the quality and diversity of the performers and the fact that it's so well organised compared to festivals (particularly Bluesfest) in Ottawa (where I live). The setting is great. Ticket includes free transit for the weekend. Great food & drink, not too expensive. Continuous music with 2 main stages, and 2 side stages ... though that sometimes means difficult choices about what to watch!

It was very crowded - with ridiculously long lines for food & bathrooms - for Coldplay last year. Don't know if they'll get the same size crowd this year, though both headliners will draw good numbers and the rest of the lineup is stellar.

From what I've seen, volunteers work in the merch booths, information areas, coat/bag checks etc, as well as wandering around handing out freebies like iTunes gift cards. I don't know how long the shifts are but it might be a good way to get in... but I don't know how much flexibility you get to make sure you see the bands you want to see.
posted by valleys at 10:25 AM on April 26, 2010

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