Technical networking blogs/resources?
March 30, 2009 9:18 AM   Subscribe

Looking for good technical blogs and on-line or off-line resources for computer networking.

I'm an IT guy that's looking to broaden and update his skillsets. I've got a ccna, and lots of hands on with small and mid-sized stuff (up to cisco 6500/7200's) but not in complex environments (no multiple routing protocols, no BGP).

I'd like to read on most any topic - advanced tuning, advanced routing, security, VoIP, managment, etc. The more technical the better. Ideally something equivalent to the MS technet blogs ala the exchange team that's well written and informative.

Also a bonus for a networking mag that isn't just press releases. I did enjoy "packet" back when, but last time i saw "networking world" it was mostly ads and the technical bit was 101-level at best. Any other choices for aspiring packet jockeys?

Thanks all
posted by anti social order to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
hmm they arent real technical but a lot of technical people including my self visit this site.

The link is .

They cover pretty much everything.
posted by majortom1981 at 9:53 AM on March 30, 2009 [1 favorite]

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