Gift ideas for a generous neighbor
April 20, 2024 8:02 AM   Subscribe

I'm helping an older family member move and would like to get a gift for their neighbor. The family member has some health problems and over the past few years has had trouble maintaining their current house. The neighbor has done a lot of maintenance and yard work for my family member, and has always refused to accept any payment for this.

I would like to get the neighbor a card and a gift of some kind but I don't know anything about what he might appreciate. Please assume my family member is not a good source of information on this (they are under a lot of stress and in physical pain and having some hopefully temporary/reversible cognitive difficulties right now). Looking for ideas other than cash. Gift card suggestions would be good though. If it matters we are in the SF bay area.
posted by scorpion proof to Human Relations (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Gift card to a local nursery or hardware supply might be nice. If they’re helping out with that kind of work, there’s a decent chance they’re willing to because they already enjoy doing that stuff. This also acknowledges that they’ve likely spent some of their own money and incurred wear and tear on their tools, so this gives the chance to pick out something new if anything is due for replacing.
posted by lovableiago at 8:07 AM on April 20 [19 favorites]

If they're in the bay area and like gardening, Annie's Annuals is the nursery to get a gift card from. But only if they really LIKE gardening. Otherwise since it's a guy I think he'd probably just like a nice bottle of craft beer (just go to Bevmo and ask for a nice middle of the road Ale or something) or box of Sees Candy maybe.
posted by bluesky78987 at 8:14 AM on April 20

Make up a Certificate of Neighborliness, maybe enumerating some of his efforts. Print it in Black Letter on off-white 160gsm stock. If you have an extensive family, have them all sign it. Or print a nice picture of your rellie, write big "thanks for your many kindnesses", signed by everyone and frame it. If you have a signature home-bake thang, give that also. Few things bought with money are going to match the years of care and attention.
posted by BobTheScientist at 9:04 AM on April 20 [11 favorites]

Unless you’re sure that the neighbor drinks, please don’t gift alcohol.
posted by joycehealy at 10:12 AM on April 20 [8 favorites]

As a teetotaler myself, I tend to avoid gifts of alcohol.

A person who goes out of his way to help an elderly neighbor is likely highly sociable, and would like a gift he could enjoy with friends and family.

An example would be a well-made yard game, such as a wooden cornhole set. You could look on Etsy for one with a local theme, such as a California flag or a city map.

You could also consider a nice ice bucket for serving drinks on his patio.

Otherwise, a gift basket of treats is always a welcome thank you.
posted by champers at 4:51 AM on April 21 [1 favorite]

I buy my neighbor who helps keep watch over my home while I"m away from time to time whatever speciality food items are sold along my trip and gift that to him. I keep in mind his dietary restrictions so if you don't know that avoid things that could be allergic. Find out what kind of hobby the neighbor is into a give a gift card to one of the main stores that specializes in that hobby for example B&H may be a good choice for photographers or Lee Valley for a woodworker. Don't presume they'll like the same things as you do so avoid things that could further clutter up their house more.
posted by smilefreely at 10:13 PM on April 25

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