January 2024 Archives

January 31

You're moving out on your own! What kitchen stuff do you need?

I'm the proud owner of one spoon, one fork, and 3 knives. A cheese slicer. And a set of 43 year old wedding china. I enjoy cooking, preferably in bulk so I can freeze meal-sized portions. So I know I'll need cooking vessels, food-freezing vessels, and cooking utensils. If you were in my shoes, what would exist in your perfect dream kitchen?
posted by The Almighty Mommy Goddess at 6:52 PM PST - 71 comments

Looking for a recipe for sweet crystal dumplings

Does anyone have a recipe for this type of zongzi? Grandkid loves it and asked me to try making it. They like the clear wrapper. I haven't eaten it myself so I don't actually know what it is like. I'm planning to start with red bean paste filling. I'll be near a pretty well-stocked Asian market at the end of the week. Is there a different word for this to help in online searching? Thanks so much!
posted by goodsearch at 4:57 PM PST - 7 comments

Any information on this watch?

I found this little watch... [more inside]
posted by Marky at 4:42 PM PST - 7 comments

Stretching exercises to help release stored body tension?

I have an anxiety disorder that presents with a lot of arm and leg tremors. My therapist today asked me if I could touch my toes and I have never been able to touch my toes and he suggested that maybe I could find release from some of the tension I'm carrying in my body if I can find good stretching exercises. He offered no recommendations so I'm coming to you, dear hive mind! Do you know of stretching/flexibility exercises for someone with zero ability to do any of this that might release stored PTSD tension? Videos, classes/programs, reading... I'll take anything!
posted by hippybear at 4:03 PM PST - 31 comments

How to troubleshoot iphone bluetooth with my 2013 Mazda 3

I have a 2013 Mazda 3. I like to use my iPhone to listen to music through the car's sound system. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can't seem to see any pattern at all- Sometimes I start the car, and instantly, with even wanting to, a podcast starts playing through the car speakers. Sometimes, no matter what I do, I can't get phone audio to come out the sound system. Any ideas what I can try to troubleshoot it, to make it work consistently? [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit at 1:38 PM PST - 8 comments

Layoffs, loans, help me make the right(ish) call

There might be a layoff in my immediate future (within a month or so) and I am trying to figure out how to be Smart About My Money Situation. If you have experience with debt management and loans, talk to me! More under the fold... [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:20 PM PST - 7 comments

xbox services confusion

My brother is having a hard time getting his head around what he should be paying for his xbox. He pays both 11€ a month and also 65€ a year. As he explains it to me, the 11 covers free downloads but not online multiplay, and the 65€ covers online multiplay but not free downloads. [more inside]
posted by Iteki at 1:14 PM PST - 4 comments

Where can I discuss the aesthetics of making videos to go with my songs?

I've made some videos to go with some of my original songs. I want to make more, but there are aesthetic (not technical) issues that I'd like to discuss with people who want to discuss them... [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster at 1:11 PM PST - 5 comments

Watchmen: the Annotations. Which are better?

I've just noticed DC released a deluxe version of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen, with annotations by Leslie S. Klinger. How do these annotations compare with those by Doug Atkinson, which have been available online since 1995?
posted by Rash at 10:31 AM PST - 0 comments

A lotta hullabolognese

Please help me strategize my lasagna making this weekend.... [more inside]
posted by Mrs. Rattery at 9:44 AM PST - 8 comments

I can't put up with this anymore

Does anyone else use the phrase "put up" to describe a process in food preparation where a food item is hands-off for a while due to fermentation, or slow cooking? My wife mocks me whenever I say it. I'm tired of this mockery!! [more inside]
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 8:39 AM PST - 38 comments

How to arrange for a gift/treat for spouse on getaway weekend at resort?

My wife is going to an all-inclusive in Mexico for a few days with girlfriends for a much deserved getaway. What are some ideas for a surprise gift/treat? [more inside]
posted by Mid at 8:34 AM PST - 17 comments

D21 Hardbody

My old 1995 Nissan Pickup is totaled :( Can a $ amount with the insurance company be negotiated? [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri at 8:01 AM PST - 10 comments

More Freelancer Finance

As a new freelancer, what benefits other than health insurance should I be looking into purchasing? [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 6:40 AM PST - 12 comments

A very short Korea

I'll travelling from Japan back to the UK in May, stopping in Seoul for 2 nights/1.5 days. It's not much time and I don't want to rush around, but would like to see a couple of interesting features. Where should I stay? What shouldn't I miss? [more inside]
posted by M.Onniker at 1:37 AM PST - 5 comments

January 30

Seeking a dance song that sounds like being in a forge

So I mean this both somewhat metaphorically and somewhat literally, as in, I want the song both to have the vibes and feeling of a blacksmith's forge and also aspects like multiple layers of percussion are welcome. Bonus points if the percussion sounds like hammers and anvils. Bonus points for instrumental songs or songs with female vocals. Not looking for heavy metal, more for upbeat dance music, though open to some foreboding or angst.
posted by overglow at 11:24 PM PST - 52 comments

Backpack recommendation, rolling + 8th-grader edition, holds many books

Looking for recommendations for a backpack suitable for a 14yr old, with both straps and wheels. There are hundreds to view online and I am hoping the hive mind can help reduce the field of possibilities. [more inside]
posted by jerome powell buys his sweatbands in bulk only at 8:24 PM PST - 7 comments

Freelancing while job searching

I have a small business in which I consult and facilitate some group meetings. I tried not to take too heavy of projects while job searching just in case I’d get a job, but I need money! I’m now interviewing for a job and not sure how to say I have a project I can’t quit yet. [more inside]
posted by socky bottoms at 6:18 PM PST - 9 comments

Help me manage many e-mail/calendar accounts

I am struggling with managing various work-related and personal email accounts, currently managed across different applications and browsers. Missed meetings, forgotten emails etc result. There must be a way to put all of these in one place. I want to be at least reasonable sure there's a way to avoid 'crossing the streams' (eg replying from the wrong account). Please hope me? [more inside]
posted by dg at 3:37 PM PST - 15 comments

Looking for old timey songs for two-person harmony

My partner and I like to harmonize old-timey songs such as this Appalachian one, Turtle Dove & [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster at 3:18 PM PST - 31 comments

help a fellow out... or is that, help a sister out?

What are alternative terms to use instead of 'fellow". Seeking gender neutral and more feminine coded alternatives. The specific use cases are in the examples below. [more inside]
posted by ThePlateThatHoldsTheBeans at 1:25 PM PST - 31 comments

Switching from cigarettes to vaping, need help getting started + recs.

I'm helping somebody switch to vaping after a failed attempt, but I know nothing about vaping. We're trying to avoid the most harmful aspects, so we're looking for a vape with a stainless steel heating element, and they'll be avoiding certain flavors. They struggled with harsh throat feel when they tried it last time. [more inside]
posted by moira at 1:13 PM PST - 11 comments

Lunar New Year greetings in Traditional & Simplified Chinese and Pinyin

I am looking at Lunar New Year greetings in Pinyin, Traditional, and Simplified Chinese characters. I have a couple of very basic questions about them. If you can read Chinese fairly fluently, would you be able to answer? [more inside]
posted by nouvelle-personne at 12:20 PM PST - 4 comments

Haircuts for wavy hair in NJ/NYC

Hi all! Does anyone have recommendations for places to get good, <$120 haircuts for wavy hair in central/north NJ or NYC? [more inside]
posted by girasoli at 12:04 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me decide: COBRA vs. Obamacare

My company sponsored healthcare insurance ends tomorrow and I’m spiraling since the cost to extend medical and dental coverage for my family is just under $3,000 a month! Have you been in my situation and went with the Marketplace? [more inside]
posted by nandaro at 9:51 AM PST - 11 comments

Nice mobile computer desks?

Can you recommend a "nice" mobile computer desk? [more inside]
posted by saladin at 9:38 AM PST - 5 comments

How to accurately determine if a random method is indeed random?

I wanted to do a project where I measured how random the native RNGs are in various programming languages. How can I objectively measure my results? Also, if you run a random number generate say 100 vs 10,000,000 times should the distribution even out the more tests you run?
posted by ascetic at 8:58 AM PST - 15 comments

What’s the best way to collect art and other images that I like?

On an iPhone [more inside]
posted by chives at 8:05 AM PST - 9 comments

Baby #2 in a much bigger place

We are having baby #2 in a couple months and wanted to grab any gear/furniture/house adjustment before the sleep deprivation kicks in and have some time to get used stuff. Baby #1 started his life in a basement apartment, baby #2 will be in a house double the size with multiple floors. If you experienced this shift, what did you get/what did you wish you got/how did you configure things? [more inside]
posted by sandmanwv at 7:18 AM PST - 10 comments

Living in a ambulance?

Hi everyone; Has anyone here lived in an ambulance full time? Thinking of doing that,would like some feedback about it,good or bad. Share your thoughts? Many thanks :-)
posted by LOOKING at 6:01 AM PST - 16 comments

Struggling with learning a language

Really struggling with learning a language - how can I make it easier/more enjoyable? Currently it's a few hours of my week where I just feel stupid and wish it were over. I'm wondering whether it's even worth persevering and that my brain is just not wired to learn a new language. [more inside]
posted by unicorn chaser at 4:56 AM PST - 23 comments

Can you find the ‘set to English’ button?

I have messed up my Kobo ebook reader. It is now not in English. Are any of the options in these three menus something useful to me? (other strategies for getting this thing to English are also welcome…. it was cool when I was reading Gibson, but is getting tiresome….)
posted by pompomtom at 1:53 AM PST - 15 comments

Info about genetic testing company

I need some information about a particular genetic testing company. [more inside]
posted by bryon at 12:53 AM PST - 5 comments

Writing book reviews - non-fiction

I would like to stretch my book-reviewing and writing muscles — do you have any tips or guidance on how to do that in the year 2024? [more inside]
posted by socky_puppy at 12:06 AM PST - 3 comments

January 29

Isolated leaders and the subordinates who love them

I've noticed that I really like what I think of as "lonely at the top" narratives - stories where someone is in a position of lots and lots of power and a persistent, highly competent underling worms their way into that someone's heart (romantically, or just as very good friends). Can you recommend more? Further explanation under the fold. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:10 PM PST - 11 comments

Is my neighbour's landlord legally liable for ongoing dog noise issues?

(ON, Canada) We own our semi-detached house. New rental neighbours moved in 3 months ago to the other side of the house. They have 2 large and very noisy dogs. While they are out, the dogs bark constantly for hours on end. We have paper thin walls and you can hear it as if the dog was sitting beside you. Last night the dogs barked constantly for over 4 hours starting at 9pm and then randomly all the way through to 5am. We were holding off, allowing the dogs to settle into their new home, but enough is enough. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:10 PM PST - 5 comments

Onigiri fillings?

I've been buying onigiri a lot but they seem makeable to me, so I bought some nori and a little triangle mold thingy. I'm looking for ideas and recipes for fillings to put in them. I'm not vegetarian but I don't much like cooking meat. (The place I get them has some really good ones like shishito peppers in some kind of miso situation.) Got any ideas for me?
posted by less-of-course at 9:58 PM PST - 16 comments

Can a bookstore cat become a sex kitten?

I want to look sexy in the bedroom! But I feel ridiculous at the thought of most sexy clothing: high heels, lacy lingerie, false eyelashes... It's too far from my day-to-day and feels silly, not sexy. Is there a middle ground? [more inside]
posted by unlapsing at 9:04 PM PST - 26 comments

iPhone is confusing a few couples' numbers

I keep running into this issue with iPhones confusing numbers. Description of the issue under the fold. [more inside]
posted by Toddles at 8:59 PM PST - 6 comments

Help navigating Amazon (unintentionally messed up return)?

I'm returning one of my Christmas presents. Due to circumstances, I only returned part of the item. How do I contact somebody competent at Amazon who can understand this complicated issue and find a resolution? [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 8:40 PM PST - 8 comments

Help me find an article about how AI is mediocre

Read an article recently which I thought was either NYT, NPR, or Minnesota Public Radio and which may have come as an email newsletter that basically concluded that AI isn't really useful for much in the workplace except maybe writing thank you notes and letters of recommendation. It ended with an appeal to the reader to send in examples if AI was actually helping them do anything big or useful at work. Ring any bells?
posted by shadygrove at 8:11 PM PST - 1 comment

Beginner's guide to nursing home costs?

I would like to learn the lay of the land for nursing home costs, beyond "they take everything haha". [more inside]
posted by cgs at 7:14 PM PST - 7 comments

Rolling backups on Windows, Linux, and Google Drive

I've got a 1Gb file I need to backup every night on a Windows box. I'd like to keep a directory with a rolling backing up of the last ten dailies and the Sunday of the last four weeks. Furthermore I would like to keep this directory in sync on: A local USB drive, a remote Linux server, and a Google Drive. I can patch it together with scripts but a turnkey solution would be better. Suggestions?
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 5:15 PM PST - 3 comments

Printo Photos alongside GPS Map and (selected) EXIF Data

Basically looking to see if there is any update to this question (How to print exif gps data on a photo). [more inside]
posted by tiamat at 2:16 PM PST - 2 comments

Baby I can't drive my car

I have a 2005 Kia Rio with 150K miles. I'm experiencing an intermittent problem with the key not turning in the ignition. I'm in the US. [more inside]
posted by akk2014 at 1:41 PM PST - 17 comments

I am not sure if I should find a new roommate for my condo?

Hello all, I live in Canada, and I own a family condo with two rooms (one is mine) I rented out the other to a friend of a friend of mine since September. I am not sure if I need a new roommate, as the person living with me I find can be a bit negative and rude at times, but it could be their personality overall, I do not know. We do get along for the most part, and have some stuff in common and see eye to eye on things, but I think I might irk the roommate, or vice versa? [more inside]
posted by RearWindow at 1:04 PM PST - 22 comments

Cute hats for a small head

I'm looking for cute, stylish hats for regular wear. I also have a small head, so hats in "normal" sizes are usually too large for me. My aesthetic is queer femme, I wear a lot of black and dark colors, and I mostly need hats for social and work occasions. [more inside]
posted by gingerbeer at 9:55 AM PST - 10 comments

Sending toddler to two daycares?

Our toddler will be two in a few months. He goes to an in-home daycare four days per week. It is across the street from our home and is wonderful. Staff who have worked there for 20 years and love him. Lots of neighborhood buddies of various ages, etc. Lots of playtime outdoors. We love the community. We also want him exposed to a second language and are considering a Spanish-language immersion daycare. It is a ten minute drive away and much more structured. He was an early talker and talks in sentences now and would definitely be confused by Spanish. We are wondering if it would make sense for him to do two days at his current place and two days at the immersion program or if that is just too much/overwhelming/confusing for a little one. If you have used a combo of daycare we want to hear from you! Thanks.
posted by Sophiaverde at 9:08 AM PST - 14 comments

Tips to overcome morning fatigue and sleep inertia with young kids

I have significant struggles with morning fatigue and sleep inertia and currently need to go back to bed most mornings to feel even remotely awake for the rest of the day. Any suggestions for things I could try to kick the fatigue to the curb that have worked for you, especially if you have young kids who like to wake at the crack of dawn? [more inside]
posted by snowysoul at 7:40 AM PST - 19 comments

Out Damn Tap!

My Dell laptop has an oversensitive touchpad. How do I stop it from interpreting the barest touch as a tap? [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust at 7:21 AM PST - 5 comments

Logistics around USA travel

I am hoping to travel to the US in April to view the eclipse. It has been a while since I was in the US and I would like some local oversight of my potential travel plans. [more inside]
posted by Just this guy, y'know at 5:35 AM PST - 26 comments

Open source FreshBooks alternative?

My question might be stuck in the pre-SaaS era, but I wonder if there's such a thing as a free, open source invoicing program that does the stuff FreshBooks does? I don't need complicated bookkeeping. Just the Freshbooks-like ability to create invoices, but also to track whether people have paid and to add up income over a given period of time. [more inside]
posted by johngoren at 3:44 AM PST - 4 comments

Potential repercussions from fans creating artificial streams?

I'm a fan of a musician who was mostly unknown until an event last year put them into the spotlight, the fanbase is still fairly small though (~ 80k monthly listeners on Spotify currently). A handful of their fans have taken to setting up small streaming farms for Spotify and Deezer, using multiple accounts and putting their latest single on a 24/7 loop from multiple devices. I'm wondering about potential negative side effects from this. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:51 AM PST - 2 comments

It’s incompetence all the way down

New team lead assigned to one of my projects is terrible. Junior staffer is also terrible. I’m now the fixer. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 2:51 AM PST - 8 comments

Women-can’t-have-it-all: unsupportive parents edition

I’m a working mother of a young child. Ever since I got pregnant, my parents have been hinting with words and actions that I should be a SAHM. I don’t agree with them but it’s taking a toll on me. How do I dissociate given that I otherwise have a close and healthy relationship with them? [more inside]
posted by redlines at 12:42 AM PST - 22 comments

Daily IOS game

Looking for any IOS games that have a daily challenge element to add to my routine every morning. Currently doing Cut the Rope daily which only releases one level a day. Also doing the daily challenges on Connect the Words and Word Trails. It’s one of life’s little joys extending that completed streak every morning
posted by lloyder at 12:07 AM PST - 22 comments

January 28

How long should I stay at my current job before finding a new one?

I've been in my current job for almost a year, it's fine. It's probably the most healthy environment I've worked in a long, long, long time. Aside from salary I have no complaints, but the salary is really low... I want a job that pays more. How long should I stay here? [more inside]
posted by VirginiaPlain at 7:48 PM PST - 9 comments

Whose rental line is it anyways?

I am a tenant. Our door broke (again.) Our landlord sent someone to take a look at it. Something got lost in the mix and now I’m unsure how bad to feel about it. [more inside]
posted by buttonedup at 7:32 PM PST - 15 comments

Aaargh! I think it starts with an "A"

Looking for the name of a D&D-themed movie I watched several years ago. [more inside]
posted by bricoleur at 7:05 PM PST - 3 comments

From the windows to the walls

I find myself in sudden and unfortunate possession of a house. The double glazed windows are about thirty years old and very drafty. I do not intend to replace the windows but need to get the breeze to stop blowing through the house. [more inside]
posted by Iteki at 5:51 PM PST - 9 comments


I'm trying to assemble a full set of 4 of these on the cheap. I can find individual volumes online but I'm wondering if I will regret collecting different volumes from different years. If you use these, can you tell me if mixing and matching 2019 Volume 1 with 2021 Volume 3 is going to cause me serious pain? [more inside]
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 5:49 PM PST - 3 comments

The Master and Margarita

Does anyone know when and where this new film will be available in the US?
posted by mmiddle at 5:01 PM PST - 3 comments

Options for a self-service membership database

I run a discussion group for event organizers and have a membership database, currently hosted on Airtable. Maintaining this requires more hand-work by me than I'd like. I'm wondering if there are any options out there for something where members can pull up their entries and edit those entries themselves. [more inside]
posted by adamrice at 3:43 PM PST - 1 comment

Nice apology gift for a wealthy, older woman in Florida?

My MIL made a mistake in her rental apartment and has pissed off her landlord. The landlord is also her friend, and my mother-in-law wants to make things right with her friend. What's a nice gift she can buy for her friend/landlord to help patch things up? Particularities follow after the jump... [more inside]
posted by yellowcandy at 2:53 PM PST - 15 comments

Small gifts for a soon to be divorced friend

A dear friend in his early 30s is separated from his wife and heading for divorce. The process has been rough, and there are no kids involved. If you’ve been through something like this, what are some small gifts you appreciated at this time? Certain books (and if so, which ones)? Self care essentials?
posted by redlines at 2:38 PM PST - 15 comments

How to deal with my controlling boss?

My boss does not include me in important meetings with external people where the information directly affect my work. He is the liaison person every time I have a question for those people or when they have information that I need to do my job. He does try to relay information back to us but it's not always timely or he doesn't tell us everything that was discussed in the meeting. There have been times where I have had to redo work or feel rushed to get things done because I was not kept in the loop timely and it's very inefficient when I need something from this group. I have asked once in the past about including me in meetings and he brushed me off saying he wants to keep it an intimate group and doesn't want to include more people. Any advice? How do I bring up my concern again?
posted by missybitsy at 2:25 PM PST - 6 comments

Help me find a combination shelf desk for my daughters' room

Help me find a combination shelf desk for my daughters' room [more inside]
posted by saladin at 1:25 PM PST - 4 comments

Is my boyfriend helping his ex-wife too much?

Am I reasonable to ask my boyfriend to set some clear boundaries with his ex wife? [more inside]
posted by roamingmind at 12:48 PM PST - 49 comments

Have you used an indoor vegetable/herb grower? Is it worth it?

I might be interested in growing some food indoors in my condo. I was thinking of getting something like this, though not necessarily that one. I have some questions about how this works and if it works and whether it's worth it. Interested in answers from horticulturists in general and especially anyone who has tried this. [more inside]
posted by If only I had a penguin... at 11:18 AM PST - 16 comments

How do we help our new friend?

In the last couple weeks, a mourning dove has taken up residence on our deck. How do we make it feel more at home? [more inside]
posted by pdb at 11:13 AM PST - 3 comments

We were gifted cheese with cherries in it. Now what?

The cheese is mild tasting but the overall property of the cheese is sweet, so the cherries must be sweetened. It's not to our taste but I don't want to throw it out. Any suggestions for putting this cheese in a recipe of some kind? My google-fu has failed me. Thank you!
posted by bluesky43 at 11:05 AM PST - 14 comments

How to overcome hopelessness and find purpose as someone with autism?

My life feels like a dead-end. I've failed at everything that has ever meant anything to me. I don't know what else to do. [more inside]
posted by 8LeggedFriend at 10:33 AM PST - 15 comments


I get Dexamothasone eye drops for my GSD (tax). It says they are out of stock. How do I get this now? [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri at 8:37 AM PST - 4 comments

Recommended resources about artist's books

One of my goals this year is to create a short artist's book using linocut. Can you recommend artists who've produced short format artist's books, especially those that use relatively achievable binding methods? [more inside]
posted by spranks at 7:39 AM PST - 3 comments

How to sleep when the baby sleeps

I just had a baby who is about to turn one month old, yay! Making a human was magical but the sleepless nights (and days) are taking a toll. Unfortunately, I feel like my body is pumping me with adrenaline to make up for the lack of sleep which is making getting the much needed sleep even harder. I know the sleepness nights will eventually be over but, until then, how can I help my body get to sleep faster once the baby is asleep. [more inside]
posted by Blissful at 1:12 AM PST - 25 comments

January 27

Help me find the used AWD hybrid or EV of my dreams

Improved charging infrastructure near me means I can finally consider an EV or hybrid! I drive very little - less than 3000 miles a year - and prefer buying used. Local conditions require AWD, but I absolutely do not want a SUV. [more inside]
posted by minervous at 6:03 PM PST - 27 comments

Chewing gum that doesn’t stick to dental work

I regularly chew Freedent gum. I use only Freedent gum, because it doesn’t stick to dental work. In the last couple of months, if has become increasingly harder to find. Today, I haven’t found it anywhere local. My spouse did find Freedent and something similar to order online, but at outrageous prices, such as 50 cents to $1 for each piece. [more inside]
posted by NotLost at 3:29 PM PST - 13 comments

Please tell me about your experience with a specific pap abnormality

Just had my first pap smear in several years. After a lifetime of all clear, I was just informed that my pap shows Epithelial Cell Abnormality, specifically atypical glandular cells (AGC). [more inside]
posted by janey47 at 1:26 PM PST - 6 comments

Who "directed" The Lady from Shanghai?

Orson Welles directed The Lady from Shanghai. We know this. But the Wikipedia entry for the film says Welles was "uncredited." What is that about? Was someone else credited? Was there no title card listing a director? Was that omitted from posters? It seems to have been common knowledge he was the director. Contemporary reviews mention this. In what way was he "uncredited"?
posted by DirtyOldTown at 1:05 PM PST - 4 comments

Can you recommend a UK > US parcel forwarding service?

I'm in the US and want to buy something in the UK that does not ship here. Can you recommend a parcel forwarding service that you can vouch for? Many of these services get mixed reviews. So even if you had a good experience I guess that's no guarantee, but it would still be helpful to hear. Also, were you able to get a price quote in advance so you had some idea of cost before committing?
posted by swheatie at 12:48 PM PST - 4 comments

What is the reference mean referred to in this paper?

World ocean heat content and thermosteric sea level change (0–2000 m), 1955–2010, which is the source of this data, provides changes in ocean heat content (OHC) since 1955. But what was the ocean heat content in 1955? [more inside]
posted by ignignokt at 11:39 AM PST - 5 comments

What's the catch with this cheap Autodesk software?

Autodesk is offering Revit for £2,940/year. It is also being offered for £76.99 / year by this company (with similar offers by similar companies). How is this possible and what's the catch?
posted by Kiwi at 11:01 AM PST - 5 comments

Exporting from macOS Photos in 2024

Is there a good, clean way to export your photo library out of macOS Photos in 2024? [more inside]
posted by Kyol at 10:51 AM PST - 6 comments

Resume boilerplate?

Stepchild is sending out cover letters and resumes. In the past, I felt that a cover letter should sound like you are a personable fellow that someone would want to meet. Mrs. Musofire says that these days cover letters are parsed by AI and need all sorts of buzzwords in them to get past the filters. Which is better, snappy cover letter, or padded-out letter with buzzwords?
posted by musofire at 8:10 AM PST - 23 comments

"No Mirroring" error on iPhone with Criterion Channel

When I connect my iPhone 15 Pro Max to my Optoma Projector via an HDMI cable, it just works... unless I'm using the Criterion Channel app (which I believe runs on Vimeo), in which case it give me an error and tells me that "mirroring" is forbidden. Criterion's dreadful support is unresponsive. Is there a way around this? [more inside]
posted by dobbs at 6:51 AM PST - 12 comments

where to look for a server migration consultant

I need help locating a consultant who can help a small business migrate a critical server [more inside]
posted by diode at 6:49 AM PST - 14 comments

Languagefilter: “x will need replaced”

I've noticed myself noticing this construction more and more. Instead of saying “F is in good condition but X will need replacing” or “X will need to be replaced”, the sentence is “X will need replaced.” And not just ‘replace’: replace ‘replace’ with all sorts of other to-be- verbs: retired, repaired, serviced, inspected, laundered.. Can you point me to any literature tracking / exploring this form of sentence? [more inside]
posted by Joeruckus at 2:34 AM PST - 28 comments

January 26

Which is the best milk for my protein powder?

I'm looking to maximize protein, calcium and other nutrients within my budget limits while choosing between cow and soy milk. [more inside]
posted by whitelotus at 8:44 PM PST - 8 comments

Please please please help me find a new charger for my ebike.

I have a rare Italian ebike that I love. The charger has broken and no longer charges the battery. I've taken it into my local bike shop who used to sell this model and they've confirmed this is the issue. The problem is that the company no longer exists, so I can't contact them for a replacement. [more inside]
posted by figaro at 6:51 PM PST - 8 comments

What are the advantages of learning disorders?

After a workshop on helping your child with executive function, and going through a very depressingly long list of all the deficits associated with dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADH, autism, and the rest of the alphabet of neurodivergence - I want to know what are the benefits? Searching for this gives vague 'creativity! diversity' answers.
posted by dorothyisunderwood at 6:43 PM PST - 28 comments

Why am I hearing my neighbours?

For two years, I have heard no sounds from neighbours in my sturdy concrete condo building. Suddenly, I am hearing them. Why might that be? [more inside]
posted by ficbot at 6:08 PM PST - 8 comments

Flying and Covid Best Practices

Flying immunocompromised…what’s the deal with Covid in airports and airplanes these days? [more inside]
posted by floweredfish at 3:58 PM PST - 34 comments

Public "Safety" Push from Landlord

Our apartment management is encouraging tenants to complain about visible homelessness in our neighborhood. This all feels wrong and terrible (because it feels like they're trying to get us to push local government to get the local unhoused folks out of sight, without caring about whether they actually get help) but also pushing back feels like it could endanger my tenancy. What do I do? [more inside]
posted by Fish, fish, are you doing your duty? at 3:58 PM PST - 10 comments

Thin stools

Just had a colonoscopy got thinner stools It was normal No masses, no strictures Was told to start on psyllium Has anyone else taking that? What is your experience? Does it bulk up your stool? How long to see some results How many capsules do you take?
posted by barexamfreak at 1:32 PM PST - 8 comments

One person is getting "delivery failure" on my email address

I am occasionally receiving emails from this person, but they say they are getting bounce back/delivery failure messages when trying to email me on this address. [more inside]
posted by jenfullmoon at 1:00 PM PST - 12 comments

Energy efficiency grants for schools

What grants are available to private non-profit schools for building energy upgrades in Washington State, specifically in Seattle? [more inside]
posted by annie o at 12:17 PM PST - 6 comments

Is it covid safe to visit my grandma after minor exposure?

I was planning to fly to visit my grandma this weekend. But, I was exposed to someone who was exposed to covid. Is it safe? More details inside. [more inside]
posted by rebent at 12:06 PM PST - 28 comments

MS-SQL problem: exporting with long character columns

I have a large MS-SQL database that I want to query and write the output to csv (or some other nice exchange format). One of the columns is text, and can be quite long (5000 characters). This is a real pain. [more inside]
posted by a robot made out of meat at 10:55 AM PST - 7 comments

Macbook Pro alternative to Apple's Music app? Won't play my music

I have over 160 GB of music (mostly mp3s) from ~35 years of buying and ripping CDs. Apple's Music app doesn't allow us to import anything ripped from a CD to the music library without paying them more money. What alternative software is out there for me to play and manage my music? [more inside]
posted by tzikeh at 10:50 AM PST - 28 comments

How to help a friend on dating sites

I want to help a friend search through dating profiles to assist her in matching with people. Catch: we live hours away from each other. [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster at 10:26 AM PST - 10 comments

What’s up with the Otherwise Awards, formerly Tiptree Awards?

Does anyone have any idea what the situation is with the Otherwise Award, formerly known as the Tiptree Award? The blog on the website had 2 entries in 2023, but no awards have been announced since 2021.
posted by bq at 9:50 AM PST - 3 comments

Out of prescription, Friday afternoon

Relative is running out of a beta blocker and will not have enough for the weekend. Refills are through ExpressScripts so no hope of just running down to the pharmacy. [more inside]
posted by Frowner at 8:52 AM PST - 17 comments

Multi-login cloud-based recipe storage

My partner and I are looking for a cloud-based solution to manage our ever-growing recipe collection. It does not have to be designed specifically for recipes, but it does need to meet some recipe-related criteria. Snowflakes inside. Do you have our ideal solution? [more inside]
posted by rednikki at 7:19 AM PST - 18 comments

Bathroom venting woes

My employer, a 501c3 non-profit in NYC with more than 500 employees, has failed to provide a working ventilation fan in my building's sole single stall bathroom. The bathroom is shared by 13 employees and is the only bathroom in our building. A functioning fan has been requested for several years without any response. What are the appropriate ways to handle this? Please note: this is not a residential property; much of the information easily available online is for tenants of residential properties and doesn't apply in this situation.
posted by anonymous at 5:12 AM PST - 13 comments

Is it normal that I don't feel traumatized by a traumatic event?

I suffered from what most would consider a very traumatic few weeks when I was a child. I've done a lot of introspection, and though what happened was really awful, I don't feel immense pain or horror when I think about it, and I'm not having PTSD symptoms concerning it. This makes me feel like a "bad" victim, or like I'm just in denial, even though that framing doesn't resonate. Is it possible to go through something objectively horrible and not feel all that traumatized by it? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:12 AM PST - 30 comments

I lied at work and may have been caught out

I was asked for a progress update on my bank postings and said I was a little further ahead than I am. The deadline is 31st so its not a huge deal but I think my colleague checked and I want to know how to explain this situation if I am called out. [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 at 4:05 AM PST - 14 comments

Furry as bullying

I hope to get some good advice here. My nine year old girl is being bullied by a boy in her class. One of his daily insults is calling her a furry. [more inside]
posted by catrae at 2:33 AM PST - 14 comments

January 25

DIY trap for baby toads?

A few months ago some toads* spawned in a small pond in my garden. We managed to get rid of most of the tadpoles, but quite a few managed to grow into toadlets. They're getting bigger now... How do I get rid of them before we have a full-blown toad infestation? Can I build some kind of a trap? [more inside]
posted by destrius at 9:29 PM PST - 8 comments

What comes after a 1st Gen iPad Air?

YouTube on my 10yo iPad stopped working this week. What could I be looking at when 90% of the time I watch YouTube and stream public radio? I don’t use the camera or any gaming features. I would like to stream movies on flights, as well as Netflix and Prime. Bonus if I could FaceTime and Zoom and use it as a backup hotspot. [more inside]
posted by AnOrigamiLife at 7:43 PM PST - 14 comments

suggestions for Aguadilla, PR?

We are planning a trip to see friends and while hanging out and going to the beach are top priorities, we usually like to learn about where we are/visit quirky stores/go to museums etc. We’ll have two little kids in tow so the adventure-y west coast tours are probably not ideal for this trip.
posted by brilliantine at 3:23 PM PST - 1 comment

Art appraisal and marketplace

I recently discovered that a lovely wall hanging I found is an Evelyn Ackerman [more inside]
posted by specialk420 at 1:56 PM PST - 8 comments

Defining Personal Values: Seeking Recommendations

I'm in search of recommendations for frameworks and exercises to define personal values, as a step towards setting both personal and professional goals. [more inside]
posted by nandaro at 1:31 PM PST - 7 comments

Best edible flowers to grow in Zone 4

Looking for recommendations for edible flowers to grow! I already grow a lot of herbs to dry and use in the winter. I would love to harvest flowers to put on salads or in pasta all summer (and fall). I also have small kids who take some interest in picking & eating food right off the plant. What do you recommend for a midwestern backyard grower? I'm just getting my seed order together now. Thank you!
posted by Emmy Rae at 1:08 PM PST - 10 comments

Help me with this doomed vegetarian chili effort.

I am trying to make Texas-style chili with TVP in place of meat. It is, predictably, missing something, namely a certain heft that probably comes from fat and other tissue. Thoughts on how to round this thing out, more in terms of texture than flavor? [more inside]
posted by kensington314 at 1:08 PM PST - 26 comments

Colleague at work shared my cancer diagnosis unexpectedly.

I work with quite a number of people in different, far-flung departments. I became friendly with a colleague—we work together on one project, but otherwise, we don't work together and are in different departments. We sent friendly emails to each other, and I shared with him my diagnosis. More inside. [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 12:29 PM PST - 19 comments

Tips on moderating an online discussion about the 2024 Election cycle

Very recently, some of the folks on a server where I hang out (where I am in a kind of leadership role) started making noises about wanting a place for 2024 US Election and state-level election related posts. Moderating discussions around politics is something I'm only peripherally familiar with, and I am doing my best to better educate myself about how to be effective in that role when the discussions start. I am looking for ways to get ahead of some of the common challenges/pitfalls moderators typically have to watch for in this sort of situation, and suggestions for what kind of content I might want to post in a sticky of sorts (getting out the vote info seems like an obvious place to start). [more inside]
posted by christopherious at 12:04 PM PST - 5 comments

How likely are we to get same-sex marriage in Japan within 60 years?

If I'm 29 and fairly healthy now (probably got about 50-60 years left on the clock, barring a calamity), how good of a shot do I have at seeing some kind of favourable movement toward gay marriage in Japan within my lifetime? Even civil unions. Am I going to run out of time - is it a lost cause? Note that the unregistered partnerships you can get now in some cities don't count because federally they are ignored. [more inside]
posted by WillStanwyx at 9:59 AM PST - 8 comments

Best Documentaries You've Ever Seen

I am looking for your most favoritest documentary films or documentary series that have really stuck with you. [more inside]
posted by wowenthusiast at 9:57 AM PST - 112 comments

Cat illustrators on Instagram

Looking for your favorite illustrators who specialize in cats. Bonus if they’re funny/witty/whimsical. [more inside]
posted by babelfish at 9:54 AM PST - 10 comments

Social anxiety at work, how to manage?

I feel like I embarrassed myself at work today and like my team have "found out" how awkward and shy I am. How do you manage the feelings of shame and embarrassment? [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 at 9:25 AM PST - 20 comments

Looking for specific quote about sharing Happiness and Sorrow; saw here?

paraphrased "If we're friends and you exclude me from celebrations of your happiness that's OK, but if you exclude me from sharing your sorrow I'll be hurt". Thought I saw it recently on Meta or Ask. Sound familiar? [more inside]
posted by achrise at 9:13 AM PST - 2 comments

Sudden intolerance to antibiotics -- what's up with me?

I have never had problems with antibiotics but in the last few years, when I take certain antibiotics I get terrible side effects. Has anyone experienced a shift like that? [more inside]
posted by virve at 8:53 AM PST - 4 comments

Help my friend maximize her sight!

A good friend (early 40s, female) has early onset cataracts in both of her eyes, and is getting surgery to remove them. Apparently she gets to make a choice between the replacement lenses she gets - multifocal or EDOF. Does anyone have any practical experience with this choice and what she should be considering? She's obviously getting advice form her doctors as well. [more inside]
posted by slide at 8:34 AM PST - 9 comments

UK Financial Advisor Problem

I recently inherited Power of Attorney for my elderly aunt, and shortly afterwards I received an email from her financial advisor which I took exception to, because I thought he was (a) way out of his lane, and (b) making borderline ridiculous requests. His subsequent response - not acknowledging wrongdoing - left me feeling kind of gaslit, and I then tried to bury the hatchet - in December - but he hasn't replied yet. So I'm now concerned about how we're going to work together going forward - what options do I have/ what can I do here/ what would you do? [more inside]
posted by 4th Matryoshka Doll at 12:12 AM PST - 12 comments

January 24

Did I just wreck my new sewer?

Old sewer line was repaired this week, culminating today with a liner being sent down it and left to cure. We were instructed to not run any water until morning/the plumbers return. This evening it slipped my mind and I briefly rinsed an apple. Does anyone know how much I might have messed up the curing process? Thank you.
posted by moonmoth at 10:28 PM PST - 3 comments

Pls help me find this dancehall song called (I'm pretty sure) "Farmers"!

I have a distinct memory and can recall quite a few details about an earworm of a song I remember hearing / seeing a music video for one time in the mid-1990s... I desperately want to hear it and bop to it again but I can't seem to confirm it ever existed... help please! [more inside]
posted by wats at 8:31 PM PST - 7 comments

Hosted online art classes for adults

Have you taken an online art class over zoom that you loved? I want to hear about it! [more inside]
posted by burntflowers at 7:37 PM PST - 5 comments

Insurance claim rejected twice, what are my next steps?

BCBS won't cover my office visit with OBGYN to discuss my fertility options. I’ve already asked the medical office to resubmit the billing code, which they did — and it was rejected again. BCBS on the phone said to ask the provider to resubmit the claim and diagnosis code; meanwhile the medical office told me they were given little guidance on what to really bill my appointment for and told me the claim might be rejected. What can I do to produce a different outcome and have this billed correctly? [more inside]
posted by proficiency101 at 6:59 PM PST - 6 comments

Used engine installed by Toyota Dealership dead in 300 miles advice?

FIL blew up original engine in 2010 Scion by towing in gear behind RV. Dealer in Palm Desert CA,( we live in PNW,) installed used engine for $8500, (not what I would have advised.) Engine now dead after 300 miles, could use some advice on what we could get out of dealer, and how, towards resolving this. [more inside]
posted by Pembquist at 5:28 PM PST - 7 comments

How does tax liability work between employee and employer?

I have a somewhat complicated tax situation relative to my employment, and as I work to ensure that my W-2 is correct in advance of filing my taxes, I'd like to know how liability for correct tax filing is divided between me, my employer and 3rd parties they engage to do payroll. [more inside]
posted by Cogito at 3:46 PM PST - 10 comments

Costco laptop purchase with Allstate protection plan - worth it?

Has anyone gotten and used the Allstate plan from Costco for something electronic? Did you have a good experience? [more inside]
posted by CoffeeHikeNapWine at 1:00 PM PST - 7 comments

Book to Help with Partner Who Gets Worked Up

Looking for books that will help me deal with fiance who raises voice and gets worked up when upset. [more inside]
posted by BeatriceB at 12:37 PM PST - 42 comments

Has The Getaway Car gotten away?

In October, I heard an interview with Ann Patchett. [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind at 11:36 AM PST - 3 comments

Digital keyboard recommendation please (with snowflakes)

In the market for a digital keyboard, with caveats of course: 1) No frills and no buttons, if possible. I would really like to find something that is JUST the keyboard, with no buttons to change instruments, play pre-recorded songs, etc. 2) Is 61 keys enough to play some light classical, like Chopin, Mozart, Debussy? Has anyone use the ONE keyboard from Amazon? It looks like the style I want in terms of sleek and no frills but I'm not sure if there is some weight to the keys so that it feels somewhat like a real piano.
posted by Forty-eight at 10:44 AM PST - 9 comments

Looking for a serialized podcast for kids

I've really enjoyed listening to serialized podcasts with my kids. Can you recommend any good podcasts (or audiobooks) for us? [more inside]
posted by evadery at 9:58 AM PST - 12 comments

Help with translation of idiomatic German, please.

While moving my parents to their new house, I came across an old beer stein with an inscription that has puzzled me since I was a teenager (oh, so many years ago.) The inscription reads: [more inside]
posted by dono at 8:08 AM PST - 4 comments

It’s quittin’ time… or is it?

Did I make a huge mistake? Put in my notice to quit my fancy job with nothing lined up, with the alternative being forced to move back to the US (but being paid $$$ if I stick around for a few more months) [more inside]
posted by btfreek at 8:07 AM PST - 24 comments

Melatonin and stomach cramps

If melatonin use has caused stomach cramps is there a chance that will go away or if you have them once, will you likely get them again? [more inside]
posted by Flitcraft at 7:52 AM PST - 7 comments

Children's books on mindfulness

Can you recommend children's books on mindfulness that you or your child have found useful? Secondarily interested in books for parents that are aimed at helping children. [more inside]
posted by SaltySalticid at 7:45 AM PST - 8 comments

Walking Treadmill for under desk

I'm thinking about getting an under desk walking treadmill for my home office. I have a Varidesk 48" standing / sitting desk setup and go back and forth sitting and standing all day. My question for those that have a walking treadmill, do you use it frequently while working? How do you like it? Was it worth the investment? What did you end up buying? I'm not looking to run on it, just walk. Thanks
posted by GernBlandston at 6:25 AM PST - 7 comments

Can a competitor use one of our products in their newsletter?

I own a brand of plant products. We have a competitor that's completely copied one of our products a couple of years ago. We sent cease & desist letters, which they ignored. They just sent a newsletter to their customers featuring a picture of a new product of theirs, and using one of my own other products in the styling. Can they just do that? [more inside]
posted by PardonMyFrench at 4:44 AM PST - 12 comments

Choosing a Ritalin equivalent in Spain

I'm moving to Spain, and still grappling to find the right solution for my Ritalin intake. [more inside]
posted by Silky Slim at 3:34 AM PST - 7 comments

Identify this medieval poem for me, please!

The most memorable line is something about 'shall the [some kind of lesser animal] [do a thing] where the lion once [did a more majestic thing]'? As I recall, it's a poem by a woman after the death of her first lover or husband, and she's using it to deter a would be suitor. I *feel* like it may have been a king, but I'm not entirely certain. Please help, I only vaguely recall this on the edge of my memory, it's been driving me mad for weeks, and search engines are shit now.
posted by corb at 3:22 AM PST - 6 comments

Glastonbury footwear

I know there are a million threads on the internet about the best shoes for Glastonbury (I know because I have read them all) but they are typically from local-ish people, those who are driving and can store things in their car, or might otherwise have the luggage room to err on the side of caution. None of these describe me. But I have so many thoughts (too many thoughts, maybe). [more inside]
posted by BeeJiddy at 1:33 AM PST - 6 comments

January 23

Best way for > 1 person to access a mailbox with Google Workspace

I'm volunteering with an org that has Google Workspace for non-profits. There is generic mailbox (info@xxxx) where more than one person needs access to read mail sent to it and send mail from that address. [more inside]
posted by i_am_joe's_spleen at 5:19 PM PST - 12 comments

What's the best free alternative to Doodle polls these days?

I can't handle the popups and bullshit anymore with Doodle, even logged in. I don't want to pay for this. Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal are out of the running for reasons. [more inside]
posted by tristeza at 3:37 PM PST - 9 comments

Getting in gear first thing

The perfect time for me to do yoga, stretch, breathe, and approach the day is available to me. How to make myself actually DO it? [more inside]
posted by tiny frying pan at 1:41 PM PST - 26 comments

Lisbon "Non Touristy" recs

Going to Lisbon a couple weeks and would here and there enjoy some things that are non touristy, i.e something a tourist never really goes to, but you stumbled upon on your trip or when you lived there. Ideally Tram/Metro accessible (Things like neighborhoods where expats, or middle class, or super rich live, supermarkets, target equivalents, parks not in touristy areas, public transit/ferrries, libraries etc)
posted by sandmanwv at 1:00 PM PST - 15 comments

Make collected Chrome tabs and bookmarks more aesthetically pleasing?

This seems simple to me, but I'm falling into so many holes in the Chrome Store. All I want is a simple visual interface for dealing with many bookmarks and tabs. I'd like to be able to sort them into categories, and then have 20 or so of my favorite links pop up as visual logos when I open a category. Is there an app for this? (For desktop, not mobile. I'm even willing to switch browsers!) All my snowflakey feelings inside... [more inside]
posted by luzdeluna at 12:17 PM PST - 7 comments

Teething pictures- but not gross

I am trying to find photos of what it looks like inside a baby’s mouth when teeth are beginning to emerge- everything from incisors to molars. I do not want photos of abnormal things like eruption cysts but that’s all I can find. Help?
posted by BuddhaInABucket at 11:19 AM PST - 3 comments

WTDW you suspect cognitive decline?

I suspect my husband is showing symptoms of Alzheimer's/senility/whatever you call this sort of thing. I know nothing, and nothing about the process to get it diagnosed, which I'm assuming is the first step. Have you been through this? How did you start the process? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:18 AM PST - 26 comments

How to spa weekend?

You and a friend go for a spa weekend. Which spa do you go to? How much do you plan to spend all in (for travel, overnight and treatments)? How much travel for a spa weekend...like a few hours drive? a plane ride? What treatments do you plan to get (massage? manicure? pedicure? facial? other?). [more inside]
posted by halehale at 9:58 AM PST - 10 comments

Keeping cat safe while she's alone for 24 hours

I have to travel from LA to San Diego and stay overnight for two events. The trip will probably be about 24 hours total including travel and sleep. My cat is 10. I do not have anyone to check in on her. If I put out two litter boxes, a few bowls of water, and two plates of her dry food, will she be okay? I know she'll be mad, but like... Will she be okay?
posted by The Adventure Begins at 9:15 AM PST - 35 comments

Can you think of novels that have this structure?

Can you think of a novel that is structured like this: D>>A>>B>>C>>D>>E>>F>>G>>H Or, if not like this exactly, something somewhat similar? Preference here is for literary novels rather than genre fiction. Thanks.
posted by swheatie at 8:37 AM PST - 30 comments

Books about sexual relationships with authority figures?

My last book question led me to The Big Hurt, and I'm enjoying it so much I'm off on a new tangent. Now, I'm looking for books about people having sexual relationships with authority figures. Hoping for memoir or fiction rather than romance, but I'd consider romance if any exists that isn't unbearably corny? [more inside]
posted by wheatlets at 8:31 AM PST - 13 comments

Late September weather in the Alps between Munich and Lake Garda?

We are interested in a ten day supported bike tour starting in Munich, traveling through Leutasch, Imst, Nauders, Merano, Auer, and Trento, before ending in Riva on the north side of Lake Garda. The best start date for our group is September 29th. What can we expect for weather? (if it might rain, will it be for days or just showers, etc.) [more inside]
posted by Don_K at 8:00 AM PST - 4 comments

Small items going missing

Are my housecleaners stealing things? [more inside]
posted by Leontine at 7:18 AM PST - 29 comments

Open-source projects using NGS data?

Hi! I am currently in a lab that does primarily genome-wide association studies. To grow as a professional, i.e., GTFO, it would be helpful if I had some experience working with RNAseq data. Can you think of any open-source projects that need analysts, or where to look for same? Google turns up open-source software to do NGS analyses, which is not what I want. Thank you!
posted by 8603 at 6:36 AM PST - 2 comments

2 Thermostats, 1 Downstairs

I have two thermostats downstairs: #1 controls the heat/AC for all of the downstairs except the converted garage. #2 controls the heat/AC for only the converted garage. When #1 heat is running, the heats comes out of only the vents that #1 controls and sends nothing to the converted garage. However, when #2 heat is running, it's sending heat to the entire downstairs. I think this is a recent development, but we're still kinda new to this home so it may have always been that way. Is it a damper problem? Can I just reset the #2 thermostat so that it sends only to the converted garage?
posted by NoMich at 6:25 AM PST - 6 comments

Windows/ Steam games for 6 year old

I'm trying to teach my 6 year old a little bit how to use a "real" computer and handle a mouse and keyboard. I am looking for some games I could play with her. At the moment we play Botanicula, which is great, it has cute critters, a simple story and easy puzzles which I look up before playing so she doesn't get frustrated and the game keeps flowing. I like that the sections are solvable in between 10-30 minutes which is about the amount of time I want to sit in front of the PC with her. Any other games we could try? Needn't be overly educational, they can just be fun. When I tried to google an answer I got lots of old games for which I could find no downloadable versions. And it has to have an option for german language or be without words like Botanicula (and the other games from Amanita, I think I also have the Samorost games which we could try next)
posted by SweetLiesOfBokonon at 5:58 AM PST - 14 comments

Who's the drummer on the Marcels' Blue Moon?

Who is the drummer on the Marcels' original version of Blue Moon?
posted by Kattullus at 5:54 AM PST - 16 comments

January 22

Help identifying this mystery spice used in an african peanut stew

A friend was given this spice and instructions on how to make this stew while traveling in Ivory Coast. But she was not told what the spice was, and we've struggled to figure it out. [more inside]
posted by wooh at 11:28 PM PST - 11 comments

How to gracefully fit two people and a cat in a tiny studio apartment

Help me think through some creative logistics to make this situation bearable [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:08 PM PST - 26 comments

A quest for a bathroom miracle

Help me fix this annoying soft poo problem so I don't have to hoard tp like it was april, 2020. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:07 PM PST - 21 comments

How to deal with ex-boss becoming obsessed with former employee?

Just prior to leaving her job, my friend's (46F) boss (65M) told her he was in love with her. She told him she wasn't interested. Since then, he's nevertheless sought to deepen their former work relationship by asking her to lunch and family dinners. She's declined, and last week, he wrote her a long letter reiterating his love for her. She wants advice on what she can say to get him stop and what she can do if he doesn't. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:05 PM PST - 21 comments

Snowflakes in Sydney, STAT!

I'm hopping on a last minute work trip to Sydney and will have 10 days in country (working 5). I've never been to Australia, and have less than 72 hours to plan how I'll maximize my free time. Help! Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by matrixclown at 10:49 PM PST - 11 comments

Beans in a rice cooker?

I heard you can cook beans in a rice cooker - tell me how! [more inside]
posted by Toddles at 8:46 PM PST - 7 comments

Pimp my rice!

For the past 8 years, I've been eating something I call "chili rice" which is rice and beans and corn and chili powder. I'm now looking for other interesting flavors to add to rice (or quinoa! I made "chili rice but with quinoa" recently and it was good). What other (preferably meatless) rice dishes do you love? I also make risotto. [more inside]
posted by azalea_chant at 8:21 PM PST - 18 comments

How to Make a Hammered Stainless Spoon?

I have never worked much with my hands or hand made anything, but I have a special interest in making a hammered steel spoon similar to this one. [more inside]
posted by uncannyslacks at 6:52 PM PST - 8 comments

Is there a central listing of projectors used at movie theaters?

I've found that my enjoyment of a movie at the theater tends to depend on the quality of the projection, or projector. For instance, some laser projectors have a "screen door effect," fringing, and aliasing. Do you know of a resource for finding out exactly what model or type of projector is used by a given theater or screen? [more inside]
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 6:07 PM PST - 1 comment

More songs that sound like Hall & Oates' "You make my dreams", please.

Can you suggest other songs that sound like Hall & Oates' "You make my dreams", please? Thank you!
posted by Calvin and the Duplicators at 5:00 PM PST - 23 comments

Colorado govt & party independence

What is the legal justification for the State of Colorado, via its Supreme Court, dtermining a political party’s *internal* decision-making process or its results? [more inside]
posted by LonnieK at 4:56 PM PST - 10 comments

Navigating Child Safety in Roblox: Help Me!

I'm concerned about my 10 year old daughter's safety on Roblox and need some advice. How do I guard her safety, especially when existing safeguards like the 'no chat' feature are circumvented via "signs" that people write and hold up in the game? What other measure can I take? She's already blocked from chatting and spending IRL money. Also, I just need an over-anxious-parent reality check. [more inside]
posted by crayon at 3:23 PM PST - 10 comments

What's your favourite perfume?

I'm on the hunt for a signature scent and love talking about perfume. What are your favourite scents and why? [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 at 2:49 PM PST - 30 comments

The feed. The net. The metaverse. The matrix. The cyberverse. The...?

For a project, I'm collecting terms from fiction (books, film, TV, anything) that refer to fictional all-encompassing virtual or digital worlds that serve as alternates to reality. If you want to add them to the list, give me the name and media of origin, like: OASIS (the novel Ready Player One) The Matrix (from the movie franchise of the same name) San Junipero (an epidose of the TV show Black Mirror) Obscure ones welcome in particular.
posted by daisystomper at 1:54 PM PST - 30 comments

What, besides books, could go in a little free library?

I just saw one on FB offering period products, and I'm intrigued by the possibilites. [more inside]
posted by Archipelago at 1:33 PM PST - 42 comments

Legally, at what time for a deadline is something late?

What are the lawsuits / rulings / rules that determine if something is late at the moment the clock changes to the assigned time vs. up until the minute after. [more inside]
posted by andoatnp at 12:46 PM PST - 18 comments

House getting super hot at night?

I live on the second and third floor of a house that's divided into apartments. Someone else lives on the first floor, and another person has the basement. My bedroom is on the third floor. The basement tenant controls the thermostat and seems to be nocturnal. [more inside]
posted by wheatlets at 10:47 AM PST - 16 comments

Places to stay and work in San Diego

Looking for recommendations on where to stay and work remotely in or around San Diego for a week or two. Actual city isn't important but weather is - I'm attempting to escape the barometric pressure changes at home and hopefully get some migraine relief. [more inside]
posted by cgg at 9:21 AM PST - 7 comments

what's the best insole?

What is the state of the art of insoles these days? [more inside]
posted by pdb at 8:55 AM PST - 7 comments

What’s the best way to get information from assisted living facilities?

I’m helping my best friend gather information on assisted living facilities and I am concerned about getting good information while not getting either of us on endless phone call, email, or mailing lists. I work, so phone calls would be easiest, but also neither one of us have the mental or emotional capacity right now to deal with unending, unwanted solicitations. Asking people who have been through this recently - will i be on endless lists if i give the facilities my mailing address? Or do you recommend taking a day off work and hitting as many places in person that I can in a day?
posted by Silvery Fish at 8:28 AM PST - 10 comments

What's the best way to regularly transport small bouquets on a bus?

My wife is soon starting a new job in an office after a few years of WFH. I've gotten in the habit of buying her small bouquets on a regular basis (usually Whole Floods mini-bouquets, if you're familiar) and she loves keeping them at her desk. Given that her commute is about to start involving a couple of bus transfers instead of wfh, what's the best way to continue this? [more inside]
posted by Tomorrowful at 8:24 AM PST - 14 comments

urgent: uber drive to mexico city airport gone wrong?

My husband reserved an uber to pick up my sister in law to take her to the airport. The ride history shows it took her to a spot in Itzcala! She was supposed to email. We have heard nothing. How do i contact uber or what do i do next. Very limited Spanish
posted by uans at 7:24 AM PST - 14 comments

A summer adventure for a 14 year old in Germany?

My son has been taking German for several years in school here in the US and we would like to find an adventure for him this summer in Germany where he can put his language skills to use, and of course to have a wonderful experience. [more inside]
posted by silsurf at 7:22 AM PST - 7 comments

What’s the tech behind Magic Walls?

The On Running store in NYC has a Magic Wall. Other retail stores have similar kiosk or displays that do similar things. Is there a framework or other toolkit(s) that are standard development jumping off points or are these incredibly custom? I’m not looking for a RasberryPi type setup but if there’s some sort of industry standard to this? Even coffee shops or low-end retail spots have screens that string together and display content, I assume there’s a starting point. [more inside]
posted by geoff. at 7:08 AM PST - 7 comments

Need help creating stronger WIFI in my apartment.

I can't receive at decent WIFI signal from the front of my apt to the back. It's only about 35 ft. [more inside]
posted by Liquidwolf at 5:18 AM PST - 19 comments

Job interviewer misunderstood my resume

This is a question about the recent past, all events are done and dusted, but I'm curious about how to proceed in the future. On Friday I did an interview for a digital marketing internship at a digital marketing agency. The interviewer misunderstood what one of my job experiences was although I corrected him on the job title. Finally he offered me the job and I was kind of cloudy on how to correct him, and then today (Monday) I corrected him by writing a couple of paragraphs on what the difference was, reiterated I'd still be interested, but obviously offer has been withdrawn. So, actually I'm uncertain on whether I should have corrected him or not, since this led to a really negative outcome for me. And next time, yes, should I correct these interviewers. [more inside]
posted by Didnt_do_enough at 3:02 AM PST - 15 comments

When should I be worried about my dog growling?

Hi, new dog owner here. I’m 6 months into being the proud guardian of my rescue mutt, who’s really settled in nicely into my life - maybe too much, as she’s now throwing tantrums when I tell her to do something she doesn’t want to do. [more inside]
posted by antihistameme at 2:48 AM PST - 5 comments

January 21

Hot chocolate powder + hot water + powdered milk = explodes???

What is different about this exact hot chocolate-making process, in comparison with previous, that made an absolute mess? Have I just previously been lucky? Is it likely to occur again? [more inside]
posted by stormyteal at 10:54 PM PST - 9 comments

Make something different with Chili Ingredients

In honor of the Fargo Season 5 finale I was going to make chili with Bisquick drop biscuits tomorrow. To that end I have a pound each of turkey and beef, some jalapenos and I made a pot of beans earlier today. Separately, we've had a death in the family recently and as such people naturally want to drop off food. I've just been told that friends of ours are bringing vegetarian chili over on Tuesday. [more inside]
posted by mmascolino at 3:28 PM PST - 11 comments

Bandages with WEAKER adhesive?

My skin is weak and I have had it with bandages tearing strips off the backs of my fingertips. What brand(s) or types of bandages have the weakest adhesive? Must be available at drugstores in Canada.
posted by heatherlogan at 12:55 PM PST - 17 comments

Sewing patterns for a tween sewist?

My friend's pre-teen kid has just got her first sewing machine. I'd love to send her a couple of patterns that will help her learn some basic sewing techniques. [more inside]
posted by quacks like a duck at 12:35 PM PST - 13 comments

Human-affordable but professional-level CAD options; vintage?

I've been wanting to do 3D design for YEARS. I'm trying to decide whether to learn FreeCAD or to get a used copy of Autodesk Inventor or something similar. Very old vintage should be fine. This would be for modeling wood/CNC router projects, wood assemblies (furniture, electronics enclosures), possibly 3D printing or ceramics items, and, I hope, long-term ability to do projects with others including professionals. What I seek, with hope in my heart, is one of: -> Safe/good options for purchasing used software? -> Convince me that FreeCAD will work for me? -> Point me to another <$120 piece of software I can _own_ for a one-time payment? [more inside]
posted by amtho at 12:06 PM PST - 17 comments

Help me train this typical Arizoñian.

I have a dog named Laszlo, named after Matt Berry's fantastic vampire in What We Do in the Shadows. He loves learning tricks. Help me come up with ideas for some on-theme tricks! [more inside]
posted by actionpact at 11:27 AM PST - 7 comments

Tips and tricks for becoming a tiger mom

So, it's become clear that I need to be way more involved in my 6th grade son's academics than I have been. (Read through my past AskMes for background!) I come from a Gen X background where my parents were not at all involved in academics, so it all feels very unfamiliar to me. My son has a lengthy IEP but his behavioral issues have always taken precedence over academics in terms of my energy and financial resources. Now in middle school I can't continue to ignore academics. [more inside]
posted by haptic_avenger at 9:32 AM PST - 34 comments

Gift for someone in London

London friend's birthday is this coming weekend. I want to order something delivered. No idea what's good across the pond. [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 8:15 AM PST - 11 comments

Home invasion the police refuse to investigate

WHile I was bathing my dog three days ago someone tried to enter my home. My dog chased them off thank god. I contacted the police and they said that since I don't liek them they were not going to investigate. I contacted my city council with no reply. I contacted the FBI, and the response seems to be that they don't believe. I've contacted the local media and no one will respond. I live in a cop neighborhood. All of my neighbors have doorbell cams. I can't afford the bandwidth for one. But the cops refuse to investigate. I don't know what to do. Help ?
posted by MonsieurPEB at 7:37 AM PST - 31 comments

Identify and replace a water filter

Our well room has this filter housing (direct link to photo) in between the pressure tank and the water conditioner. There aren't any identifying marks (like brand or anything) on it. (1) How do I figure out what kind of replacement filter goes in it, and (2) what's the red button on top for?
posted by Wolfdog at 7:05 AM PST - 10 comments

Flatter stools

Good morning I am posting here because I have horrible medical anxiety. I am scheduled to have a colonoscopy in 1 week. I always had normal stools, then recently stopped Mounjaro and I took Doxycycline for an upper respiratory infection. Immediately like overnight 2 weeks ago I developed constipation. Now I have thinner stools ( flatter and this morning I had at the end a pencil shaped one- mix of flat with pencil shaped) I also have hemorrhoids so one day they were acting up. I decided to do a IFOBT which was positive I am so worried for colon cancer. I am 36 without hx of colon cancer or family hx ( grandpa had CRC but diagnosed at 86) I had a rectosigmoidoscopy at age 33.5 which was normal- didn’t find any polyps at all I am basically a wreck. Anyone else experienced these abnormal pencil shaped stools and what did ended up being? I think I will be a wreck ball until 1/29 when my colonoscopy is scheduled
posted by barexamfreak at 5:50 AM PST - 11 comments

Therapist for neurodivergent academic task/schedule management?

I need help finding an online therapist familiar with neurodivergent adult women (ADHD, autism) + able to help with task/schedule management for the particular weird demands of my job (university professor; choice of tasks largely self-directed). Seeking links to specific therapists, or directories only focused on these areas (not things like broad directories that offer filters for “autism” and “ADHD”). [more inside]
posted by rollcredits at 5:00 AM PST - 6 comments

What can still only be bought locally? (London edition)

What's worth buying on a trip to London that couldn't just be easily ordered online from home instead? [more inside]
posted by 168 at 3:37 AM PST - 23 comments

Changing first name question (Usa IL)

I'm trying to change my name for gender related reasons, Yay! My current name is first, middle, married last name. I'm trying to answer a question about updating my birth certificate. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 1:32 AM PST - 3 comments

January 20

Is it okay to get a new bid from a contractor I previously turned down?

I recently finished my basement and had received several quotes. One of the contractors (let's call him Contractor A) that did a bid for me had really great referrals and was very professional. Ultimately I decided to go with someone else (contractor B) because it was more within my budget and he was able to start on the job sooner. Contractor B ended up doing an okay job but I wouldn't hire him again. In the next year or so, I would like to renovate my bathroom and I would like to ask the contractor A to come back and bid on this new project. Do you think this is an okay thing to do or did I burn that bridge by not hiring him the first time? He did reach out to follow up after the bid and I told him I went with someone else. Appreciate your feedback/experience on this subject.
posted by missybitsy at 10:04 PM PST - 9 comments

What's a good device for upper-lip hair removal?

I'm a woman with a mustache, and I don't like how it looks. I sometimes use a razor but then I get stubble. I sometimes use a Braun epilator, but it's too large for use on my face. I tried an at-home laser but it gave me a burn on my leg and so I don't want to use it on my face. What is a good device I can use as needed to remove very fine but dark hair?
posted by anonymous at 9:43 PM PST - 19 comments

AITA if I don't offer to help with shipping costs?

My sister-in-law graciously offered to ship my Christmas presents back in December cross-country to me. She was my "secret Santa" and had given me a big wood frame, plus some other items, so she offered to ship everything (all gifts I received from her, plus others, which were few). [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 7:11 PM PST - 20 comments

ADHD Question #6036899

Talking with my therapist (PhD level) this past week, she feels that I probably have ADHD - the H. I've told her things before about list making and my calendar but she always that I was just organized. I explained that everything from garbage pickup to church to dance class are on there. I showed her my lists. I talked about having more and more squirrel moments lately. What I've been doing is not working anymore. [more inside]
posted by kathrynm at 5:01 PM PST - 9 comments

Owl house is a very very very fine house

We want to buy an owl house to encourage owls to nest in the yard. Do they work? [more inside]
posted by ojocaliente at 3:24 PM PST - 7 comments

Food and Stuff near Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, Portland, OR

I have an appointment on Monday in - Portland? Beaverton? - at the Oregon Clinic ENT west. I’m not even remotely familiar with the area and need suggestions for lunch and a couple other city errands it would be good to run nearby. Difficulty level: Will the ice be gone? [more inside]
posted by mygothlaundry at 3:14 PM PST - 5 comments

Fictional depictions of egotistical self-pity?

I'm looking for fiction or film scenes that show self-centered characters brooding resentfully over a sense of imagined offense or injustice-- basically the melodramatic, neurotic, self-pitying side of narcissism. [more inside]
posted by Bardolph at 1:41 PM PST - 45 comments

Support group for caregivers of elderly with abusive histories

A friend is looking for a support group for caregivers of elderly with abusive histories. Online preferably, or Boston area. Details below the fold. [more inside]
posted by aubilenon at 12:26 PM PST - 1 comment

Memoirs about cheating/adultery/infidelity/affairs

Give me your favorites! I would appreciate hearing little bit about why you like it so much, but it’s not at all necessary. Just a link is fine!
posted by wheatlets at 10:18 AM PST - 16 comments

What is the most impressive individually wrapped fair-trade chocolate?

I asked this question 11 years ago (ugh) about finding a substitute for Lindor truffles, which I have at a booth on a convention floor for passers-by. I ended up getting Equal Exchange minibars which were underwhelming. Their wrapper were fine, but not flashy and fancy. (And also tbh they didn’t taste that great). I want something that’s flashy. I want something like Lindor truffles where people walking by, four feet away, see my fishbowl full of candy and say ‘oooo’ and come over and take one and talk to me. But it would be really great if I could buy something that’s fair trade instead of Lindor. It doesn’t need to be truffles specifically. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS?
posted by bq at 9:54 AM PST - 15 comments

SCUBA certification in the Caribbean or Mexico

I used to SCUBA dive quite a bit in different parts of the world. It's been about 25 years (!) since my last dive and I'm ready to have another go at it. I will get recertified since it's been so long. My 15 year old daughter will get certification for the first time. [more inside]
posted by waving at 9:15 AM PST - 10 comments

What are the canonical literary discussions of suicide?

What are the canonical literary discussions of suicide and suicidal ideation? [more inside]
posted by saladin at 8:29 AM PST - 29 comments

Erythromelalgia? Me too! Help!

Do you suffer from erythromelalgia? Apparently, I do too now. Ugh. How do you cope with this? [more inside]
posted by Thorzdad at 3:59 AM PST - 7 comments

January 19

Very simple healthy food, for one?

I eat a shocking amount of dairy and eggs. A lot of the rest of my diet is occasionally eating out, or frozen pizza. It sucks. I need to eat better. I don't have a lot of spoons. What can I "make" with very low investment in time and energy? [more inside]
posted by Number Used Once at 10:16 PM PST - 38 comments

Connecting a domain I already own to a Wix website

So I read the FAQ on the Wix.com website for doing this. I plan to follow the step by step procedure. My question: Is this a relatively painless procedure or am I going to be running across a minefield? The domain I own is managed by Google.
posted by storybored at 7:56 PM PST - 6 comments

How to visualize university budget models?

I'm looking for clear, easy-to-understand visual representations or diagrams of the various higher education budgeting models: where does the money come in from, how does it get apportioned through various parties and stakeholders—academics, athletics, maintenance, administration, etc.—and where does it get spent or produce value? I'm guessing graduate textbooks in management accounting or the economics of higher education would be the first place to look, but I'm not having any luck. [more inside]
posted by vitia at 7:15 PM PST - 5 comments

Help my niece approach her parents for help with therapy costs

My 20-year-old niece has decided to seek therapy for anorexia, bulimia, and depression after four years of extreme mental and physical suffering. Prior to approaching her parents about financial support for therapy, she would like me to advise her because "idk how to ask my parents for the money." If you were in my position as a very concerned aunt, how would you advise my niece to word her request? [more inside]
posted by prairiecatherine at 3:35 PM PST - 13 comments

Post-surgical pain - none and then a lot?

How to deal with periodic post-surgical pain - none and then a lot? [more inside]
posted by Mid at 1:20 PM PST - 14 comments

New trademark owner threatening to sue someone with same name

Recently, a friend of mine was issued a C&D from using the company name they've actively used for well over a decade, by someone who just trademarked the name for the same use. Are they screwed? [more inside]
posted by Unsomnambulist at 12:32 PM PST - 6 comments

blue yeti mic - can i buy just the OEM stand?

Where can I buy just the OEM stand for a Blue Yeti mic? [more inside]
posted by zippy at 11:21 AM PST - 4 comments

A me too moment in a friend group

Please help me navigate the drama of sexual abuse (?) in a friend group from an emotional point of view. Relevant trigger warnings apply. [more inside]
posted by luminary at 11:13 AM PST - 6 comments

British weather data?

Is there a website where you can see what the temperature was in a particular place in the UK on a certain day? It seems like all other countries have this apart from the UK. [more inside]
posted by iamsuper at 9:52 AM PST - 4 comments

How to keep my smut off of Amazon recs

I love me a good smutty novel. And I often buy them off of Amazon. The recommendations that are now appearing on my homepage have... interesting visuals. Is there a way to make them go away and prevent them from coming back? [more inside]
posted by jeszac at 9:34 AM PST - 3 comments

Easy lunches for bad cholesterol

You have been diagnosed with very high cholesterol and need to make simple but profound dietary changes. What do you eat for lunch at work? What no-thinking snacks do you like? [more inside]
posted by thesmallmachine at 9:16 AM PST - 28 comments

Whoever had a neighbor like this?

And what did you do? His project is taking forever. [more inside]
posted by intrepid_simpleton at 8:11 AM PST - 12 comments

How to handle guilt about moving away from family?

Moved away from family years ago, made a life for myself on other side of the country. Now I'm dealing with family problems and how do I deal with the guilt? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:01 AM PST - 14 comments

Paxlovid misdosing

Tuesday morning I tested positive for Covid. I called my healthcare provider and in the afternoon they gave me a prescription. I took my first dose about 7:30pm on Tuesday. Wednesday I took a dose at 6am when I woke up. Then I got confused and thought it was three doses a day. It’s supposed to be three pills, twice a day for five days. But I was thinking it was 3 a day, so I thought it should be every 8 hours, so I took a dose at 2pm, and 10pm. This morning after taking a dose at 6am, I counted and realized I didn’t have enough for five days, and realized my mistake. From here on I can take two doses a day spaced out 12 hours, but I’m wondering if I’m now short a dose. Wondering if I’m in danger of a rebound.
posted by anonymous at 8:01 AM PST - 6 comments

My Money Or My Life

A past employer has asked me to come back for a one-year contract for a specific project, and offered me a significant amount of money to do so (not win-the-lottery money, but definitely pay-off-my-mortgage money). The catch is that I would have to relocate back near their head office to work in person for the duration, effectively putting the rest of my life on hold to go live temporarily in a place that I find, at best, "meh". Should I do it? Is there a way to reframe the decision more positively/palatably? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:00 AM PST - 20 comments

Is a smart watch helpful for ADHD and/or sleep issues, or other?

My husband has ADHD and sleep issues (more detail inside). Would a smart watch benefit him? Any other benefits to a smart watch that anyone here has found? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 8:00 AM PST - 9 comments

I am the exasperated father of a 14-year-old daughter seeking advice.

Not looking for sympathy as the parent of a teenager, but rather some possible solutions and next steps for my daughter's issues with school (academic and otherwise), anxiety, confidence/ image issues, seething resentment and growing anger issues at home..... Help, please? [more inside]
posted by Tenacious.Me.Tokyo at 7:53 AM PST - 39 comments

Name this Cat

We have a new 11 month old Siamese/Bengal mix, female, who is vocal, curious, vertical (climbs), likes to cuddle and be petted, but doesn't like to be picked up. She came with a name but it's sliding off. See for yourself. Suggestions will be taken under advisement, thank you kindly!
posted by seanmpuckett at 6:46 AM PST - 38 comments

Oldies but not ickies?

I'm exploring older cinema and watching flicks that have defined their genres - like the first vampire movies, first zombie movies, first mystery movies, etc. Can you please recommend old movies that are genre classics or really well made but don't give me a misogyny/racism ick? I had planned to see some film noir or neo-noir classics, but I'm getting icked out just reading the synopses or looking at the posters. Many thanks!
posted by luminary at 5:43 AM PST - 23 comments

Help me motivate my mind through the strategic use of smut

I'm trying to learn French and I want this specific e-book: as well as another series (below the fold). [more inside]
posted by A Terrible Llama at 5:10 AM PST - 9 comments

Are USB charging plugs interchangeable? (UK version)

I just bought this cordless waterpik which has a USB charger that only comes with a plug for a UK shaver outlet. My bathroom is small and awkward and there's no good spot to put it by the shaver outlet to charge. Can I instead connect the waterpik USB charger to the regular USB outlet plug for my iPhone so I can charge it in a more convenient spot elsewhere in the house? Or will that lead to badness?
posted by Rhedyn at 4:18 AM PST - 5 comments

January 18

A plumber messed up my house and now I'm not sure what to do next

I need some advice. I have had my first plumber disaster! I feel like I've leveled up as a homeowner. Or at least... I will have leveled up once I get through this. I'm looking for some advice about how to deal with the plumber who screwed my house up, and the insurance company, since I've never filed a claim before. [more inside]
posted by pazazygeek at 6:08 PM PST - 15 comments

Panic (911) buttons with no subscription

I’m looking at these little devices, which appear to be very small cellphones with speakerphones that dial 911. Since carriers are required to support 911 regardless of subscription it seems like they would work anywhere with cell coverage. Too good to be true?
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 4:32 PM PST - 4 comments

Crab identification

We’re identifying various shells from the beach for my kid’s science fair poster. We’re stumped on what this claw is. Help us identify and bring your scientific support! [more inside]
posted by inevitability at 3:44 PM PST - 9 comments

Good enough to support a house, but not steps?

Is there anyone here that knows building codes/laws in New Jersey regarding manufactured homes? I was recently denied steps for what I feel is a ridiculous reason and I want to know if it's legitimate or not. [more inside]
posted by annieb at 2:30 PM PST - 7 comments

how to tell which skin/hair products/treatments are evidence-based?

I want to be a smarter consumer and know when something is a scam (aka based on pseudoscience and marketing rather than good data). I know this is tricky since the FDA's rules on cosmetics aren't as strict as they are for medicine. [more inside]
posted by CancerSucks at 1:56 PM PST - 8 comments

Replacement for discontinued Neutrogena shaving cream?

My stock of Neutrogena Men Sensitive Skin Shave Cream ran out recently and I found out that it's discontinued when trying to order more. I've been having trouble finding a replacement. Has anyone found one with the same slippery smooth feel? [more inside]
posted by Aleyn at 1:31 PM PST - 10 comments

Costa Rica tips for the birder/hiker (Arenal, Bijagua de Upala)

I am all set for a trip to Costa Rica next month. I will be staying for a few days near Arenal Volcano and a few days in Bijagua de Upala (flying through Liberia). I have rented a 4WD car. I'm mostly interested in a relaxed pace and doing lots of quiet hiking and bird watching. I'm also interested in booking some tours or activities in both locations. There's many different tours in both places and I'm a little overwhelmed with trying to pick! [more inside]
posted by forkisbetter at 1:04 PM PST - 4 comments

Does this beloved early 2000s fax-spam image exist somewhere?

Twenty-plus years ago, I received a bit of junk fax: a flyer that was a kind of advertisement for workplace meetings. I loved it. I miss it. Where is it? [more inside]
posted by kensington314 at 11:23 AM PST - 12 comments

Soft, low(er)-sugar beef jerky?

I prefer the texture of more-processed "soft" beef jerky, but not the sugary taste that comes along with it in most versions. I'm not on any specific diet, just don't like my jerky tasting too sweet, so low-sugar rather than no-sugar options are fine. Can anyone recommend specific brands to try with lower sugar content but not tooth-breaking chewiness?
posted by serelliya at 11:07 AM PST - 8 comments

Experiences re: psilocybin or ketamine for anxiety/obsessive thoughts

I have a history of anxiety disorder -- mostly health anxiety, also some obsessive jealousy. These have become very severe in the past year. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:02 AM PST - 7 comments

Long-commute-in-winter-filter: Help me not get stuck in snow every week

My job has me driving from central New York State to Toronto each week, from now through the end of March. I want to know, before I get in the car, whether the trip is feasible or not. Extra difficulty: the most efficient route takes me through Buffalo / Niagara Falls (land of sudden lake-effect snow). [more inside]
posted by marlys at 8:58 AM PST - 14 comments

CleanChoice Energy, Arcadia, Community Solar, etc. Legit? Scam?

Over the past year we've received 2 advertisements in the mail from different clean energy companies that supposedly work with PSE&G, our current energy provider, to provide clean energy. We're in NJ. Has anyone use these services? How exactly do they work? Do you see savings on your electricity bill? Are there things to watch out for? Tax benefits/implications? [more inside]
posted by dabadoo at 8:46 AM PST - 7 comments

Privacy and health wearables

I would like to start using a fitness smartwatch and maybe even try a continuous glucose monitor for awhile. However, I'm very nervous about how to do this without various technology companies, especially Google, and anyone who hacks or pays these companies, having my health data forever. Can you help me understand how much access Google will have to data stored by an app on my phone and offer any privacy tips? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:24 AM PST - 6 comments

How to best take care of my neighbor's cat while he's gone for a month?

My good next-door neighbor is entering a 28-day rehab this weekend. He's incredibly bonded with his cat (it's his first cat, they are VERY close), and he's super anxious about leaving him. I have my own cat (they've had one mostly successful playdate) and will be taking care of his. I work from home, neighbor has also worked from home. When we've traded off sitting, his boy usually hides or ignores me. What would be a good schedule to keep his cat happy and ease my neighbor's mind? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:22 AM PST - 13 comments

Eating out for 20 in Queens

I'm bringing 13 high-school theatre kids to NYC in a month, staying in Long Island City, Queens. I'm looking for places that will welcome 13 exuberant, exhausted theatre kids along with 7 adults and happily serve them food we can't get in our little Seattle-adjacent community. [more inside]
posted by argybarg at 7:06 AM PST - 11 comments

Identify this woodwind quintet

In the late 1990s, my woodwind quintet played a piece that began with a unison melody similar to this: https://trinket.io/music/1f5e3682c8 Can you identify the composer or title? I don't think it was a newer composition, and it may have been published in a book of quintets.
posted by fussbudget at 6:50 AM PST - 3 comments

Where to find this knife?

Any ideas on where I might find a kitchen knife like this one, as seen in Jamie Oliver's preparation of Store Cupboard Fried Rice from Keep Cooking & Carry On? (I am more interested in knives with a blunted nose like this one than its fancy handle, as it were).
posted by chavenet at 6:29 AM PST - 10 comments

January 17

Lincoln Lawyer jewelry

In the first season of the Lincoln Lawyer series (not the original movie), Lorna wears the same necklace in pretty much all episodes, and I would like to find it, or a very similar one. [more inside]
posted by virve at 11:41 PM PST - 10 comments


I love to feel clean but my showering routine is way too long and involved! How can I make it more efficient? Please share your quick-fire shower routines. [more inside]
posted by unicorn chaser at 10:30 PM PST - 18 comments

What should a teen know about applying to college these days?

Little turtle will be going to college soon even though they do not know what they want to major in and have no real plan - and I don't want to make any costly mistakes. More below the fold. [more inside]
posted by turtlefu at 9:04 PM PST - 30 comments

Does this statement symbolize racism?

Pardon me Dear Metafites and forgive me in advance if this question offends. This is a troubling interaction I just had with my primary care physician following a previously posted about hospital stay. (Details to follow) [more inside]
posted by The_imp_inimpossible at 8:37 PM PST - 81 comments

Can you help me identify this western movie by one line of dialogue?

When I was a very little kid, in maybe 1995 or 1996, I was watching TV alone one afternoon, and ended up sitting through a western movie. I can remember a single scene: one cowboy is out in the desert with another cowboy, and he says to the other cowboy, "do you want to go to hell when you die?" What movie did I see? [more inside]
posted by Black Cordelia at 8:33 PM PST - 1 comment

Creative Process Source

There's a list going around titled "The Creative Process" and I'm wondering what the source is. [more inside]
posted by AzraelBrown at 6:56 PM PST - 2 comments

Leggings that go all the way up

The company that made my favorite workout leggings folded a while back. Help me find supplementary HIGH waisted leggings please! Difficulty level: plus size. [more inside]
posted by babelfish at 6:48 PM PST - 7 comments

To minimize washer/dryer vibration upstairs, do I need a top-loader?

To minimize washer/dryer vibration in an upstairs laundry installation, do I need a top-loader? [more inside]
posted by toomuchkatherine at 4:42 PM PST - 13 comments

How to see the other's location in Messages?!

My SO and I voluntarily share our location with each other and we both have iPhones. Yet when we're texting, I'm shown their photo and underneath that, their name, then what city and state they are in from the screen within Messages App. However, on their iPhone, they only see my photo and underneath, my name (a nickname they gave me on their contacts list). We want to change it so that both of us can see what State and City the other is in from within the Messages screen on our respective iPhones. [more inside]
posted by clocksock at 3:39 PM PST - 5 comments

Hokkaido Help

I am having difficulty finding good resources for planning a Hokkaido vacation. Any recs or feedback on my itinerary? [more inside]
posted by inevitability at 1:14 PM PST - 3 comments

Pearson to US destination: how early to arrive?

We're flying from Pearson to a US destination on Friday morning at 8am. How early do we need to arrive at the airport? There are two adults and a child. We do not plan to check a bag and intend to use the Mobile Passport Control app. [more inside]
posted by synecdoche at 10:20 AM PST - 14 comments

How do I help low level developers?

I have been given low level developers who previously were limited to css and html templates. We put them through a bootcamp for reactjs. They were out on a maintenance project so managed to skate by on copy/pasting code with similar functionality. Today I realized they did not grasp their call in the react application was retrieving a json response from a request. How do I help them without being condescending and not doing the work for them? [more inside]
posted by geoff. at 10:13 AM PST - 13 comments

do I need to taper off trazodone? how?

I'm currently on 100mg trazodone nightly for sleep. It's not working super well, so my doc wants me to switch to 100mg gabapentin nightly. Should I taper off trazodone before starting the gabapentin? I know they should not be combined. My doc thinks I can stop the trazodone immediately and start gabapentin the same night, whereas searching online turns up a bunch of webpages that say "trazodone must be tapered off gradually," so I'm not sure what to do or how to do it.
posted by glass origami robot at 10:06 AM PST - 12 comments

Simple personal library catalog / reading journal app?

I’ve been looking into reading journal apps. I’d like something that can connect to some large database so that I don’t have to input all of the bibliographic details manually, but that stores my data locally and only connects when requesting such bibliographic data. There seem to be some apps that do this (though most of the reviews I’ve found are quite vague on the data storage details), however the apps I’m finding seem to fall into one of two camps (social media focused, or self-improvement / gamification focused), each of which have features I specifically do not want. Can you recommend something that meets the full criteria outlined below the fold? [more inside]
posted by eviemath at 9:34 AM PST - 27 comments

A “hike from place to place” vacation?

Have you had a no-camping casual hiking trip? Tell me about it! [more inside]
posted by tchemgrrl at 8:59 AM PST - 36 comments

Addressing bad paint job on trim + doors... through the whole house

We bought a house a couple years ago, and the previous owners repainted everything before they put it on the market. They actually did a pretty great job with all the walls! The big problem is the thick, glossy paint job on the trim, baseboards, door and window frames, and doors themselves. I'd like to remove and redo all of this, which is very clearly a monumental undertaking. Lots of info inside and a few specific questions at the end! [more inside]
posted by caitcadieux at 8:54 AM PST - 16 comments

Where should we stay in Chicago?

Hello, we are looking to spend a week or two in Chicago and are trying to figure out the best place to get an AirBnb. We have been to Chicago a lot, but generally have stayed downtown. Which is what we will do if it makes sense, but we have a car this time. We'd like to be in a walkable part of the city and leave the car parked when we can. [more inside]
posted by ugf at 8:40 AM PST - 9 comments

Are those droppings in my toaster?

There are a few small black burned-on things in my toaster. It's hard to tell, but could it be burnt cockroach/mouse droppings? I've tried shaking the toaster but no go. It could also be just burnt-on crumbs, but it's really hard to tell. [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 7:45 AM PST - 13 comments

Fun things for a young teen to do in cities of Central Europe??

My husband and our 13 yr old daughter and I are traveling in Central Europe (from Australia). We would love to get suggestions for fun things for us & our daughter to do in Vienna, Prague, Budapest & Berlin. Specifics within! [more inside]
posted by beccyjoe at 6:02 AM PST - 19 comments

How can I encourage this cat to come back?

A friendly neighborhood cat occasionally shows up on our fire escape. He's clearly a pet who is allowed to roam, rather than a stray-- he is visibly well-fed and well-cared for. Plus, he has a collar with a tag that says "Roberto. DO NOT FEED" followed by contact information. I won't feed him, but we enjoy his visits-- so what can I do to encourage Roberto to stop by more often? [more inside]
posted by yankeefog at 2:34 AM PST - 12 comments

January 16

The only word I'm sure of is "mesenteries"

Help me find this mid-century comedy sketch about a man preparing to perform amateur surgery on his friend. [more inside]
posted by gauche at 7:03 PM PST - 5 comments

Any tips for objecting to a local development at a design review?

I'd like to make a substantive objection to a development being proposed in my neighborhood. Does anyone have any tips on how to do so without being dismissed out of hand as a whiny NIMBY? [more inside]
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 7:01 PM PST - 16 comments

Songs about choosing to not be a parent

... and the emotional fallout of such a decision. [more inside]
posted by onehundredand80 at 6:17 PM PST - 17 comments

Are these all one plumbing problem or many?

Hello, I have a 100+ year old rowhouse in Washington, DC. Over the last few weeks, I've noticed several new plumbing issues. Are these related? What should i ask the plumber when i call? [more inside]
posted by jindc at 4:05 PM PST - 10 comments

Good salmon cake recipes!

Give me your best recipes for salmon cakes and your preferred accompaniments/sauces! [more inside]
posted by skycrashesdown at 3:35 PM PST - 11 comments

Experiences with Lasik, plus cost/benefit analysis

I'm shelling out $600 for new glasses lenses for the Nth time in my adult life. I have what my first ophthalmologist from 50 years ago called "galloping myopia", which means every 2-3 years my prescription gets worse by about -1/2 diopter in each eye. I'm wondering if getting laser corrective surgery such as Lasik might reset my vision to the point where I could maybe get insurance-covered lenses, saving me money in the long run. Also, testimonials about such surgery. [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 2:59 PM PST - 35 comments

How badly did I screw up here?

My mom is in a bad spot and needs help. She wanted to stay with me, and I said no, but offered to get her a hotel. She's definitely hurt and has gone silent. I'm trying to sort out whether I'm being a callous asshole, or an adult setting reasonable boundaries. There are many snowflake details. [more inside]
posted by a sock with a monkey on it at 2:54 PM PST - 32 comments

Buying home from Mom? ELI5

Stepdad passed away last year and Mom is ready for a bit of travel while she still has the energy, without the responsibility of caring for their rental properties. She'd like to sell to me one of the single-family homes (and I'm psyched! I get to go back home!). Who can help? [more inside]
posted by simonelikenina at 1:41 PM PST - 10 comments

Online dating consultant for my 70-something mom

My 76-yo mom (healthy, independent, still works) is interested in dating ... for the first time in 50 years, after being widowed about a decade ago. She's asked for my help in putting together an online profile, but my experience (as a 40-something man who hasn't dated in a decade myself) is not exactly on-point. So I'd like to find someone to work with her who knows more. Any ideas welcome. Thank you!
posted by DavidNYC at 1:11 PM PST - 6 comments

Best city in Scotland for a hungry librarian?

I am going to be visiting Scotland this May, and I’m trying to decide whether to spend a week in Edinburgh or in Glasgow. Thoughts? [more inside]
posted by exceptinsects at 10:14 AM PST - 17 comments

Obvious scam but what

Every week or so, I receive spam email with this text or a construction very close to this: "...I journey between the worlds of ancient scripts and the resonances of quiet. By sunrise, I‘m a shrink focusing on non-verbal cues; by twilight, I shape clay or lose myself in the pipe‘s melodies. Do you have faith in connections above words? What grounds you in times of introspection?..." It's clearly a scam of some kind. But what? [more inside]
posted by rpophessagr at 10:06 AM PST - 8 comments

What's the best way to upgrade my work monitors?

I am thinking of upgrading my work monitor situation. What's the best path forward? [more inside]
posted by pdb at 9:55 AM PST - 8 comments

Help me make an RV trip with kids suck less

My husband and I are traveling from Mount Shasta CA to Phoenix AZ with our 3 year old and 4 month old. This will be my first time in an RV and not my idea of a good time. Can you suggest some great stops along the way and/or tips for keeping us all sane? [more inside]
posted by gillianr at 9:30 AM PST - 24 comments

The late lamented Stoned Wheat Thins

Has anyone found a good replacement for Red Oval Stoned Wheat Thins? [more inside]
posted by LonnieK at 8:27 AM PST - 11 comments

How to grieve a sudden pet loss of my beloved kitty efficiently?

Last week I lost my beloved cat suddenly due to a stroke. From one moment to another, she was gone, she passed away in my arms. Despite an immediate rush to the vet, nothing could be done to save her. She was healthy, happy, and playful, I got her urine checked recently and her bloodwork was done on the same day. The results came out fine, she received quality food, plenty of cuddles and it is just... unbelievably shocking. I still cannot believe it how my best friend, the first creature who loved me unconditionally, is gone. Mosty likely it is a heart failure or brain stroke, according to vet. [more inside]
posted by Salicornia at 5:34 AM PST - 21 comments

better self-advocacy for medical treatment

I struggle to challenge medical practitioners when I feel like they're being flippant or dismissive of my concerns. How should I approach medical appointments and interactions for better outcomes for myself? [more inside]
posted by quadrant seasons at 12:04 AM PST - 10 comments

January 15

Double down? Double or nothing? Or duplicity? Faculty job hunt edition

This week I have to make a big choice - I could take a faculty job at a university away from my partner/family/friends; I could turn it down to continue with my applications in better locations, including one I have a campus visit for next month; or I could listen, against my better judgment, to the advice of my colleagues telling me I should say yes to the first place but keep pursuing the others. More details after the jump. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:20 PM PST - 21 comments

Books/journals articles in English about armed conflict in Colombia

I'm looking for books or journal articles about Colombia's armed conflict written after 2016, preferably by Colombian or Latin American authors, but not a requirement. An English translation of the Truth Commission's Final Report would also be excellent. My Googling mainly turned up books written before 2015, or books written in Spanish without an available translation.
posted by spacebologna at 7:46 PM PST - 1 comment

Which pull out couch should I buy?

I'm looking for a pull out couch to use when my family has guests over. A Queen size mattress is ideal. Do you have one you've used and can recommend? Thanks!
posted by Fister Roboto at 7:05 PM PST - 13 comments

Poetry for Anxiety

Meditation is challenging for my busy brain, but I discovered that repeating the Hail Mary provided a focus for my brain and a good guidance for my breath that wasn't about counting or heartbeats. The problem is that I have complicated feelings around the Catholic church and thus that prayer. I'd like to try replacing it with something less weighted, but I don't know poetry. Can you recommend short poems/passages of text I could memorize? [more inside]
posted by platypus of the universe at 6:06 PM PST - 39 comments

Contemporary rock/pop song about fame that sounds like classic rock?

A song came up on my gym's Spotify playlist today that caught my attention because it sounded like it could have been a lost cut from The Who's Tommy, but it was clearly a contemporary rock/pop song. Of course now I can't remember any other details, other than that a common repeated line was something like "I should be famous". It was an upbeat song, male vocalist, and really did sound a little The Who. Do you know this song? (Already asked the gym folks, no luck.)
posted by rhiannonstone at 4:07 PM PST - 10 comments

Help me clean my progressive lenses

How do I clean my progressive lens glasses without scratching them but also without having to buy a bunch of products that I don't have. [more inside]
posted by mxjudyliza at 4:02 PM PST - 23 comments

What happened to the U Ghent's online vocabulary test?

A few years back, Metafilter introduced me a great free online test of vocabulary size hosted by a research group at the University of Ghent, vocabulary.ugent.be. Looks like that site has been down for a while. Is the test still available anywhere else? [more inside]
posted by Bardolph at 3:23 PM PST - 2 comments

How do I reach theese keeds? (First-year architecture students edition)

I will be teaching a college class on ‘academic skills’ to a very large group of first-year architecture students and am looking for ideas. [more inside]
posted by Desertshore at 1:58 PM PST - 17 comments

Squishing while squinting but only when depressed

I’m Bipolar II and an easy way to know I’m entering a depressive phase is that I (internally) hear a squishing noise in my temples when squinting or closing my eyes tightly. It just last for a second while I’m making the movement, but it happens throughout the whole phase. I never hear it at any other time. Mostly I’m just curious if anyone else experiences this.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 1:38 PM PST - 7 comments

How to have two "presences" on LinkedIn?

If someone has two gigs, and they use their main LinkedIn page for one of the gigs, how do they handle gig #2? (motivation inside) [more inside]
posted by storybored at 1:37 PM PST - 3 comments

Can somebody help me out with understanding the basics of car insurance?

Some recent developments in my life have left me thinking that I might not understand how car insurance works very well, and I could use some clarification. A few (probably relatively simple) questions after the break. [more inside]
posted by Chuck Barris at 1:12 PM PST - 5 comments

love is patient, love is... persistent?

I am looking for true stories of successful heterosexual romantic relationships that arose as a result of the woman being persistent in her interest and affection towards a reluctant man over a long period of time, and eventually "winning him over." (I know there are many experiences along these lines that have an unhappy ending, and not looking for those.) Where can I find or ask about such instances? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:25 AM PST - 20 comments

Help me find a vegetable broth I actually like.

I try to eat mostly vegetarian, but am having a hard time giving up chicken broth for making soup. Is there a veggie broth I can buy or make that will be similar? [more inside]
posted by leftover_scrabble_rack at 10:15 AM PST - 34 comments

What does it mean to be a professional swimmer?

I'm going to be speaking with someone who's a professional swimmer (in the US), but I don't totally understand what that means. What does it mean to be professional in a sport like swimming? I've googled this, but still don't fully understand.
posted by gigondas at 9:00 AM PST - 6 comments

Shows with Upstairs Royals/Downstairs Staff?

I just finished Cocinera de Castamar and it rekindled my love of stories about estates that involve families and those who serve them. I'm looking for shows or movies like Cocinera de Castamar, and Downton Abbey. Bonus points if they are in the language of the setting. TY!
posted by xicana63 at 8:48 AM PST - 13 comments

Internal brick/plaster wall - strong enough to hold kitchen cabinets?

My flat has solid internal walls made of brick covered with plaster. I want to install kitchen cabinets (both base and wall units) along the length of a 2.5 m wall that currently has none. As best as I can tell, the total thickness of the wall is somewhere between 9-11 cm including the plaster on the living room side and the kitchen tile on the other side. Anyone familiar with this kind of construction know whether hanging cabinets on such a wall is feasible? [more inside]
posted by nanny's striped stocking at 7:20 AM PST - 6 comments

help me find the perfect winter gloves (for me)

basically: men's gloves, as thin/nimble as possible while being decently warm [more inside]
posted by wooh at 5:39 AM PST - 14 comments

January 14

What does "tears running down [one's] spine" imply?

I'm just vibing to "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" by Phil Ochs tonight. But for the first time in a decades I found myself wondering what "tears running down [a] spine" actually means. [more inside]
posted by onehundredand80 at 10:07 PM PST - 17 comments

How to meaningfully journal?

I’m going through Trying Times at the moment and have been attempting to use journaling as a way of exploring my feelings about what’s going on in my life. However I’m running into the same problems I always run into: how to remember what I need to write about from the day, and how to keep myself on track. Any tips? [more inside]
posted by six sided sock at 4:38 PM PST - 11 comments

Emergency Alert Systems

My family has a riverside cabin downstream of a 450-acre private dam, which has repeatedly failed to comply with state regulations, but is given conditional permits to continue. If this dam breaks, it will wipe out roads and structures for over 30 miles, including part of a major north-south interstate. The Emergency Alert Plan, by engineers hired by the dam owner, was compiled in 2013 and contact information (phone calls to land lines!), even ownership information, is hopelessly out of date, and many of the residences along the flood path are rentals. [more inside]
posted by mmiddle at 4:16 PM PST - 11 comments

If you have lost motivation, what has helped you to restore it?

I enjoy things as much as I have ever done but recently I have lost the motivation to make the effort to plan and carry out things that used to make up a lot of my non-work leisure time. [more inside]
posted by scribbler at 12:56 PM PST - 11 comments

Overnight parking options outside of NYC

I'm planning a family trip from Ohio to Massachusetts with a stop over in NYC for a couple nights. We're going to get a hotel in Manhattan, but I don't want to take my car into the city. I'm looking for a place to park overnight, likely in NJ, that (a) is relatively easy to get to, (b) is near a train that can take us into the city, and (c) can be reserved ahead of time for a reasonable price. [more inside]
posted by noneuclidean at 11:58 AM PST - 11 comments

Collaborative garden planning software recommendations?

According to my sometimes suspect searching, this hasn't been asked here in awhile, and a half hour of digging through Google results didn't scratch the itch either. I'm searching for garden/yard planning software. We have a veggie garden, berry patch, and clusters of native pollinator-friendly areas. Hoping to get recommendations for software that checks these boxes: [more inside]
posted by look busy at 11:51 AM PST - 2 comments

Was this a terrible decision?

I bought a small studio flat in Farnborough two years ago, and now I'm wondering if I made a big mistake. My brother had come into a lot of money and he offered to pay the deposit. I had never thought about owing a home before and I had no idea how any of it worked. The only place in the area I could afford was a 299 sq ft studio flat, and I was living in a shared house with a bad landlord at the time, so owning my own studio sounded good. [more inside]
posted by Chenko at 11:14 AM PST - 21 comments

Preventative sports medicine for a manual laborer?

Spouse has a manual labor career. Is there some kind of medical practitioner who can do stuff like assess his strength and balance in detail, and make recommendations based on the work he does? The goal being to reduce the typical aches & pains and wear & tear that come with the job. Looking to maintain/enhance wellbeing based on his specific body, not for injury treatment or general "don't lift with your back" advice. I'm having trouble figuring out the right terms to search! Does anyone have experience getting this kind of preventive care? [more inside]
posted by Baethan at 10:45 AM PST - 4 comments

Can I Eat This: crystallized honey with crunchy ant topping

Are ant remnants poison? [more inside]
posted by MiraK at 10:44 AM PST - 29 comments

Why is my house is rattling every 30 minutes?

A few days ago I noticed a knocking noise happening every so often. Sort of like a knock on the door, or maybe a woodpecker or a neighbor hammering. It has since increased in intensity to be a loud rattling noise. What could it be? [more inside]
posted by ridogi at 9:39 AM PST - 13 comments

Question about movie "The Third Man"

In the move “The Third Man," some time after Holly Martins goes to the funeral of his friend Harry Lime, Martins is contacted by Kurtz. The conversation between Martins and Kurtz seems to set in motion Martins trying to investigate the death of Lime. If Martins hadn’t been contacted by Kurtz, it seems like Martins would have flown back to the USA the next day. But it seems like Kurtz had no reason to contact Martins. It seems like for Kurtz to contact Martins is a flaw in the story. Or is there a rationale that I missed?
posted by NotLost at 8:05 AM PST - 14 comments

rooting for root vegetables

What are your favorite root vegetable recipes? I'm especially interested in less common/less celebrated winter root vegetables, like turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, winter radishes, beets, etc. [more inside]
posted by carrioncomfort at 7:26 AM PST - 31 comments

Japan Travel Question - AnyPass + Japan Sim?

Hi folks - like many people, I am heading to Japan for the Taylor Swift concert in February. Some slight complications beneath. [more inside]
posted by something_witty at 4:04 AM PST - 4 comments

Help me finish a crochet project! I am cursed!

Cursed with ADHD, that is. Crochet has always a hyperfixation but I am 1) bad at counting and always lose my place, even with place pins and 2) I have never finished a single craft project in my whole life. [more inside]
posted by antihistameme at 2:03 AM PST - 18 comments

Books about/set in Valencia

This year's travels will take me to Valencia in April. As is my habit, I'd like to ask for book recommendations to get a feeling for the place. [more inside]
posted by sohalt at 1:34 AM PST - 4 comments

January 13

Explain to me how to use iPhone Focus and Rings like I was...well, 25.

I need my phone not to ring for anyone at all in certain times and in certain locations. At other times, I want members of group A to ring, group B to buzz, and everyone else to have no notifications at all. At other locations, I want group A to buzz, and group B to ring, and everyelse to have no notifications. The rest of the time, I want it silent, with group A and B ringing, and everyone else buzzing. How do I accomplish this in a programmable way, preferably using Focuses?
posted by corb at 10:41 PM PST - 14 comments

Yet another invasion in my house

My house seems to be under attack from carpenter ants. I've had the exterminator come twice to no avail. What can I do next? [more inside]
posted by silverstatue at 7:48 PM PST - 12 comments

Feeling overwhelmed

I've had a rough few months and need to figure out what to do next. [more inside]
posted by treetop89 at 4:18 PM PST - 12 comments

Downton Abbey/Jane Austen-ish books

If it says "For fans of Downton Abbey" on it, I want to read it! Bonus points if it's a mystery. [more inside]
posted by skycrashesdown at 3:34 PM PST - 30 comments

What should I do with this daikon?

I just impulsively bought a daikon radish (lo bok) for the first time and I'm a little intimidated by it. Do you have a recipe that you've personally made and liked? Bonus points if it also uses napa cabbage, which I also bought. [more inside]
posted by randomnity at 2:06 PM PST - 16 comments

What causes power outages

My power is out, so I've got time. What are common causes of power outages (besides wires coming down due to winds, trees, ice which I assume is probably the leading cause)? [more inside]
posted by so fucking future at 1:32 PM PST - 26 comments

Help me think through a trip to Europe from the US

Help me think through the smartest way to see family in France in Spring. [more inside]
posted by saladin at 1:01 PM PST - 15 comments

How do I stay calm during a scary conversation?

It's a conversation with my landlords, who are both kind people in general. They can get pretty fierce though. She gets fiery when she's protecting him, he can get condescending. Conflict scares me quite a bit, and my partner is similar. When we're scared, I get teary and defensive (or contemptuous, but not with these people so far). He gets accusatory and can't stay calm. [more inside]
posted by toucan at 9:21 AM PST - 32 comments

Painful swallowing after eating large piece of bread

Hours later, my swallowing is very painful. No other symptoms. I can drink but with pain. The bread was a very large piece and hard on the edge. I didn't notice - absentmindedly just swallowed.. What damage did I do to myself?
posted by watercarrier at 8:58 AM PST - 7 comments

Help us plan our Australia/NZ trip

Spouse and I are planning a ~2 week trip to Australia and New Zealand (from the US) at the end of this year, roughly mid December 2024 through early January 2025. The current plan is to see Sydney, Melbourne, Wellington and Auckland, but the exact itinerary and timeline is still TBD, and we need your help! [more inside]
posted by DiscourseMarker at 8:51 AM PST - 15 comments

Please share your favourite creative art/art journaling prompts

Looking to put together a list of things I can do to warm up in my sketchbook or scrap paper or to get into a creative headspace and reduce the blank page don't know what to draw feeling. [more inside]
posted by chives at 7:22 AM PST - 4 comments

Best source of post-Covid discussion of pandemic successes and failures

It looks like there is a politically motivated show trial of Fauci going on right now. I am honestly too exhausted to read about it, but I know mistakes were made, even by well-meaning actors during the pandemic. I'm looking for a non-partisan, scientific evaluation of what we (I am in the US) did right and what mistakes were made during the pandemic. Some of it ended up being pointless and performative, but I don't trust the far right to make that determination. [more inside]
posted by mecran01 at 6:35 AM PST - 17 comments

The Arrenhius Equation and the lifespan of supercapacitors?

If a 1.5 farad, 5.5 volt gold film supercapacitor has a rated service life of 20 years at 30°C and 80 years at 10°C, does that doubling continue down toits minimum specified operating temperature of -20°C? [more inside]
posted by fairmettle at 6:21 AM PST - 2 comments

How to save misc but important personal info

What is a good way to save important personal information that is easy to search later? [more inside]
posted by unicorn chaser at 3:13 AM PST - 19 comments

January 12

Super paranoid about my IRA cybersecurity. Did I just fuck up majorly?

I've been working with my former employer to rollover my 401(k) funds to my IRA. In my haste to get the process moving forward, I emailed, unencrypted, my IRA institution name and account number (NOT username or password) to the company that administers the 401(k) so they can complete the task ... [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:03 PM PST - 6 comments

Very VERY Short Adventure Ideas

I have reason to treat myself to an adventure! I have a decent enough amount of money - but I am very short on time! I'm looking for ideas! Details/requirements/explanation within! [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 10:19 PM PST - 17 comments

How can I get my Twitter Archive into a CSV?

I've asked for, and gotten, my Twitter archive but I was hoping to transfer it into a CSV. [more inside]
posted by jaybeans at 9:16 PM PST - 6 comments

Free Evernote Alternative for Tech Noob

I'm looking for a free, user-friendly Evernote alternative that would stick around in the future and sync easily between PC and Android. [more inside]
posted by whitelotus at 8:01 PM PST - 10 comments

Ritually safe, appropriate snacks for a person who keeps halal?

We hired a fantastic household helper for a family member with disabilities. They keep halal. We’d like to have - and have offered - to buy snacks and drinks for them at the house. They have politely refused, but some of the shifts are long, and I can’t imagine them not getting hungry occasionally on the long days. The family member they are caring for is not Muslim, and I would love to understand more about any possible restrictions around eating at a non-halal household. I understand orthodox Jewish restrictions; can’t eat at non-orthodox households because you can’t ensure that meat and dairy dishes have been washed separately. Are halal restrictions similar? Could they eat fresh fruit on disposable plates or bowls? Is there anything else I could pick up to just have around? There are a number of halal grocery stores around; I don’t mind making a special trip. Any guidance on how we can better care for our Carer is appreciated, and any knowledge so I understand food restrictions in need non-Muslim homes would be wonderful.
posted by Silvery Fish at 6:11 PM PST - 7 comments

Film Website Blog vs vblogging?

Hello. I am a huge old cinephile and I love collecting a lot of old films and Criterion Collection/good Blu-rays. I also love writing and I think I would like to start a film blog and delve into some old films/musicals/old film stars back in the day. [more inside]
posted by RearWindow at 5:36 PM PST - 9 comments

Please help a Software Developer get up to speed on AI/ML/LLM

I'm a Software Engineer who's been working for a couple of decades. Not quite a greybeard, but greying. I've been watching the Artificial Intelligence (AI) craze unfold for a while and so far haven't dug much into it out of skepticism. Well, my company just decided to go big on this tech and while I'm not completely sold, I'm on board. How can I get up to speed? [more inside]
posted by sl00 at 5:03 PM PST - 11 comments

Exporting from evernote to joplin, obsidian, etc doesn't work right?

Evernote started charging way too much so I am trying to transition to a different app. I have one use case for evernote, it's to quickly fill out a chart/table for my real estate work, I adapted it from their daily planner and it looks like this for me. When I import to any 3rd party app, it doesn't import correctly and looks like this How can I fix this? or is there a 3rd party app that has built in template tables that I can adapt from scratch? Thanks!
posted by maxexam at 4:47 PM PST - 2 comments

tipping 101

How on earth do I tip? Difficulty level: Mexico [more inside]
posted by starcrust at 3:57 PM PST - 3 comments

Does anyone remember this highly questionable VW commercial?

Years ago I saw a Volkswagen commercial that was in pretty poor taste, built around a "Nazi parents" joke. Does anyone else remember it? [more inside]
posted by virve at 3:26 PM PST - 8 comments

Give me your best reads or personal stories on alienation

I think that for the largest part of my life I have been plagued by a deep sense of alienation. As a third culture “kid” (adult) I have not been able to overcome it. Maybe overcoming it is a tall order but I would like to understand it a bit better. [more inside]
posted by Riverside at 3:18 PM PST - 3 comments

How do I care for an orchid?

A while ago, someone gave me a lovely orchid plant with lots of blooms, like this one. I've always heard they're impossible to care for for the average person. How do I take care of it? [more inside]
posted by kitten kaboodle at 3:13 PM PST - 11 comments

Dad movie recommendations

I’ve recently discovered I love “dad movies”—stuff like The Fugitive and In the Line of Fire. Gimme your fav dad movies! ‘90s preferred but all recommendations accepted.
posted by rhymedirective at 2:27 PM PST - 41 comments

Space colonization game

Looking for a simple "space colonizing" game, probably in-browser and probably found via MetaFilter. Each turn you made simple decisions like whether to go on, probe a planet for more information about its atmosphere, temperature, existing life; communicate with another vessel in your vicinity; maybe slow down to avoid some damage; maybe jettison stuff; try to keep as many colonists alive as possible. At the end when you chose a planet you got a short story about the civilization that ensued and how it prospered or failed. All text, I think.
posted by Wolfdog at 1:18 PM PST - 5 comments

Cat lymphoma - treatment without surgical biopsy

I've read several accounts by people whose vets would treat feline gastro lymphoma on strong suspicion rather than requiring a surgical biopsy. Did this happen in your case? [more inside]
posted by Frowner at 12:39 PM PST - 3 comments

What does a job search look like in 2024?

I found out this morning that my position is being eliminated with a scheduled last day of 2/9. So now what? I haven't had to do this since 2009. [more inside]
posted by miratime at 12:13 PM PST - 14 comments

Which kind of expert do I need?

If I'm the sole trustee of a trust created in the US and I want to invest with a UK business, whom should advise me? [more inside]
posted by rabia.elizabeth at 11:20 AM PST - 1 comment

A tale told by *not* an idiot, hopefully?

Looking for an accessible yet faithful adaptation of the Scottish play. Some requirements inside. [more inside]
posted by MiraK at 10:56 AM PST - 17 comments

Pimp my walker

So my mother just brought home one of these bad boys and other than the obvious racing stripes we’re looking at what accessories would be best. Off the top of my head a cup holder and some sort of collapsable tray (netting?) seem useful. Suggestions from experienced users would be welcome!
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 9:38 AM PST - 17 comments

Ideas on game/structures for conversation-prompt cards?

I’m getting a few people together in a bar to “play” askhole - a deck of high-stakes conversation-prompt cards. I’m looking for ways to structure this play, and maybe make it a bit more game-like than just “take turns answering the questions”. Anyone have any ideas/experiences for how to do this? Have you done this with other conversation-prompt cards? [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit at 8:31 AM PST - 4 comments

Writing improvement?

My son likes to write stories. He's 18, in first year university, Chem major. He took a creative writing elective and was disappointed that it was more about how to write a story rather than actually writing. I've asked two previous questions for him if you want to go look at those. He asked me to help him find "websites to improve his grammar". He uses Grammarly now. But he says it doesn't help him to learn grammar, just shows him how to fix it. [more inside]
posted by Ftsqg at 7:55 AM PST - 21 comments

Escrow service for small crowdfunding campaign

I want to run a crowdfunding campaign. I'd prefer to avoid the 8%+ fees associated with Indiegogo, Kickstarter, etc. I've found a couple of escrow services (Morningstar, Myloanweb) that seem like they might do this, but they have not responded to my inquiries. Any other options? [more inside]
posted by adamrice at 7:54 AM PST - 0 comments

Best way to get from Southampton to Canterbury

Arriving in Southampton on a cruise ship on a Sunday morning and need to be in Canterbury that evening. What's the easiest way to get this done? We are looking for minimal fuss at a reasonable cost. [more inside]
posted by jeporter99 at 7:02 AM PST - 8 comments

Newly sober alcoholic facing sexual dysfunction: what's going on?

A long term (20ish years) alcoholic has begun making serious efforts to get sober, and is now having very long periods of sobriety. However, despite having a fairly active sex life while drinking, they are experiencing issues with sexual arousal while sober, and it is endangering that sobriety as they wonder if they can only have sex while drunk and are (understandably) unwilling to live the rest of their life without sex. You're not their doctor, but they are embarrassed to tell their doctor about this. What might be going on? I want to keep the sobriety going, and figuring this out and potentially solving this problem would help significantly. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:04 AM PST - 18 comments

Kind Bay Area dentist recommendations?

After years of deferred maintenance I really need a dentist who is kind, effective and can sort things out without the usual judgment and scolding. Can you recommend anyone? Ideally located in Berkeley/Oakland or downtown SF but willing to travel for someone good who takes my insurance. Hoping to find someone on the younger side who might be more familiar with recent advances in dentistry and will be around for the long haul since I plan to stay in the area. Thanks!
posted by 12%juicepulp at 4:32 AM PST - 10 comments

January 11

Why do I get different air flow rates in this system?

Can you help me understand a system with a pump, a gas analyzer, and three different flow meters reading giving three different figures for flow rate? [more inside]
posted by twirlypen at 11:57 PM PST - 5 comments

A flight and a show

Suppose you want to produce an immersive theatre show set in an airplane. Your dream is to have it actually be performed in an actual plane, or something close enough. How would you go about doing so? [more inside]
posted by creatrixtiara at 10:44 PM PST - 15 comments

which cigarette brand used the tagline "if you choose to smoke..."?

As above, I recall seeing print ads from the '70s in the U.S. with that pitch, but Google seems to get weird about tobacco-related searches, so I'm stuck. Ideally, I'd like to find some example ads for the brand in question but, again, it feels like a lot of this stuff has been scrubbed. Fwiw, I'm not interested in smoking, just advertising strategies from back then. [more inside]
posted by 5Q7 at 10:26 PM PST - 8 comments

Baking question about lemon cake and curdling

Recently I made Nagi’s lemon cake and it was lovely, but the step where you add the heated milk to the lemon juice resulted in a curdled mess. Future me would like to avoid this, for aesthetic reasons. [more inside]
posted by BeeJiddy at 7:16 PM PST - 4 comments

Shows like The Knick / Peaky Blinders

Looking for more shows like Peaky Blinders or the Knick that have dark, tortured, leading male characters, ideally in a moody period setting. [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 6:08 PM PST - 19 comments

Food etiquette for kid birthday parties?

I am hosting my kid's birthday party from 10am to noon. Do I serve pizza or what are the cool kids having? [more inside]
posted by inevitability at 5:20 PM PST - 30 comments

Getting my Chocolate Fix Without Sugar.

100% cacao powder whipped into extra creamy oat milk with a splash of vanilla is my chocolate treat in my otherwise sugar-free life. What surprise flavor would you try with the the cacao?
posted by Raybun at 5:07 PM PST - 19 comments

Mohawk Storm

X-Men comics are so complex! I want to read the Mohawk Storm run that started in 83. What trade paperbacks should I buy? [more inside]
posted by kittensofthenight at 4:59 PM PST - 7 comments

Temporary foam flooring

Hello, we are looking for some kind of foam flooring or similar to put in the bathroom to soften the sounds for the room downstairs. [more inside]
posted by manageyourexpectations at 4:56 PM PST - 6 comments

Black cat plushie on the double

For a sick friend, coming out of the hospital soon, I am looking for a delivery of a black cat plush on the double...I thought Amazon could help but they quote nothing overnight. Halp? [more inside]
posted by tiny frying pan at 4:23 PM PST - 14 comments

Are collars really ok for dogs?

I'm not an expert on dog anatomy (or any species, really), but common sense and the general knowledge I do have tells me that the neck is a very sensitive area. I can't imagine that pulling on it is a good idea, but it seems like most dogs wear collars all their lives and don't seem to have horrible neck injuries in their old age. What's going on here, how can this work?
posted by wheatlets at 4:14 PM PST - 20 comments

Sprained ankle! Share your experiences.

I really messed up my ankle, what should I expect? [more inside]
posted by Mid at 4:06 PM PST - 20 comments

Home appraisal prior to gift of equity sale

My spouse and I are preparing to purchase the condo we’re living in from her parents. From what I understand, to use “the gift of equity”, we need to have the condo appraised. Is this something that we can pay to have done ourselves, or would the appraisal need to be arranged by the owner? [more inside]
posted by not just everyday big moggies at 3:56 PM PST - 4 comments

My kid has ADHD, and (s)he is great at ____ (activities or sports)

My 6 year old has ADHD (combined). He loves trying all activities and sports, but for various reasons (see inside), we have not been able to stick with any of them. I realize every kid is different, but I'd love to hear about extracurricular activities that your kid with ADHD (or you with ADHD) really enjoys and has stuck with. [more inside]
posted by dabadoo at 3:55 PM PST - 43 comments

Paying for Cancer Treatment, Veterans Edition

My brother was recently (within the last 2 weeks) diagnosed with prostate cancer. He lives in Phoenix and is a military veteran, but does not have insurance. Looking for help figuring out financial options, how to navigate the V.A., etc. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by Saxon Kane at 3:54 PM PST - 20 comments

Should I worry about a verification code that I didn't trigger?

I just got a verification code sent to my phone—like the typical two-factor authentication thing—but I didn't trigger it by trying to log in anywhere. The entirety of the text is: "XXXXXX is your Shop verification code." (Yes, "Shop" is the actual name.) Can I ignore this? Should I worry? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa at 1:50 PM PST - 11 comments

I need a show, maybe two.

Due to circumstances, I will be by myself for all of next week. Additionally, I will be somewhat immobile so I am going to be starting the binge rather early in the evening... [more inside]
posted by repoman at 12:27 PM PST - 91 comments

Fun feline fiction

I've just finished reading a lovely book that featured all animal protagonists, but chiefly cats. It was warm and funny and very comforting. Since I have two rescue gremlins of my own, it was just... nice to read about cats while they cuddled around me and slept. Can you recommend more books of the same ilk? Some difficult content okay but looking for something primarily happy-making, please? Thank you! P.S. Doesn't need to be exclusively cats. You know what I mean.
posted by Nieshka at 11:23 AM PST - 25 comments

UK job filter: how do I get useful career advice?

I've been consciously decoupling from my academic career, I think I have some good qualities and skills that might be valued by a future employer, but I don't know who to approach to get useful feedback / advice / suggestions for what that career path looks like. Any ideas? UK-based. [more inside]
posted by Joeruckus at 9:00 AM PST - 3 comments

Obsessive single-focus review sites

Sleep Like the Dead for mattresses. Ken Rockwell's camera and lens reviews for, well, camera and lens reviews. What are the other obsessively-focused review sites dedicated to applying a highly thorough process and methodology to reviewing everything within a particular product category? These websites just really satisfy me to pore over and I want to find more. [more inside]
posted by capricorn at 8:58 AM PST - 28 comments

Be gone, pesky stain!

I have a stain I can't get rid of. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by pdb at 8:16 AM PST - 9 comments

Dividing household labor

How do you divide emergency household labor when one person has a more flexible job, and the other person has a more rigid schedule? [more inside]
posted by bbqturtle at 6:30 AM PST - 69 comments

January 10

ergonomic sit/stand chairs?

I work at an adjustable-height desk where I can sit or stand, and I'm in need of a good chair for it. What are the best adjustable-height chairs that come with armrests, lumbar support, and a headrest, and are reasonably priced? Willing to compromise on some of these features if needed, except the adjustable height and armrests.
posted by icosahedron at 11:05 PM PST - 8 comments

Athens, Georgia restaurants and attractions

We're going to Athens, Georgia for 2 or 3 nights in mid February. Do you have recommendations for restaurants and attractions in and around Athens? We will have a car, and have one night away from Athens as well. Where would be a good place within a couple of hours drive for one night? We've been to Atlanta, but could of course go back. Is an overnight to Augusta worthwhile? Or Macon? Mrs. Fnorde and I are adventurous eaters and like history, art, birds, geology, quirky museums, and landscapes.
posted by Jasper Fnorde at 6:52 PM PST - 8 comments

Hot, Hot, HOT! CPU overheating

So my son is back from school. Been spending a lot of time gaming. A couple of days ago, his PC started giving CPU overheating messages. So we checked that the fans are running, (they are), cleaned out all of the dust. Same situation. Ran Core Temp on it, and all cores are showing 100C. Any ideas what may be going on? Any other things we can try before taking it in?
posted by Windopaene at 6:29 PM PST - 14 comments

Growing plants for tea

I have a community garden plot, and I'm seeking suggestions for plants that I could use to make tasty herbal teas. Difficulty level: many critters. [more inside]
posted by delight at 5:36 PM PST - 19 comments

Recovering data on quick formatted external drive

My partner accidentally formatted their backup drive instead of the USB stuck they meant to (Windows 10). They had quick format checked. Can data be recovered? Is there reputable third party software available online for free or moderate cost? Or is it better to take it to an expert?
posted by lookoutbelow at 5:03 PM PST - 9 comments

Whole-house battery backup in Eastern PA

Anyone using whole-house battery backup systems without solar? [more inside]
posted by kindall at 4:42 PM PST - 10 comments

Shaking the Magic 8 Ball of Jobs

I was invited to reapply for a job that I'm still on the fence about. How do I frame these questions to help me make a decision and can I ask them to management? [more inside]
posted by socky bottoms at 4:41 PM PST - 7 comments

Best indoor air quality monitors?

What indoor air quality monitors continuously (and accurately) log air quality in terms of particulates of different sizes and common chemical / non-particulate pollutants such as ozone? [more inside]
posted by Number Used Once at 1:54 PM PST - 3 comments

Scenes of love and cooking

Show me clips of characters in movies and TV making food for someone out of love. Think of Sydney making the omelette for Sugar on The Bear, or the egg making scene at the end of Big Night. It doesn't need to be egg-based (egg centric!), it can be any food. [more inside]
posted by bondcliff at 12:47 PM PST - 43 comments

Can you share visual representations of animals in the wild?

I do a good amount of hiking, and while doing so I often think of all the animals that are in the forests and wild spaces I'm tromping through. Do you know of any visual representations that show how many creatures live in and around those places? [more inside]
posted by RajahKing at 11:36 AM PST - 3 comments

Software to match people to party tables?

Does anyone have recommendations for software to manage assigning people to tables at a conference where there are multiple meals and many people and tables to assign? [more inside]
posted by Mid at 10:50 AM PST - 5 comments

If you're good at organizing, organize me!

My house is always too cluttered for my own taste. Most of it is not even decorative clutter, but just things we leave around because they don't have a home or need to be used soon and should not be forgotten about. It's really affecting my mental health, though. Can you help me find a better system? [more inside]
posted by toucan at 10:24 AM PST - 20 comments

INTENSE relaxing practices

I have come to realize that in order for me to relax I need practices that exhaust me to some extent. For example, I have found breathwork (two short inhalations and an exhalation in and out of the mouth) and breath of fire practices to be really helpful. Are there other practices I should be looking for? I use insight timer so if there are specific practitioners or meditations on this app, would love to hear it! Looking for meditation or meditation-like practices, also open to physical practices that require minimal space (under 20 minutes)
posted by allymusiqua at 9:42 AM PST - 7 comments

I want to knit a poncho

I want to knit a poncho for a six-year-old, but I need some help. [more inside]
posted by FencingGal at 9:36 AM PST - 3 comments

Islam conversion video course?

Someone very close to me is converting to Islam. They've asked me to help find them an online course, preferably with videos, to learn more about Islam. They're quite dyslexic and the less written material the better. I'd like to find something in English, very mainstream and 101 to 201 level. They have attended online classes, but they were pretty brief. We have a big local muslim community, but they're a bit shy about asking questions pre-conversion. Recommendations please!
posted by dorothyisunderwood at 8:42 AM PST - 5 comments

Help me hate quinoa less

For health reasons, I'd like to eat less meat and lower carb. But also for health reasons, a lot of vegetarian staples are a no-go for me. Please suggest some relatively easy meals that don't involve legumes, cauliflower, big salads, or a lot of spices. More details under the cut. [more inside]
posted by TwoStride at 8:14 AM PST - 47 comments

Tracking down Paxlovid in NYC

My partner has Covid and is feeling very sick. His doctor prescribed Paxlovid, but none of our regular pharmacies seem to have it in stock. If you've recently had Covid in NYC, can you recommend a pharmacy to try? Or, if you know of another route, I'd be interested in that as well—some kind of overnight mail situation maybe?
posted by Mender at 7:57 AM PST - 8 comments

How to get a copy of a Divorce Order in Ontario ?

Can you please explain to me like I’m five, how to quickly get a copy of a Divorce Order (not certificate) in Ontario? [more inside]
posted by walkinginsunshine at 7:50 AM PST - 2 comments

Name this probably 80s TV show/episode please.

This is a long shot, because it's one episode of a TV show, but it's been bugging me off and on for years that I don't know what show it was. [more inside]
posted by JanetLand at 7:39 AM PST - 8 comments

Doxxed and devistated

A friend unfortunately just got doxxed and is experiencing targeted brigading attacks (calls to employer etc). It's horrible. I think they have the "what do I do now" stuff mostly covered (two factor authentication, delete socials, etc), but I'm looking for links about how this feels from the inside to help validate the shitty feelings. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:33 AM PST - 7 comments

What to expect when you're E.D.specting

I'm expecting an offer soon that would have me move from a position of responsibility in a very large organization to running a very small (2 FT staff, several part-time employees -- about the size of my team now inside my current place of work) not-for-profit with what seems to be a very supportive board. I know every organization is different, but I'd like to start getting some high-level sense of what to expect. I'm 99.9% sure I'm'a take the offer, so this is more about being ready than whether or not I should make the move. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:32 AM PST - 2 comments

Quirky lush music

I was recently introduced to the song Velvet Elvis by Alex Winston. I’d like to find more songs with that kind of dark humor (“You don’t breathe, so you can’t leave.”) The music in the chorus seems kind of …. Decadent? I like that too. I’d like to hear more songs in this vein. Thank you. . I generally prefer non-romantic themes, but I’m open-minded.
posted by bunderful at 7:11 AM PST - 3 comments

What's the best news newsletter?

I've been subscribing to the Need2Know email newsletter for years because I loved that it was a brief, simple recap of the 10 biggest news stories of the day. Unfortunately, now that their parent company has been acquired, the newsletter is just a list of 5 clickbait links and no longer the useful daily news recap I liked before. What's the replacement? [more inside]
posted by capricorn at 5:33 AM PST - 8 comments

Insomnia, oh my!

I know sleep is good. I need it. It's very bad that I can't sleep. Do I stay up until morning or force myself to sleep for 3 hours before I need to wake up? [more inside]
posted by mxjudyliza at 4:42 AM PST - 12 comments

Reading light

Help me find an answer to this problem! I need to read actual books (not ebooks) in bed or write in an actual journal by hand during the night when my kid is asleep in the same room. [more inside]
posted by mxjudyliza at 12:24 AM PST - 12 comments

January 9

Heart failure management in elderly

My dad was recently diagnosed with heart failure. His vitals are good but he’s tired all the time. Not much has been explained to me about how to manage it (other than, must have diuretics, and sodium and fluid management). Reading about HF actually is overwhelming on an emotional level because it’s so scary. [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock at 9:03 PM PST - 10 comments

Christopher Guest's informal comedy troupe

Christopher Guest's mockumentaries (Spinal Tap, Best In Show, A Mighty Wind, etc) share many of the same actors - Harry Shearer, Catherine O'Hara, Eugene Levy, Jennifer Coolidge, Fred Willard, et al. I was sure I'd heard some sort of collective noun/informal group-name for this bunch, but can't for the life of me find it. [more inside]
posted by quinndexter at 7:32 PM PST - 15 comments

Petfree dating in my 30s

I am single, male, 32, dating women, and I do not want to date people with pets. At this point in my life I am dating monogamously for a long-term relationship, and I do not want to live with a pet. I am allergic to cats and do not enjoy the company of cats or dogs. But now for some reason everyone has a pet! And I don't know how to effectively meet people without pets. [more inside]
posted by LSK at 6:40 PM PST - 26 comments

Unhinged about a hinge

My kitchen cabinet door is falling off its hinge (photo 1, photo 2, video). I think the problem is the mounting plate has been deformed (photo). The only thing I can find out about the hinge is that the brand is FGV. Do I need to buy exactly the same hinge? Or can I just buy a new mounting plate? If I do buy new hinges, will they fit in exactly the same holes? If not, what do I do, since the cabinets are this cheap particle board material?
posted by cacofonie at 6:02 PM PST - 7 comments

Socially Awkward Situation At Work

Anyone else in an similar predicament? [more inside]
posted by morning_television at 4:40 PM PST - 21 comments

How does Bumble work?

It's a new year and hope springs eternal. I'm going to try to do some dating after many years away. I don't get how bumble works. Suppose I swipe yes on a guy, then what? Do I have to wait to see if he swipes yes on me, and then I send him a note? Also, are there other sites I, an old (and getting older) woman, should try?
posted by gigondas at 3:11 PM PST - 15 comments

I don't think this is skiplagging, but is it okay?

Can I purchase a round-trip airline ticket and use the entire outbound trip, and then cancel or no-show for the return? If it matters, the desired leg is UK to USA. [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa at 2:40 PM PST - 12 comments

Tell me where to go in France.

About to book a flight to Paris. Two ladies headed there for first time. Tell me where to travel to besides Paris. [more inside]
posted by ReluctantViking at 1:53 PM PST - 15 comments

What are my options here, if any?

I was involved in an accident December 10th, 2023, in a car that I paid for but was under my parents name. The other driver was 100% at fault and we received a total loss settlement offer. The policy on that vehicle was valid until 4/18/2024, I was not listed as a driver, but it is the policy I showed the dealership when I purchased a new vehicle under my own name on December 20, 2023. I was involved in another accident January 8th, 2024, with the newly bought vehicle but I had yet to transfer over the vehicle because I was told I had 30 days to do so. [more inside]
posted by veermuth at 12:03 PM PST - 9 comments

Reengaging the neighborhood, building community. Print? Digital?

I'm on the neighborhood board in a mid-size (500,000+) U.S. city that, like many, has undergone major demographic shifts in recent years. Key among them, lots of large apartment buildings sprouting up, filled with childless folks age 20-35, many transplants to the city. I'm looking for suggestions on community engagement, w/ print vs. digital question within. [more inside]
posted by falcon42 at 11:20 AM PST - 8 comments

Custom orthotics for plantar fasciitis

This was me a few months ago. By now, though, the cortisone shot has worn off and, when getting another shot yesterday, the podiatrist suggested I get custom orthotics. The cost ($500+) doesn't concern me if they really will make a difference, but *will* they make a discernible and worthwhile difference? A few more details inside. [more inside]
posted by DrGail at 8:23 AM PST - 29 comments

Eyeglass-related ear headaches?

Both I and a close relative get mysterious above-the-ear headaches with certain pairs of cheap eyeglasses... even when they're not obviously pressing on our head or even touching the site of the pain. Is this a known thing? How can we pick glasses that won't do this? [more inside]
posted by Bardolph at 6:34 AM PST - 12 comments

Article looking forward into the new year, thinking about what we want

Spotted an article recently (perhaps on Hacker News?) that mentioned trying to better understand what we want. There was a tweet at the start that said something like "most people would do well to spend even five minutes thinking about this question". Can't seem to find it anywhere in my history, though I could've sworn it was on Substack. Can anyone help me?
posted by osmond_nash at 6:05 AM PST - 3 comments

What do I need to read or watch to catch up on 94 days of genocidal war?

I had scheduled surgery across the US shortly after Oct 7th, and then stayed relatively out of touch since then. What's the best way to get up to speed? [more inside]
posted by Summers at 4:31 AM PST - 20 comments

January 8

Mental Health Care Intake Appointment Tips And Tricks?

So, I'm pretty brain broken, and am finally on a Medicaid plan that is going to maybe let me get the mental health care I need to heal. I'm going to be having my first real intake appointment interview with enough backing to get me the care I might need. I have PTSD conversion disorder shit involving body shaking and a lot of other things to the point where I'm out out of work for over a year. Any advice on how to talk to the doctor? [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 9:32 PM PST - 12 comments

Tips and tricks for New Dog Owners

New dog owner. What are small helpful tips, tricks, or life hacks that you wouldn't read about in the books for giving the dog and their owners their best and happiest life? [more inside]
posted by roaring beast at 5:16 PM PST - 42 comments

Kintsugi for handbags

The right eye fell off my favorite handbag. Short of removing the other eye, is there anything I can do to either repair this or make it look nicer? [more inside]
posted by pxe2000 at 4:45 PM PST - 7 comments

entangled health/social/job things; halp?

I'm not doing super well, been dealing with ongoing insomnia/anxiety/overwhelm on top of starting a new job. How do I deal with my health problems while staying stable enough for my new job? [more inside]
posted by glass origami robot at 4:43 PM PST - 17 comments

Accessing a single computer from two desks on separate floors

I'm moving into a new house soon. The basement has a finished office where my Windows workstation will be located. I have a 32-inch 4K monitor. I'd like to have the ability to connect to that computer from a bedroom located on the first floor. [more inside]
posted by akk2014 at 4:38 PM PST - 13 comments

Setup for Switching Between Personal and Work Laptops

I have a personal macbook air and a windows laptop for work. I'd like to be able to quickly toggle my external display between the two computers throughout the day. Is this possible? [more inside]
posted by veery at 2:29 PM PST - 5 comments

Do flickering lights bother you significantly?

I am working on a project to identify and share instances where common overhead lights are flickering and causing others distress. [more inside]
posted by aetg at 2:11 PM PST - 10 comments

Please help me buy my first private health insurance plan

After decades of poverty, Medicaid, and sometimes being uninsured, I’m about to buy my first-ever private healthcare plan. Please walk me through this process and help me sort out how to make sure everything I need is covered. I've never done this before, and I am chronically ill and need consistent care, but the process is confusing. [more inside]
posted by Fire at 1:03 PM PST - 11 comments

Removing old scotch tape on a finished wooden door

I am moving office and need to clean off my office door. It is a finished wooden door, and there are several (think 30) items taped to it. I need to remove the tape in the fastest and least harmful-to-the-door means possible. [more inside]
posted by oflinkey at 11:52 AM PST - 9 comments

Cat lymphoma - how did you treat? What were costs like

Our cat, aged fifteen, has kidney disease and intestinal thickening. For a variety of reasons, I suspect lymphoma rather than IBD. Did/does your cat have small cell lymphoma? How do/did you treat? [more inside]
posted by Frowner at 11:43 AM PST - 15 comments

Trash Can Sounds, the New Ambient

I’ve been experiencing a hearing problem in loud environments that sounds like metal trash cans crashing together. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by ashbury at 11:30 AM PST - 6 comments

How to ship mole paste to South Africa?

I have a foodie friend in Durban to whom I'd like to ship some Oaxacan Mole paste. I live in the USA and shipping things to her has generally been a customs nightmare even when it's not a foodstuff, so I'd prefer to have it shipped directly from a company. More inside. [more inside]
posted by egeanin at 11:03 AM PST - 7 comments

How can I add a hanger to plaster mold after drying?

I have a plaster mold of my kid's handprint that I would like to hang on my wall. Difficulty level: mold has been dry for two years. [more inside]
posted by ArgentCorvid at 10:32 AM PST - 10 comments

Virtual Reality is almost as intimidating as Reality Reality!

For the holidays, my partner and I got a Meta Quest 3 VR system and a year's subscription to the Supernatural fitness app. We are total VR and video game newbies. I'm interested to hear if others have any games/tips/tricks for using the Meta Quest 3 either individually or as a couple? [more inside]
posted by kinsey at 9:54 AM PST - 11 comments

Jungle Vision

So, I am going for a multi-day hike in the jungle/rainforest with a guide . What practices can *I* use to i) spot wildlife and ii) learn to pay attention to notice details. Additional difficulties: the visual field/detail can be overwhelming, and I'm likely to be tired from hiking. Assume all hours of the day (dawn to dusk)!
posted by lalochezia at 9:51 AM PST - 8 comments

other than bean threads: noodles that cook instantly in boilED water?

For work I love to make myself instant soups for lunch by putting bean threads, broth base, and other goodies in an insulated container. They travel well and there's no chance of spilling in my bag. I cook them by boiling water in a kettle and pouring it into the container, then covering it and waiting a bit. I would love to try other fresh noodles for this. I live a block from a Chinese grocery with a huge assortment of fresh noodles. When I pick up my bean threads, I always eye the dan dan and lanzhou noodles which I know I love, but I don't know if they would get sufficiently cooked by this method. Other than bean threads (and instant ramen I guess), which fresh noodles will be tasty after pouring boiling water on them, covering, and waiting a bit?
posted by dbx at 9:37 AM PST - 6 comments

Question about inheritance tax between countries

My father is a US citizen living in the USA. I'm a dual citizen of USA and Canada living in Canada. When I inherit money from him after he dies, is the tax situation different because I live in Canada?
posted by Joan Rivers of Babylon at 9:27 AM PST - 3 comments

Nice place to stay in Paris this spring

My daughter and I are planning a trip to Paris in late March. I'd like some advice on where to stay. [more inside]
posted by OHenryPacey at 9:18 AM PST - 12 comments

WFH folks - how many billable hours = full time?

I was previously in academia for 10+ years, where everyone partially worked from home and there is no life/work balance. Now I have an academic-adjacent job where I am only expected to work 35hrs a week (i.e. 8hr days minus a lunch break). Curious how others think this should translate into concentrated work time. [more inside]
posted by coffeecat at 8:52 AM PST - 18 comments

Coming home with newfound cognitive impairments (when u think ur fine)

Any tips for breaking it to a very independant 78 year old that he is not/cannot likely continue the lifestyle he had before he hit his head? He's been in the hospital for a month, but lately often thinks he is on a cruise. We and his doctors have been mentioning some of the major lifestyle adjustments he needs to make while he's been in recovery, but he forgets a lot. He's coming home Wednesday, and we are nervous about his access to iphone, computer, his bills/paperwork, his car, and umm booze. Snowflake filled saga inside. [more inside]
posted by wowenthusiast at 8:49 AM PST - 5 comments

What's a constructive way to spend two free minutes?

I'm looking for some way to spend extra minutes (e.g., between pull-up sets at the gym) that's not randomly scrolling Twitter or similar sites. If I was religious, it might be reading and thinking about a bible verse. Is there a humanist alternative for someone with broad interests?
posted by Jon44 at 8:05 AM PST - 25 comments

diy plug-in battery charge level indicator for small rechargeable device

I have a small rechargeable bluetooth media controller for my android phone. It does not have a battery charge status indicator of any kind. Is there a way to make (or buy, but I can't find one) a device that can be plugged into its micro-usb charge port and somehow indicate the battery's charge level? This is the device I have: https://www.amazon.com/LZYDD-Bluetooth-Wireless-Control-Smartphone/dp/B00V6OFWAC Thanks!
posted by atm at 7:10 AM PST - 2 comments

Used Car with Manufacturer Buyback History

Looking at buying a 2019 Nissan Leaf SV Plus 62kWh from a used car dealership, it's $13k which is a few k cheaper than other Leafs with the bigger battery, but on the Carfax report I pulled it says it was bought back by the manufacturer because "Vehicle battery is not charging correctly/vehicle not wanting to start" (more from Carfax inside). Is there a way for me to find out what actually went wrong and what was replaced to fix the car? Is the price low enough to make up for the manufacturer buyback? [more inside]
posted by gregr at 6:37 AM PST - 8 comments

Need costume ideas involving a (hobby) horse, of course

I am participating in a group costume this year that involves not-real horses. We each will come up with our own costume, so we don't have to match or coordinate at all, other than the fact that we all will be riding hobby horses. Hit me with your best horse riders! [more inside]
posted by tryniti at 6:04 AM PST - 29 comments

Replacement for discontinued moisturizer

My beloved moisturizer Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Face Moisturizer Gel-Cream to Hydrate and Smooth Extra-Dry has been discontinued. Need to find a good dupe! Hoping for personal recommendations. [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 5:25 AM PST - 11 comments

Are there any decent video games about crocodiles?

My 5 year old is obsessed with crocodiles and keeps asking me for a video game about catching them. This is a bit of a hail mary since I feel like if such a thing existed I'd already know about it, but google searches haven't found me much. [more inside]
posted by Silentgoldfish at 4:35 AM PST - 13 comments

Did the Duolingo mass layoffs of translators really happen?

A week or so ago I heard that Duolingo had laid off most of its translators at the end of last year and was going to replace them with AI. When I looked for more information, all I found was a single Reddit post and sites referencing that post, with no statements from the company. I went looking again today and couldn't find a report from a reputable news source. Did the Duolingo mass layoffs of translators really happen?
posted by Kattullus at 2:24 AM PST - 7 comments

January 7

Self-talk to find reality again after being psychologically abused

There is a crisis happening now that could be my momentum to getting out of my bad marriage, but I think I have to remain "awake" to the abusive behavior over time which is difficult. If you got out of a relationship riddled with narcissistic and possibly sociopathic behaviors, please share your best practices. [more inside]
posted by What a Joke at 11:22 PM PST - 27 comments

J&J booster shot - worth it?

We've finally got access to booster shots again here in Cape Town - but apparently they only offer the original J&J. Is this worth getting? [more inside]
posted by Zumbador at 10:57 PM PST - 12 comments

Should we track down our cat's other caretaker?

A stray cat started visiting us about 8 months ago and now she spends most of her time with us. But she clearly had a caretaker before us and still seems to visit them. Should we attempt to make contact? [more inside]
posted by mullacc at 9:51 PM PST - 7 comments

What's the Nike Pegasus of snow boots?

I've got picky feet, and pretty much the only shoes I've found that I don't have complaints about are various generations of Nike Pegasus. But I can't wear them in rain or snow. What kinda boots should I try next? [more inside]
posted by moonmilk at 3:38 PM PST - 7 comments

Tattoo ettiquete... in this economy

I'm looking for a bit of advice on how best to cancel with a tattoo artist who has asked for specifics on why I don't want to reschedule an appointment. Further details within. [more inside]
posted by Pemberly at 3:36 PM PST - 18 comments

Mass drug interaction detector

Drugbank has a nifty drug interaction checker for up to 5 drugs at a time. Unfortunately I need to check for twenty. Does anyone know of a checker that will do that many at once?
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 2:32 PM PST - 7 comments

Which 3 Cities in Southern France for a summer holiday?

We are thinking of holidaying in Southern France this summer, picking 3 locations as a base and spending ~5 days in each, visiting in last week of June and first week of July. My current short list is Avignon, Nimes, Montpellier, Aix-en-Provence, Arles, Beziers, Perpignan and Carcassonne. [more inside]
posted by biffa at 2:20 PM PST - 8 comments

Online website calendar/event Registration

I have been tasked with finding a calendar for work that can be embedded into a website, managed by a number of people, and allow bookings (and cancellations!) by public. [more inside]
posted by malpractice at 12:26 PM PST - 5 comments

Putting vocals through guitar pedals?

I sing in a psych rock band and I want a better range of vocal effects. Can you help me weigh up the following options...? [more inside]
posted by freya_lamb at 12:07 PM PST - 7 comments

Swimming Pools- New York, Indoor, 2024 Edition

Hi- I'm looking for suggestions for good (quiet, large, clean) indoor pools in New York. I will state more specific preferences inside. [more inside]
posted by bquarters at 11:21 AM PST - 3 comments

Need to chose a new 24" gas (propane, really) range. hope me!

Do you have a small (24") gas or propane stove/oven in your kitchen? What model? Is it powerful enough? Especially would like to hear from people who are using propane since sometimes natural gas-->propane conversions lead to burners being less powerful.
posted by needs more cowbell at 9:47 AM PST - 11 comments

The Cholesterol Couple

(A title I’d like to drop). Please tell me what changes you made to lower your cholesterol. [more inside]
posted by sucre at 9:30 AM PST - 37 comments

What UNIX could my local ISP have been running in 1993?

I'm trying to remember what UNIX I would have been cutting my teeth on back in 1993 when the first UNIX machine I ever remote-touched would have been whatever my local ISP was running back in the early days of commercial internet. I'm looking for a range of likely possibilities, not a definitive answer. [more inside]
posted by glonous keming at 8:53 AM PST - 19 comments

Character / setting continuity in generative AI images

I've started playing with DiffusionBee on my Mac and enjoying it (thanks gregr!). But one limitation is that each time I run a prompt, it generates a new person, new setting, etc. Are there AI image generation tools that let me develop characters & places, and then use them in different prompts? [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust at 8:38 AM PST - 4 comments

How to make the best use of my Apple Watch series 9 ?

Got my first Apple Watch series 9 before Christmas and I’m thrilled with the features so far but it’s overwhelming too. I’m basically using it for general info like weather, calendar, mail, text and most importantly tracking my exercise. [more inside]
posted by SunPower at 7:49 AM PST - 15 comments

January 6

Straddling the Fence

My next subject for a song is my desire to belong to a group conflicting with my fear of commitment. What is your experience with this?
posted by falsedmitri at 8:34 PM PST - 6 comments

What is this infuriating mystery noise coming from inside my walls?

Does this sound like an electrical wiring issue, or something else? [more inside]
posted by chives at 7:05 PM PST - 12 comments

Help me plan a weekend in NYC

Two days. A tenuous understanding of NYC geography and scale. An over-ambitious plan, probably. [more inside]
posted by ambulanceambiance at 5:24 PM PST - 21 comments

ground turkey can I eat or freeze it

Ground raw turkey, one day past its use or freeze by date, can I freeze it safely for future use now? It'll take time to thaw when I eventually use it. Just worried since it's ground meat.
posted by Rufous-headed Towhee heehee at 4:29 PM PST - 4 comments

Where are the lil lake communities with good vibes and few motorboats?

We are interested in living on or very near a calm, swimmable, kayak-able, freshwater lake in the US for a month or two this summer. Open to anywhere in the US, but especially southwest-ish, like CA, CO, UT, NM, AZ. Even maybe Canada! Where are the sweet lake communities? [more inside]
posted by luzdeluna at 3:04 PM PST - 6 comments

Best service to send mass emails with attachments?

I work for a social services nonprofit. Looking for the best service to send mass emails. I need to be able to send attachments (pdfs). [more inside]
posted by SoberHighland at 2:21 PM PST - 11 comments

Help me find a Pakistani lens on pre-Partition history?

I'd like to learn more about the history of what is now Pakistan - and I'd also like to understand better how people living there relate to that history in the context of Partition. [more inside]
posted by quacks like a duck at 2:04 PM PST - 7 comments

What can I do with olive paste?

We were given a jar of this paste and have no idea what to do with it. Ideas please (beyond “just spread it on something”). Please assume no dietary restrictions beyond “not too spicy”.
posted by dbmcd at 2:03 PM PST - 11 comments


My DvD player will, say 3x times a month, just start fast forwarding by itself, why? [more inside]
posted by clavdivs at 1:53 PM PST - 6 comments

Games studios for simple, inexpensive no subscription apps?

There are few games I would like to get offline apps for - mostly card games like Euchre and Spider Solitaire. I don't mind paying $5 or even $10 for these kinds of games but I am not willing to pay an ongoing subscription fee or look at advertising after every hand. It is impossible to sort through the zillions of options in Android so I am wondering if there are game studios that specifically make these kinds of inexpensive games that I could look for.
posted by jacquilynne at 1:30 PM PST - 6 comments

What are these pens I loved?

I bought some pens once to use in my art, and I can't remember what they were called. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by mermaidcafe at 12:51 PM PST - 6 comments

A question about domain name moving...

I feel like this is a really stupid question, but... I have a Wordpress website hosted on Siteground at mydomain.com. I want to move the domain name but not the site to Pair. I want to design the site, also using Wordpress, and then turn it on when I'm ready. In the meantime I'd like to keep my Siteground site going and preferably not have any downtime when I switch. I know how to change the DNS when I'm ready but... [more inside]
posted by dobbs at 11:51 AM PST - 5 comments

Looking for fencing companies in Portland, OR

The fence in my back yard blew over and I need to replace it. For 150 linear feet, the first contractor to come out quoted me $12,000, which seems high based on digging through a few pages of search results. I'd love to hear from others if that sounds like a normal price, and also welcome recommendations for fence companies in Portland, OR.
posted by Pudding Yeti at 11:21 AM PST - 12 comments

Movie recommendations for young and old

Need some movie recommendations that will be enjoyable for a 4 and 14 year old. Adults too would be a plus. No guns or violence. Studio Ghibli and Pixar have been well loved but are getting old. Bonus points if easily found on Netflix, HBO Max, or Disney Plus. Thanks!
posted by steinwald at 10:14 AM PST - 19 comments

This crap is expensive

What is your experience with your bidet toilet? [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri at 9:57 AM PST - 9 comments

Accessing old macbook account of deceased relative?

We have a laptop with invaluable family photos on it, and thought we knew the password but it doesn't work. We're now looking for any way to gain access to the account. More details inside. [more inside]
posted by unid41 at 9:04 AM PST - 7 comments

How do older/non-mainstream songs go viral on TikTok?

I know, or can guess, that newer, popular songs can be promoted through the app. But what about the older ones that randomly go viral? (Example under fold) [more inside]
posted by bearette at 7:05 AM PST - 6 comments

If I get regular pet/ct scans, do I need the every-ten-years colonoscopy

I was diagnosed about 1 1/2 years ago with fourth-stage kidney cancer. Five-year survival with this diagnosis is 17%. There is no remission nor treatment that leads to remission. BECAUSE OF THIS, I get a combined PET and CT scan about every 3 to 4 months. Now I'm leading up to a regular colonoscopy. I'm 71 years old. [more inside]
posted by tmdonahue at 6:04 AM PST - 8 comments

Is Go fund me ethical in in this situation?

I had to spend two weeks in a hospital due to a psychiatric breakdown but while I was being treated I started suffering a series of non epilepttic seizures, perhaps brought on by the combination of medications that had contra indications to my medical conditons and maybe brought on by the stress of the breakdown itself. I was not released to return to my job by the PCP until next Monday and as a result i have gone extremely behind in all my bils. I have no idea how i will catch up and wondered would it be unethical to post a Go fund me for myself to try and raise the amount of money I would have earned had I been at work? (continued) [more inside]
posted by The_imp_inimpossible at 3:32 AM PST - 12 comments

Git/Github issues merging into multiple branches

I'm having problems with Github/Git. When I merge a working branch into my development branch and there are conflicts, resolving those conflicts merges the development branch into the working branch so when I then try to merge that branch into the main/live branch, it contains everthing from the dev branch, not just the changes from the working branch. [more inside]
posted by missmagenta at 2:45 AM PST - 11 comments

YouTube livestreams or Zooms to replicate some co-working space benefits

I don't work through disability and am at home most daytimes. My focus isn't the best even for easy things like journaling, never mind what I'd like to more of this year (reading more books and having a diary with my notes and reactions). Since the pandemic I have very much enjoyed lunchtime (UK time) Zooms with The Chatty Cafe Scheme, just general light chit-chat for half an hour twice a week. I am not a journalist or writer doing anything important or a co-working space would be ideal to be a bit more productive just at following my interests and being around others. Can anyone recommend a zoom chitcat group or YouTube channel that offers a good "Study with me" or "Journal With Me" vibe? In the past I have enjoyed watching replays of journaling with the Kathy Hampton videos but she is specialised in helping black women over 50 become their best selves (I'm over 50 but a white male) and I have enjoyed replays of study with me with Cinzia Dubois (more aimed at people studying Ph.D.'s). [more inside]
posted by AuroraSky at 2:29 AM PST - 3 comments

January 5

How to record Adiobooks myself?

I want to publish my books as audiobooks. I need advice about recording equipment, software, and work flow. [more inside]
posted by Zumbador at 11:11 PM PST - 5 comments

Choosing a double mastectomy (and no radiotherapy)

I'm heading into meeting a surgeon and making decisions next week for early detected cancer. I'm not too worried about advocating for the surgery I want, an aesthetic flat double masectomy given a family history of young breast cancer, plus the absolute hassle of surgery due to other health conditions, but the current medical research seems to heavily push a single mastectomy as the better option even with the same outcome. I'm also not keen on lumpectomy+radiotherapy now as it's a one-time tool. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:09 PM PST - 12 comments

Tiny piece of glass stuck in my finger for weeks

I got a tiny sharp piece of glass left in my finger from cleaning up a smashed glass. It has been several weeks now, the skin has fully healed over it. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by splitpeasoup at 9:48 PM PST - 18 comments

If you could fly, how would the FAA handle that?

Help me settle a debate with a friend. If a person could fly through the sky, in the vein of superheroes Superman, Captain Marvel, or Angel (e.g. under their own power), what would happen in terms of airspace regulations? What would you need to do to keep it legal; what would happen if you flew illegally?
posted by LSK at 9:04 PM PST - 20 comments

Things that make you happier when you do them

Looking for personal opinions about your experience rather than links to articles! [more inside]
posted by Eyelash at 7:43 PM PST - 50 comments

Blurring background on all Microsoft Teams calls

I've tried to Google this and look at the Teams FAQs but everything I've found dances around the question. [more inside]
posted by Eyelash at 7:27 PM PST - 5 comments

Advice/timing for returning a rental car to LAX and flying home

I’m on vacation in LA, staying near the Santa Monica Pier. I’ve got a rental car I need to return. My fight is at 11:55 AM PT this Sunday, Jan 7. How long should I count on it taking to get from my hotel to the gate? What’a good time to leave? (I’ve been hearing scary stuff about construction around the airport leading to super-long times from the car rental to the gate) [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit at 6:26 PM PST - 9 comments

Gaps in newly-refinished hardwood floor- solutions?

We had our hardwood kitchen and dining room floors refinished in July. They looked *awesome* for about 4 months, and when the dry weather of winter hit we started seeing fairly large gaps that are accumulating gunk, catch on socks and don't look great. Help? [more inside]
posted by charmedimsure at 1:46 PM PST - 11 comments

How to hide a bunch of Discord channels

I'm a Discord beginner. Is there an easy way to hide the dozens of channels I'm not interested in without going into each one and muting it? [more inside]
posted by daisyace at 1:30 PM PST - 7 comments

Things to disable on new business PC.

I'm getting a new desktop PC for work. I think it's going to be a Dell. Switching from Mac, so I need your advice on all the annoying "features" to have my computer guy disable on the new machine. [more inside]
posted by bluesky78987 at 1:30 PM PST - 16 comments

Best way to make keepsake with a pinch of sand

I have a tiny amount of beach sand from somewhere sentimental (think "couple of ml"). I would like to share half of it with a friend. What's the best way to make a keepsake in order to preserve such a small amount of sand? [more inside]
posted by wenestvedt at 12:43 PM PST - 16 comments

How do I properly vet senior retirement facilities

My siblings and I are working to help our mother move into an independent living facility/retirement home/senior community/whatever the current terms of art are. I have been charged with helping to vet the available facilities in the area in order to winnow the choices down to a reasonable number that we can visit in person when we come to town. I have very little idea about what questions I should asking and what sources I should be checking to begin proper due diligence. More details ahead ... [more inside]
posted by tdismukes at 12:23 PM PST - 14 comments

Broken, probably embedded IUD

Please give me an idea what to expect, advise on any questions I should ask, or things I should do, while awaiting follow-up medical appointments. Don't refrain from horror stories, but please frame them kindly, as this has really triggered my anxiety. Which is also why I'm avoiding Dr. Google. [more inside]
posted by stormyteal at 11:48 AM PST - 6 comments

Treatment for nausea in cats

Our cat has early kidney disease and struggles with nausea which is affecting her appetite. What successful treatments did you use for your cat's nausea and how did you administer them? [more inside]
posted by Frowner at 10:46 AM PST - 16 comments

Medical cannabis in Puerto Rico for tourists

I'm a medical cannabis patient in Canada. I plan to travel to Puerto Rico. Is my prescription valid there? If so, how does it all work and what do I need to bring/do?
posted by wheatlets at 10:30 AM PST - 2 comments

Tips for setting up a professionally-oriented discord server

I'm involved with my professional community (architecture), mostly in the realm of design technology. One of the requests we had this year was a locally-focused forum that could connect professionals, academics, and students. As it skews young and supports midjourney Discord was suggested. I'm a light user but have never set up a server before. Is this a good idea? Any tips on success? [more inside]
posted by q*ben at 9:19 AM PST - 8 comments

When and why do adults stop moving randomly?

Most adults I meet have such a limited repertoire of movements that they seem like video game characters. They can walk forwards, backwards, sideways, grab something, sit with their feet on the floor, lie down, or recline. In contrast, kids will skip, swing their arms around, slump to the floor - all kinds of random, unexpected movements. [more inside]
posted by wheatlets at 9:09 AM PST - 54 comments

Help me stop ewe-sing

It is cold outside in North America, and I love wearing cozy sweaters. Unfortunately I seem to have developed a skin sensitivity to wool and cashmere in the last month that means I can’t wear most of my sweaters anymore. Help me find nice sweaters that do not use wool products! [more inside]
posted by A Blue Moon at 8:52 AM PST - 11 comments

Moonrise, moonset, swiftly fly the years…

I’m looking for a calculator or chart to see moonrise and moonset times for the same date over many years. [more inside]
posted by ojocaliente at 8:23 AM PST - 4 comments

Feast of the same-aged spouses

For a few weeks during the year my spouse and I are the same age. It has been a difficult year for both of us and in addition to celebrating our actual birthdays with normal birthday stuff (e.g., nice dinner out) we were joking about having a "feast" or some sort of silly celebratory ritual to celebrate the time of the year (which overlaps with the winter solstice) when we are the same age. [more inside]
posted by forkisbetter at 8:20 AM PST - 8 comments

Can't find my zoom recording

I just recorded an interview on zoom. I stepped away from my computer when the file was being converted and now I don't see it anywhere and can't find it. I have just the free version. Help! Am I totally f***ed?
posted by swheatie at 7:32 AM PST - 8 comments

Eldercare from a distance

My widowed mother lives alone in the "independent living" section of a continuing care retirement community. She has limited connections to other people and has significant pain that has led her to the ER three times in the last month. She has a remote history of difficult cessation of prescription opioids. I live 700 miles away and am not sure how to manage this from here, and am hoping for some advice on how to do the eldercare thing. Assume I am sorted for legal documentation. (YANMD, YANML.) [more inside]
posted by eirias at 6:14 AM PST - 8 comments

Optimize my experimental setup

My experimental setup is analog to the following (no people involved): I have 8 groups of 4 subjects and their weight. There are 4 treatments, so in the end each treatment has 2 groups with 8 subjects. I want the variation in weight between the groups and the variation inside the group to be minimal. For this scenario I brute forced it, there are 2520 possible permutations (8!/2!^4) and I calculated ANOVA for all of them and picked the one with the highest p value. I did this in R on my work PC and it took about 3 minutes. It would be possible two split each group in half, and then I could optimize the group composition. However, there are too many possibilities to brute force it. I can distribute the 4 individuals in each group in three ways: aabb abab abba. Then I have 3^8=6561 possibilities to combine these groups. Now I have 16 groups for my four treatments, but to get all of the combinations is too much for my PC, there are 16!/4!^4=63063000 of them for every one of my 6561 possible split scenarios. How would I go about finding the perfect group split for my experiment?
posted by SweetLiesOfBokonon at 6:13 AM PST - 6 comments

What is going on with this guy at work

Hi all So I have been working with a guy in a senior position to me at work for a year. He is (as far as I know single) as am I. He started flirting with me and it got to the stage where I got really embarrassed, red in the face, nervous, stuttering etc. as I started to really like him. [more inside]
posted by colnoln at 6:09 AM PST - 41 comments

January 4

M.2 SSD in an external USB enclosure?

Slightly stupid computer question - if I pulled an SSD out of a (Windows-running) laptop and stick it in a USB enclosure, and then try connecting it into a new computer - it should just show up as an external disk, right? [more inside]
posted by Paper rabies at 10:08 PM PST - 7 comments

Anyone have experience mirroring IRS accounts to split shared debt?

Taxes fun with an ex – trying to find a resolution that will allow me to pay a "share" of our currently shared past tax debt. More under the fold... [more inside]
posted by Molasses808 at 8:39 PM PST - 5 comments

How to effective clean and prevent pink mildew/mod

There are dots of pink mildew/mold on the painted ceiling above the shower/bath. There is no vent or fan in there, and since I rent, I cannot install one. How do I clean the ceiling & prevent this from happening again? [more inside]
posted by Four-Eyed Girl at 8:24 PM PST - 18 comments

Will a more expensive screwdriver set fit my T3 Torx screws?

I'm replacing batteries in the screen/tablet part of a Microsoft Surface Book. The instructions say the screws I need to remove are Torx T3. My (cheap) "precision" screwdriver set's T3 bit fits some but not all of the screws. The screws all look (and should be) identical. Is this just the cheapness of my bits? If I buy a more expensive set would it be reasonable to expect the T3 bit to fit all the screws? My local options are somewhat limited.
posted by under_petticoat_rule at 7:48 PM PST - 7 comments

What’s it like to live footless (but maybe not so much fancy free)?

I’m an athlete facing a mobility ending foot surgery and want to seriously consider amputation as an option. What’s it like? (Lots of flurries, grab a shovel!) [more inside]
posted by floweredfish at 7:18 PM PST - 15 comments

Etiquette for treating a friend (of a couple) for birthdays?

I have many friends who are married/in a couple, and I often struggle to figure out the best way to treat them for their birthdays without leaving out the other person in the couple. What are good ways to work around this? [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 7:11 PM PST - 8 comments

How do I use LLM to help my ETL workflow?

I previously used Apache Airflow, Luigi, etc to create my ETL process. I have 40-50 csvs with different data structures with a total of ~400k records of varying quality and different structures. I’d like a local LLM (eg not use OpenAI to keep costs down), which model should I run and how do I code or create an ETL process in a something like Airflow or similar? How do I “code” using LLM. These are semi-structured business listings. [more inside]
posted by geoff. at 6:04 PM PST - 4 comments

Not earrings, surely, but then what?

My neighbor received these for Christmas from her German cousin. We cannot figure out what they are. The cousin also sent a pair to her 80 year old male relative. What are they? [more inside]
posted by susandennis at 5:20 PM PST - 7 comments

Can I eat these lentils?

I think I know, but since I have access to the experts, I might as well ask. I bought a package of Trader Joe's steamed lentils (the type you keep in the fridge) and accidentally threw them in the freezer. When I found them, I put them back in the fridge where they're now defrosted and waiting to go into a salad and stew--if they're safe. Is there something I'm missing here or can I eat the lentils? (Expiry date is months from now.)
posted by kingdead at 5:08 PM PST - 6 comments

Squishing hyperlinked whitespace in Google Docs

When drafting in Google Docs, it sometimes happens that I might unintentionally hyperlink a space before or after a word, as shown in this example screenshot. Apart from visually scanning text to try to catch these flubs manually, are there any tools I can use to squish these automatically? [more inside]
posted by DavidNYC at 4:50 PM PST - 1 comment

Is Clue Menopause worth the subscription?

I just learned that Clue has a new perimenopause setting, available to paid subscribers. I am in perimenopause and my periods have suddenly become wildly unpredictable, so I’m pretty interested in Clue Menopause. However, before I fork out the money, I’d like to hear from anyone who has tried it. Is it worth paying for? [more inside]
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 4:41 PM PST - 7 comments

How to get rid of scars on legs?

I have very itchy legs and often scratch them until they bleed. This has left a lot of scars, old and new and I wondered if anyone had any product recommendations to help them fade and also perhaps to prevent the itching in the first place? [more inside]
posted by Sunflower88 at 3:38 PM PST - 13 comments

Liquid/soft diet recipes please?

For Reasons, I am on a liquid/soft diet for another three weeks. I managed the first three weeks on soup and Boost and pasta, but the thought of another three weeks eating those same recipes gives me a case of the screaming meemies. Help me please? [more inside]
posted by DrGail at 3:13 PM PST - 27 comments

Puerto Rico for a non-pork eater

My husband and I are looking to book a trip to Puerto Rico, and it looks like the island has a lot of food that is either pork-based, or cooked in pork fat. While I see this as a delicious plus (They have a whole Pork Highway!), my husband cannot eat pork products without significant dietary upset. Will both of us enjoy this trip, or will we need to second-guess / inquire about the ingredients at most restaurants/food vendors? [more inside]
posted by Sparky Buttons at 3:13 PM PST - 3 comments

USB Hub for keybd, mouse, etc.

My cheap USB hub that I got ages ago as conference swag(thanks, Sun) has died. It accommodated keyboard, mouse, headset and slow charging. Is there a cheapish solution? I have 2 USB ports and often need 3. Even wireless devices need that USB nubbin. [more inside]
posted by theora55 at 2:22 PM PST - 7 comments

Leaning into small house life

What are great things about living in a small house? What are cozy reads about the nice things about living in small places? What did you like about growing up in a small space? What were things that were hard about living in small spaces that you made better, even marginally? [more inside]
posted by sewellcm at 2:11 PM PST - 20 comments

I now have a fear of walking.

I sprained my ankle three times last year (as you can see in my Ask history). I have developed a trauma to spraining my ankle/walking, and I'm worried. [more inside]
posted by thoughtful_analyst at 12:26 PM PST - 21 comments

I suck at cooking

I want to suck less at cooking. I want to try simple, cheap, easy meals for 1 more regularly. I'd like a cookbook or one or two websites I can have as go-to resources. Please help. [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 12:01 PM PST - 68 comments

Flushometer Replacement in NYC

What does it cost to get a residential flushometer replaced in NYC? [more inside]
posted by griphus at 9:12 AM PST - 1 comment

Drinking glass splits itself in two - but why?

At lunchtime today, I poured a small can of cold tonic water into a drinking glass and topped it up with Citrus Diet Coke. The glass immediately fell apart into two halves, each half dropping cleanly away from the other to lie prone on the counter. The two halves are equal in size and the break - which is dead straight - goes from rim to base on both sides of the glass and right across its bottom. Why did the glass do this? [more inside]
posted by Paul Slade at 8:33 AM PST - 10 comments

Can a postal person refuse to deliver a package because of Covid?

My post guy, who in usually polite and sensible, today refused to deliver a package because I have Covid. [more inside]
posted by plant or animal at 8:01 AM PST - 4 comments

Can data be extracted from a bad hard drive?

An old laptop was damaged in a flood and the hard drive is damaged. Can data on the hard drive still be accessed? [more inside]
posted by fies at 7:05 AM PST - 12 comments

Can communication solve all problems?

I, a woman in my late twenties, have been with my partner for a bit over a year. Our relationship felt great - not without its issues, but definitely worthwhile and heading somewhere serious - until my parents expressed a great deal of concern about how I am being treated after spending a lot of time with us during the holidays. [more inside]
posted by Clyde Sparrow at 6:59 AM PST - 59 comments

Books and movies about normal people & celebrities?

Looking for light, fun reading or movies about your average person friending / dating a famous person. You know, since it's never going to happen to me in real life! And perhaps real stories would be great to read too. Or tell me about how you went to high school with XXXX!
posted by HeyAllie at 6:16 AM PST - 27 comments

Chess app for learning

My 7 yo has shown some interest in chess for months, but I only know the very basics so I've already taught him everything I know. I'd like to buy an app (ideally iOS but any major platform is fine) that would help him (and me) learn a bit more - can you recommend one?
posted by Tehhund at 5:30 AM PST - 5 comments

Pickled peaches: how to use?

I previously gathered lovely peaches from a neighborhood tree and put the slices in apple cider vinegar to make peach-infused vinegar. Now that the vinegar is ready, I can take the fruit out. Do you have suggestions for what I can make with the leftover vinegar-pickled peaches? I am considering some kind of chutney -- any recommendations? Vegan or easily veganized suggestions/ recipes only, please. Thanks in advance.
posted by wicked_sassy at 5:23 AM PST - 6 comments

Help me think through a potential house move

I'm considering moving into an apartment owned by my parent - in effect becoming their tenant. Help me think through the financial and other aspects of this. Is there anything I'm not considering? [more inside]
posted by unicorn chaser at 4:59 AM PST - 19 comments

Motion-sensing cabinet lights

We have a pantry closet that’s too dim inside. I’d like to add wireless lights on a few shelves, to turn on automatically when I open the doors. I’ve been looking at options and I could use input about motion sensing when it's not dark, batteries vs. USB-rechargeable, and other recommendations. [more inside]
posted by daisyace at 4:58 AM PST - 11 comments

Meditation graduation investigation (London edition)

I'm ending my subscription to Headspace after five years. I've been very satisficed with it, and I'm grateful for its introduction to meditation, but I'm ready for a next step. I'd appreciate your insights on what that next step might be, what it was for you, and if there's something offered in-person to experience next (especially if it's something I can look for in London). [more inside]
posted by late afternoon dreaming hotel at 1:58 AM PST - 9 comments

January 3

No data/file transfer available when Google 6 Pro connected via USB

When I connect my Google 6 Pro via USB to a PC or to my car the phone only charges. It doesn't show up as a connected device on the PC, nor does it launch Android Auto on my car's head unit. I have tested this with multiple cables and PCs (but only one car). I have tried setting USB to debugging mode via the developer options to force the change but no dice. I've clean the phone's USB port with an air spray, no difference. Any suggestions as to what else I can try?
posted by Faff at 9:36 PM PST - 8 comments

Exactly when did JonBenet Ramsey's death become a major news story?

When someone asks me "what was the first major news story you remember", my default answer is Princess Diana's death (I'm in my early 30s). I remember exactly where I was and my parents having to explain what happened. However, I remember the early media coverage of JonBenet Ramsey's death very well (which scared me as a child, especially since she was so close to me in age). Yet it couldn't have been a national news story on Christmas Day 1996. When did the story gain traction in the news (national and worldwide) and become a "household name"?
posted by Seeking Direction at 9:02 PM PST - 11 comments

Fictional Found Families

I'm looking for found families in fiction, especially in romance, mystery, fiction fiction, though suggest things from any genre! [more inside]
posted by azalea_chant at 7:52 PM PST - 30 comments

cognitive decline in a customer

I work at a small bank and it's becoming clear to everyone at the branch that an elderly customer has had a sharp decline in cognitive abilities. It's worrisome because... [more inside]
posted by needs more cowbell at 4:53 PM PST - 16 comments

Share your delicious yet achievable recipes to impress a friend or date

Never been into cooking, but had an epiphany the other week when a friend came over and made me risotto - I was blown away by how delicious it was vs how easy it was to prepare, especially for two people who are not in a hurry and enjoying the process while hanging out and catching up. What are your other go-to meals when cooking for/with a friend? [more inside]
posted by internet of pillows at 3:37 PM PST - 18 comments

Menopause woes

I believe I'm going through menopause. My doctor and gyno are unsatisfactory. I would appreciate some advice from people who have gone through this crap already because I have no idea at this point if I should persist with these people or start over from the beginning - executive dysfunction has swamped me. Details and wall of text inside. [more inside]
posted by ninazer0 at 3:04 PM PST - 33 comments

Earplugs comfortable enough to sleep while wearing?

Earplugs comfortable enough to sleep while wearing? [more inside]
posted by GlassHeart at 2:20 PM PST - 27 comments

Best of the best of 2023?

Any great roundups or even just links of all that may have been missed in this last glorious year? [more inside]
posted by notdanielmendelson at 1:17 PM PST - 5 comments

Why should I pursue this hobby?

I played {an instrument/a sport/a game} seriously and competitively as a child. I loved it, I was good at it, and I hated it. The competition made me miserable and spoiled any fun, and I stopped playing before I graduated high school. In particular, I was disappointed that I never really mastered some techniques well but I quit in a huff and never looked back. Now I'm in my 40s and want to settle a score with my younger self, I am going to go back to it and learn the things I never did, and get really good at it. But I kind of feel like I'm still doing it out of spite, not joy. I want a happier, more joyful reason to play, but I am having a hard time coming up with one. What are some reasons that motivate adults to do recreational activities? Backed by science, if possible.
posted by epanalepsis at 12:33 PM PST - 21 comments

Need to change my eating schedule, but there's a snag with exercise

For the past ten years, I've been skipping both breakfast & lunch and then consuming all my calories between 8:00 PM and midnight. Eating a lot of food shortly before bed probably isn't healthy, but there's one advantage: My evening runs are much easier after having fasted for 18 hours. [more inside]
posted by alex1965 at 12:10 PM PST - 8 comments

Yes, I JUST said that. WTF.

I'm leading a work project. When I present ideas in regards to the project to three specific managers, they often reject my ideas. But then they provide a "solution" which is exactly what I had just suggested. It's driving me wild. It's really gnawing at me and I'm feeling stupid. I even intentionally ask "anything I can clarify?" before the rejection. I've never had this happen to me and for these three people to keep doing this is just blowing my mind. Is there anything I can do? [more inside]
posted by xicana63 at 12:07 PM PST - 26 comments

Jung Joon-Young (JJY) Universe: Where to find "The Genius Game"?

I love unscripted Korean reality mental strategy game TV shows. Does anyone know a reputable place to stream "The Genius Game"? [more inside]
posted by ichimunki at 12:05 PM PST - 3 comments

Help me think of enriching new experiences to break out of a rut

I'm hitting that age where my life is stable and I'm grateful. But it's very much same-same, and every week is blending into the next without a lot of NEW experiences. What can I do to shake things up? [more inside]
posted by hellochula at 12:03 PM PST - 13 comments

what is your favorite live webcam?

What is your favorite live webcam that you keep open during the day. example: Santa's village in Finland webcam https://www.youtube.com/live/Cp4RRAEgpeU?si=nJi6wavRCKr4aEeM
posted by GernBlandston at 11:48 AM PST - 16 comments

Hope my car

Please help me diagnose my car that won't start. There's [more inside]
posted by porpoise at 10:55 AM PST - 16 comments

Identify an SF story: the captain had a cat and a metal prosthetic hand

Anybody recall a YA book (or short story collection) from the early 1960s featuring a spaceship whose captain had a metal hand, and a cat who lived on the bridge? [more inside]
posted by Rash at 9:23 AM PST - 6 comments

What movies have a text prologue using a sequence of dates?

A text prologue with a progression of dates explaining how we got to Now is an SF trope that I swear I've seen more than once. [more inside]
posted by kokaku at 8:37 AM PST - 10 comments

dozens of tiny jam jars

I have done the Bonne Maman advent calendar for the last two years and now I have a lot of tiny jam jars. What can I do with them? [more inside]
posted by quadrilaterals at 7:49 AM PST - 24 comments

Correct Latin translation needed - "Innocent III is dead"

Question for well-versed MeFites - what is the most accurate translation of "Innocent III is dead." (as a statement of fact)? [more inside]
posted by Jessica Savitch's Coke Spoon at 7:42 AM PST - 2 comments

Google Maps Can't Find Me

So I'm having a weird issue with Google Maps on desktop - it consistently is wrong with GPS locating me when I am at home, and keeps thinking I'm somewhere about a mile away. How do I fix THIS? [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:35 AM PST - 12 comments

Source on Attitudes Towards Smoking in the 50's-70's?

In watching movies from that era where seemingly a majority of people smoke, I struggle with understanding what the general attitudes were towards the practice. [more inside]
posted by Jon44 at 7:17 AM PST - 59 comments

What's this book about a soldier with a head injury

Hello brain trust. I am trying to remember a book that is I would guess speculative fiction. I am struggling to remember the details. It is a first person account of the aftermath of a battle. The narrator is extremely unreliable, however because he is suffering from a head injury from an explosion. [more inside]
posted by kaelynski at 6:19 AM PST - 5 comments

communicating long covid risks for a large company retreat

My company is planning a retreat in a few months, and I might sit it out due to my fear of long Covid. Can you help me check my math around long covid risks and figure out how to communicate my decision to my manager? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:12 AM PST - 15 comments

S Corporation Loss - No Problem?

Have a little S-corp to handle a hobby-business. Through a combination of fewer sales and wildly increasing costs in 2023, this year is the first time it lost money. There is only one shareholder, me. I dont "invest" any personal money into it, just sweat equity. I dont personally take a monetary loss. So instead of getting a dividend $XXX.XX, and a Schedule K-1 reflecting that, will I just get a K-1 reflecting $0? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:09 AM PST - 3 comments

Can I use this cracked baking dish for something?

I have a nice earthenware baking dish. It's slightly cracked. Can I still use it? Images beneath the fold. [more inside]
posted by tavegyl at 1:54 AM PST - 13 comments

January 2

Choice paralysis now ready in under 15 minutes!

Hello I have decided to finally join the ranks of people who have Instant Pots. I’ve avoided them for this long somehow and did not know there are dozens of models available all with different functions and sizes and idk, vibes or whatever. Please read the list of things I am hoping to cook with it I will write below and tell me what model I should get that is available new in the US. [more inside]
posted by Mizu at 10:31 PM PST - 11 comments

Treats for my back

I have chronic mid-level upper back pain on one side. (My shoulder and ribcage are rotated forward, always have been, but seem to be achier as I age.) I’m currently seeing a physical therapist and doing exercises. However I tried a hot pad for literally the first time ever last month and it blew my mind how nice it felt to just relax that area for a little while. What else can I do to temporarily alleviate the pain when I want to relax? [more inside]
posted by stoneandstar at 10:28 PM PST - 14 comments

Uterine biopsy: Please help me understand this scary procedure ASAP

I'm a 50+ cis woman who began taking estradiol and progesterone about a year ago for menopause symptoms. HRT has been great, but I've been having period-like bleeding and now my gyno wants to do a uterine biopsy even though she thinks it's from the HRT. I have health anxiety, low pain tolerance, and many related questions. [more inside]
posted by Beethoven's Sith at 7:29 PM PST - 21 comments

Preparing a Form in Acrobat > Clearing checked radio buttons

Ive created a form w multiple radio buttons. I exited and tested. All looks good/works well. Now, Id like to send the doc to my client WITHOUT ANY BUTTONS CHECKED. I cannot find a way to clear buttons that I selected during testing! what the eff? I need to send a clean doc (nothing checked). Also, would like to remove the blue highlight color over the radio buttons and text fields. But it seems that is no longer possible either... Both things use to be possible in previous version but do not see them in Acrobat Pro 2023. Am I missing it or is Adobe too busy effing around w acquiring Figma and forgetting about us users?
posted by pmaxwell at 7:09 PM PST - 6 comments

Help finding a lightweight video editor

I'm looking for a lightweight video editor with a few specific features that might be able to run without lag on my somewhat-old computer. [more inside]
posted by NoneOfTheAbove at 6:34 PM PST - 10 comments

Does this sound like depression?

For all my life I have been prone to fits of melancholy and sadness that I thought I could fix on my own. Now I am not so sure. [more inside]
posted by Amy93 at 6:10 PM PST - 30 comments

What are these called, and can I buy some?

I'm making a bunch (+50) outlet covers for my sister. I've seen that some outlet covers have their screw(s) attached with what I can only describe as a paper retaining washer (here.) Is it possible to buy these anywhere? I could make them, but I'd rather just buy them.
posted by Marky at 4:33 PM PST - 10 comments

Return to shop or donate

Ordered an item of clothing from a large retailer; it didn't fit. Is it more ethical to return it or donate it to a local charity shop? [more inside]
posted by Pallas Athena at 4:20 PM PST - 5 comments

Captaining a large group with two exes, one of whom abused the other

I'm captaining a team of 50 people for a yearly event. Two members of my team had been engaged after dating for 8 years, but broke up about two years ago. It eventually descended (after years of verbal abuse) into him beginning to physically assault her, at which point the relationship fell apart and he went silent. Both of them want to come this year. I don't think she can be comfortable in the same room with him. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by sillyhex at 3:41 PM PST - 38 comments

Best way to copy/duplicate/backup an external hard drive on a Mac?

Transferring data keeps giving me errors about files being write-protected or read-only. Is there a way to "force" these files to copy? [more inside]
posted by Nightman at 3:00 PM PST - 3 comments

First time freelancer and health insurance

I'm a [reluctant] first time freelancer and I'm trying to figure out this whole health insurance mess. Help! Located in NY. [more inside]
posted by greta simone at 2:00 PM PST - 12 comments

How do you handle the background stress of a potential layoff?

I'm in the position, like I'm guessing most people in my milieu, of getting laid off early this year, let's say at least 1 in 4 chance. It's been low-level stressful since I've had this realization. How do you go about living/working/etc with this cloud over your head? bucket of text below but you can ignore and just answer the question here. [more inside]
posted by sandmanwv at 1:00 PM PST - 10 comments

Recently verified heated outdoor gathering spots in New York City

I'm seeking casual gathering places (pubs, cafés, etc.) that serve food and/or drink, and that have truly outdoor seating, and that are suitable for groups of 6-12, and that have some form of outdoor heating such as firepits or heat lamps. Please only recommend venues where you personally have empirically verified the existence of real outdoor seating, within the last month, with your own senses. A roof plus two walls is fine, three walls is possibly okay as long as there's a lot of airflow, four walls is not okay. [more inside]
posted by brainwane at 12:25 PM PST - 9 comments

What was this @$@#$ feminist SF book?

Published within the past seven or eight years, a feminist science fiction novel whose plot I only vaguely recall, may be set in Scotland? [more inside]
posted by Frowner at 10:25 AM PST - 4 comments

Monitor vs TV for sturdiness

I'm looking to get some sort of a screen, either a computer monitor or small-ish TV, (30-40" ish) to mount in my living room, which also doubles as my craft/project space. My primary concern is more about its ability to withstand small bumps, being moved around on a swinging arm, wiped down, etc on a regular basis, and less about what internet reviewers/discussions normally seem to focus on (picture quality, refresh rates, input lag). Based on my needs, should I go with a monitor or TV? Looking at low-mid range models for both. [more inside]
posted by btfreek at 10:07 AM PST - 8 comments

SciFi / Fantasy books with minimal sex

I've discovered I much more enjoy my escapism books with strong non-male leads but little to no focus on sex or heavy sexual relationships. What else should I read? [more inside]
posted by danapiper at 9:34 AM PST - 31 comments

How to safely wash my backpack? (embark brand)

I have a workhorse backpack that I bought from Target some years ago. It's an Embark brand, and it has an extremely convenient sleeve for my laptop. I love this backpack, but it's in need of a good ol' wash after a lot of recent travel. Is it safe to toss in the washing machine? [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 9:24 AM PST - 11 comments

Recommendations for finding a personal trainer in NYC?

What's the best way to find a personal trainer in NYC? I have no idea how to find a reputable trainer. Some requirements inside. [more inside]
posted by Tin Man at 9:14 AM PST - 3 comments

Will a scratched stainless steel pot affect cheese flavour?

My roommate used the brand new pot I bought to make cheese, and apparently washed it with something very abrasive, because it has tiny little scratches all over it now. Will this give my cheese a metallic flavour?
posted by wheatlets at 8:00 AM PST - 21 comments

Help a child w/ alcoholic parents.

My sister and her husband drink too much. How can I help my nephew? What obligation do I have? [more inside]
posted by MisantropicPainforest at 7:05 AM PST - 11 comments

How can I talk myself out of the desire to retaliate?

I've always struggled with the character flaw of feeling the need to retaliate after I feel someone has wronged me. I'm wondering what strategies people who also experience that desire find helpful to sidestep it. [more inside]
posted by Jon44 at 5:20 AM PST - 30 comments

Recipe for Pepper Plant Chunky Garlic sauce

Does anyone have a recipe for making Pepper Plant Chunky Garlic Sauce from scratch? [more inside]
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 1:30 AM PST - 4 comments

January 1

Why do dogs like me so much?

Even strange dogs respond very positively to me, and always have. Why might this be? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:04 PM PST - 18 comments

Narratives about how great sober life is

I often see one-off comments (social media, short quotes in ads for products and services) from people who got sober, along the lines of “best thing I’ve ever done,” or “life is now so glorious,” “I’m free,” “life is now beyond my wildest expectations,” etc. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:04 PM PST - 14 comments

Seeking podcasts, etc. for pop culture critical analysis

I've realized that deep dives and critical analysis of TV, music, movies, and books really light my fire--looking for the latest and/or greatest podcasts, blogs, discussion forums etc. to give me lots to chew on through the new year. Examples below the fold. [more inside]
posted by lovableiago at 9:39 PM PST - 24 comments

How to control an iPad using an iPhone as a "remote"

I have an iPad and an iPhone. I want to know if it's possible to remotely control the iPad using my iPhone. [more inside]
posted by NoneOfTheAbove at 6:24 PM PST - 5 comments

Question about a handgun purchase in Los Angeles in 1991

In my novel, a character buys a handgun in Los Angeles in 1991. If you know anything about any aspect of such a purchase, I would love to hear details. I know that now in CA there's a 10 day waiting period, but back then I think the wait was just 24 hours. But what are some other details about this transaction? For instance, I'm not even sure where he'd go to buy it. He lives in Hancock Park, and a gun purchase is out of character for him. Anything you can share is welcome.
posted by swheatie at 6:19 PM PST - 7 comments

Surely there’s something better than “no-weed January”

I’m taking a break from consuming cannabis for the month of January. I’d like to find a concise phrase to describe that break, akin to “dry January”, but I’m having trouble coming up with anything. Any ideas? [more inside]
posted by mekily at 3:57 PM PST - 31 comments

clotrimazole cream, causing itching, bumps?

I’m taking clotrimazole cream for an infection, and there is bumps on upper back, blistering, redness skin. I’m very sensitive to medications. Wouldtjisbe an allergy or a bad side effect?
posted by RearWindow at 1:53 PM PST - 7 comments

Lumbar support that doesn't leave you on the edge of your seat

Someone I know purchased a lumbar support pillow to use with their office chair. Their back has been hurting, and they thought this would help. They like the back support (yay), but the pillow is so thick that it pushes them out towards the front of their chair. Are there lumbar support pillows that can be used with an office chair, but that is just thick enough to provide support without pushing your whole body forward? [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust at 1:27 PM PST - 8 comments

How to reduce pain and swelling in my elderly mother's ankles?

Mom is 83 and back to walking with a walker after being bedridden for 1.5 years due to a now-healed stage 4 pressure wound. She is sore all over for known and unknown reasons and is on major pain meds. She has pre-existing back issues and a repaired hip fracture. The problem is that her ankles are sore and swollen and it is discouraging as well as stalling her progress. She has compression socks and takes a daily diuretic. [more inside]
posted by lakersfan1222 at 12:15 PM PST - 28 comments

Help me with my hell hallway

Looking for fixes and improvements I can implement for my crappy apartment hallway floor - a wood floor with splintery bumps and crevices. [more inside]
posted by crime online at 11:53 AM PST - 11 comments

What is this melodic progression and why does it capture the 60's?

I've fallen in love with this the song Erev Shel Shoshanim (linking to a great version by Harry Belafonte). The melodic line that accompanies the first line of singing is so evocative and, to me, strongly evokes the peace and love vibe of the 60's. Would appreciate any identification of what the key music intervals are and any explanations why they seem to capture a historical period so well.
posted by Jon44 at 11:43 AM PST - 7 comments

Why am I getting GoFundMe update messages in French?

I've only helped out two gofundme pages in the past, and all of the update messages are in French. Why? [more inside]
posted by jozxyqk at 11:26 AM PST - 7 comments

Pan/Tilt Unit

I am putting together a small studio where I may need wireless stuff, like a pan/tilt unit to make up for a small or no staff (at least initially). The units I've found have a weight limit of between .5 and 2 kg. The rigs I have on my three tripods include a teleprompter and camera. [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind at 10:33 AM PST - 2 comments

2024 Resolutions/goals/intentions: what resources are you using?

Since 2020, I've been focussing on keeping my head above water, staying happy and healthy and connected in the midst of the pandemic emergency. But now, I'm inspired to do some serious planning. If you're doing something similar, what resources are you using that you have found useful? I'm open to books, podcasts, courses, YouTube videos, etc., and to hearing about any and all approaches that you have found/are finding useful. Scientific and intuitive or esoteric approaches are all welcome.
posted by rpfields at 10:26 AM PST - 7 comments

How long does the lobster trap tree in Gloucester, MA stay up for?

I would like to visit the lobster trap Christmas tree in Gloucester. Should I go today or would I be safe waiting until next weekend?
posted by pxe2000 at 8:21 AM PST - 2 comments

Computer song for kids from mid-80s?

In the mid 1980s, there was a kids' radio show on WNYC called "Small Things Considered". On one of these shows, there was a segment about computers where a song containing the phrase "bit by bit on the serial bus" was sung. I have now had just that phrase stuck in my head for 40 years. Help me find the rest of the song. [more inside]
posted by dmd at 7:34 AM PST - 5 comments

Have a Shark stick vacuum you like?

My vacuum died and I need a new one. I wasn't a fan of it so I'm not going to try to fix it. I have a small house and a dog and a cat and am thinking of getting a cordless stick vacuum. I've heard good things about the Shark. Dyson too expensive for me. There are SO MANY models of Shark stick vacuums. Do you have one you would recommend for one with both hardwood and carpet floor and two pets and my long hair? Thanks!
posted by Saucywench at 6:52 AM PST - 8 comments

Cozy TV dramas for parents and kids

We've finished watching the newest version of "All Creatures Great and Small" as a family and loved it. Can you suggest any others? [more inside]
posted by heavenknows at 5:50 AM PST - 23 comments