Need a quiet place to write
June 12, 2008 1:18 PM   Subscribe

Deserted places to write near Arcadia, CA or Pasadena, CA?

I recently moved to Arcadia, CA with my fiance for his work. I need a quiet, calm place I can go during the day to write. Anything in Arcadia, Pasadena, or the surrounding areas is convenient.

What I'm Looking For:
- As much quiet as possible.
- As few other people as possible.
- Places that have ways to block things from my peripheral vision is a plus, because this is very distracting to me. For example, I used to write at a library that had those cubby style desks facing a wall and that was great. Places where the desks/tables are not in a big open area, and are instead along the walls in secluded places, are great.
- A place to plug in a laptop is a big plus, but I can get by without it. I don't need internet access or even want it; it's too distracting.
- Somewhere pretty safe, or otherwise I'll feel paranoid the whole time. (Stupid, yes, but true.) I'm a relatively defenseless young female, and I've had a few close calls with being abducted so I can't help but prioritize this.

What I'm Not Looking For:
- Places that are crowded.
- Places that are noisy.
- Places that serve food or drinks; I don't want food, I don't want to smell food, I don't want to worry about paying for something to be able to stay, etc.
- I would rather not have to pay for anything.

Places I have already ruled out:
- The Arcadia Public Library is too noisy and crowded. Lots of people walking around and talking, so it felt more like a book store.
- The Hastings branch and La Pintoresca branch of the Pasadena Public Library aren't terrible, but they don't have secluded places to work. If I find nothing else I will have to settle, but I'd rather look at all my options first.
- Home. We are subletting a rather small apartment and my parrots are too loud and attention-hungry for me to focus. Home is generally too distracting anyway.

The hours of the place aren't crucial as long as they're mostly open during the day. I will be there from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, but I don't care if I have to move outside for a few hours in the beginning or end.

I've been focusing on libraries, but only because I'm used to writing in them and it's harder to Google general public areas that might work well. Thank you for any suggestions!
posted by Nattie to Writing & Language (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Try the libraries at Caltech (there are many, and most areas are open to the public). If you don't want to see many people, the stacks should work for you. The PCC library (on Colorado/Hill) is also surprisingly fantastic. Pasadena Central library has carrels, I think. Also, I haven't been to the new San Marino library but the floorplans looked great. Obviously public libraries in the summer are full of kids, so it may be a better time to check out the college libraries.
posted by acidic at 1:34 PM on June 12, 2008

Best answer: Pasadena City College has a number of those cubby-type desks on the upper levels of the Shatford Library. It's air conditioned, very safe, and extraordinarily quiet during the summer months due to the decrease in enrollment.
posted by numinous at 2:56 PM on June 12, 2008

Response by poster: Thank you for those suggestions about the college libraries! I will check them out ASAP.
posted by Nattie at 2:59 PM on June 12, 2008

Best answer: Given your constraints, I'd give a +1 to the PCC library. The library faces a main street, and there would be campus security and emergency call boxes all around. The only minor issue having to pay to park on campus.

I think that the San Marino library, while quiet, is a bit too wide open for you. I'd worry about the sound in the children's section bleeding into the adult section. But one of the SM library amenities is a power plug and ethernet plug at nearly every seat.
posted by Cog at 4:36 PM on June 12, 2008

The Caltech libraries are open to the public 8-5 M-F.
posted by kbuxton at 4:59 PM on June 12, 2008

Response by poster: Thank you to everyone who suggested PCC/Shatford Library! I checked that out this evening and I'm in love; it's perfect.
posted by Nattie at 9:47 PM on June 12, 2008

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