How to find a good downtown apartment or loft in Athens, GA?
April 19, 2008 4:48 PM   Subscribe

After a stint in a major city, I've decided that Athens, GA is my home and I will be returning. I'd like to live downtown. Do any Mefites have advice in general for locating not-well-publicized places, or any specific ins for downtown Athens living?

I know of Fred's Historic Properties and the Cotton Exchange lofts, both which fit what I'm looking for. But I *know* there are other places downtown that are not these, but I can't figure it out from the internet. I'm scouring Craigslist, local newspapers, and generally Googling, but I know there are lots of places around that I just can't seem to find. I have friends back there on impromptu street teams looking for realty information for different places they see, but I'm stumped without being there myself.
posted by quixxotic to Grab Bag (2 answers total)
The first question is do you want to live in normal apartments, a house, or a loft above one of the businesses?
I haven't been back to Athens since 06, but from what I recall...
If you're up for an apartment, those aren't too hard to find if you're in for the party 24/7 college scene again. On the east side where Broad and Oconee St meet, there's the triangle apartments or whatever they're called (that weird 5-street intersection). On the eastside close to where Boneshakers was before the frat boys overran it, there's a bunch of party apartments over there. Go north of Broad a few blocks and there's houses with a little more mature atmosphere. To actually live IN downtown probably requires loft-living. I never looked into it, but I recall while walking around d/t seeing alley entrances to apartment hallways that went upstairs. You might try seeing if there was some management info on those doors.
Another resource might be the Athens LiveJournal community. It was pretty hoppin' when I was in college, but haven't been a member for 2+ years so YMMV.

FWIW, I lived in the Steeplechase Condos down on Oconee St which was like a 4 minutes walk from d/t. Was a good location because rent was cheaper than d/t living and close enough where going d/t was easy and I never had to drive. Plus, it was on the edge of north campus so I walked to all my classes. Location wise, it was perfect for a student.

Overall, my experience is also that you might be a little bit late to the game. My dwellings always required us sign a 12-month lease starting August 1 lease by March or April.

And, I'm kind of jealous of you. I love that city and miss it. About the only read I'd go back south of the Mason-Dixon line is to live in Athens.
posted by jmd82 at 7:08 PM on April 19, 2008

I assume you are are aware of I don't have any specific advice to help you with your search, but I can help you decide which areas to avoid if you are worried about your car being broken into over night.
I'm in Athens so let me know if you have any specific questions.
posted by prjo at 5:29 PM on April 20, 2008

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