Fumbling for bubbly
December 18, 2007 6:37 PM   Subscribe

WineFilter: How do I open a bottle of prosecco gracefully?

I've recently realized I enjoy prosecco but I've noticed that some of the bottles have a cork that looks like the love child of a champagne cork and a regular wine cork - not flush against the top of the bottle like wine but not as big as a champagne cork. I've managed to become adept at champagne and wine opening, but these half-mushroom cap shaped corks are puzzling me. I can't get a good enough grasp to open like regular bubbly - is a corkscrew or other puller more appropriate?

I acknowledge my general clumsiness and prosecco newbieness so it may indeed be obvious. Thanks and cheers!
posted by pointystick to Food & Drink (7 answers total)
For ultimate style points, own and know how to use a bottle saber.
posted by a robot made out of meat at 6:45 PM on December 18, 2007

Response by poster: ARMOOM, I would dearly love to learn how to do that (really) but given my natural propensity towards accidents*, maybe I had better start with the basics.

* I'm about as graceful as the love child of Scooby Doo's Velma and Mayberry's Barney Fife
posted by pointystick at 6:49 PM on December 18, 2007

Best answer: The deal with traditional prosecco corks is that they are straight sided and are shoved further down than champagne. Corkscrews are definitely ok to use, but even with corkscrews it can be a pain, because you are tugging a cork under pressure.

What I do is take my time, work the stopper out as slow as possible, listen for a hiss. Strong forearms (which I don't really have) are very helpful!
posted by jeremias at 7:29 PM on December 18, 2007

Best answer: Did someone say prosecco? I'm a prosecco newb, too, but have been consuming bottles of the stuff since this summer! mmm prosecco. I just use 2-step corkscrew openers like these and they work fine. No effort needed at all.
posted by misozaki at 7:30 PM on December 18, 2007

Best answer: The two corks I've come across in with Prosecco are the small button mushroom types, very similar to a Champagne cork but smaller, and the traditional straight wine cork which is usually held in place with string (spago).

For the former, open as you would Champagne, removing the foil, unscrewing the wire cage and while gripping the cork, turn and pull the bottle to release gently. I usually leave the wire cage attached while uncorking btw. On a Prosecco cork this also helps grip as does a cloth napkin or similar.

For the latter, it's simply a hand-pull corkscrew and some bravery!
posted by brautigan at 2:31 AM on December 19, 2007 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks for the information! And I've never seen the saber method done in person. Maybe someday!
posted by pointystick at 3:41 AM on December 19, 2007

The saber method is dramatic, and quite easy, really. You don't need any special type of blade, but you do need confidence. It's not something you'd want to do with really good wine, though, as there is a bit of waste.
posted by MrMoonPie at 5:46 AM on December 19, 2007

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