Anyone got some tricks and strategy for whirlyball?
October 25, 2007 9:55 PM   Subscribe

Anyone got some tricks and strategy for whirlyball?

I'm going to play whirlyball with some friends this weekend and wanted to see if anyone has any pointers.
posted by willy_dilly to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (6 answers total)
I've been a few times. Here are some things I've picked up:
  1. Remember you're not a ten-year-old playing soccer. You will feel constantly drawn to the ball, but teams that win are teams that keep a player or two downfield at all times.
  2. Some cars are usually faster than others. Try to show up in time to watch some other players and choose accordingly.
  3. If you have a faster car, you should be the one downfield. Drive in circles to keep from getting blocked in once your opponents catch on to what you're doing. Keep your eye on the ball and your scoop in the air.
  4. It's all in the wrist. If you're trying to shoot from your shoulder, you'll pretty much always miss.
  5. If you're bringing enough people to swap out between games, use your down time to practice (at the place I went, there were little targets on the wall and spare equipment in the viewing area). Practice sitting down, since that's how you play.
  6. Pay attention when the guy explains fouls. You can give away a lot of points ramming people from behind and catching the ball with your hand.
  7. People (especially amateurs) miss a lot. If this is true for you and your friends, being in position for the rebound can be very important. Someone sitting dead-center about 6 feet from the goal can take three or four shots in a row as long as the ball keeps coming back off the backboard.
  8. If you can hit the three-pointer, be prepared for the adoration. Men will want to be you. Women will want to be with you. Men will probably also want to be with you if that's your thing.
Have a good time. Whirlyball is awesome and well worth the (substantial) cost.
posted by Partial Law at 10:16 PM on October 25, 2007 [1 favorite]

And if at all possible, avoid the corners - particularly if there's someone behind you who can wedge your car in there tightly. There's no such thing as a neat three-point turn in whirlyball, and you may find yourself stuck lamely in the corner for upwards of a minute or two, unable to assist your teammates.

And yeah - it is a pretty much all-around awesome time.
posted by AngerBoy at 11:41 PM on October 25, 2007

I've always done whirlyball as a fraternity thing. The sort of lawlessness on the court can be more akin to an Australian rugby match than some civilized 'sport'. If this is the game you're playing, keep a firm grip on your paddle, avoid getting cornered, and chug as many beers as you can between rounds.
posted by onalark at 11:49 PM on October 25, 2007

Just this: if you have a bad back, stay away. There's nothing supporting your torso, and if someone hits you from behind it can really hurt when you try to stay upright -- a bad back in that circumstance is just asking for trouble.
posted by davejay at 12:58 AM on October 26, 2007

Yeah I never was great at the shooting part, but I've noticed its very helpful to consistently keep in motion . If you are waiting for two people to battle it out over the ball, drive in circles in a holding pattern. The carts take a long time to get back up to speed and if you need to rush out on a breakaway, or rush after a loose ball or something you'll have that much more of an advantage.
posted by jourman2 at 4:25 AM on October 26, 2007

Stand up a little when you're about to get hit - let your knees and hips take the jiggle instead of your neck... Owie!

Also, keep the legs as far apart as possible if getting t-boned, so as not to get massive bruising on the inside of your legs.

If you aren't good at throwing, play defense - it's just as fun, if not more!
posted by at 1:08 PM on October 26, 2007

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