Could this be the Bad Plus?
September 1, 2007 11:06 AM   Subscribe

How can I figure out a musical interlude I heard this morning on Weekend America?

This morning in my car I was listening to Weekend America on NPR. One of their musical interludes was absolutely lovely. It was an instrumental (natch) and sounded somewhat like the Bad Plus, you know, beautiful piano with a jazzy beat. When I got home, I went to Weekend American's website, but I was unable to locate any information about interstitial/interlude music they use between stories. If anyone was listening and could help, I would appreciate it. Specifically, the song that I heard was after the "Caravan with a Cause" story about an HIV positive child who was denied access to an RV park's public showers.
Obviously, if no one can help me identify it here on Ask Mefi, I will shoot the show an email. It's Saturday, though, and frankly I am too lazy to do that right now.
posted by msali to Grab Bag (9 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Was it not this? Also here, and their website.
posted by rtha at 11:26 AM on September 1, 2007

Best answer: Not NPR.

But, it looks like they post the music bridges within a week, since for last week's show they are now posted:

Just change the date on the URL to 09/01 and stay tuned.
posted by found missing at 11:33 AM on September 1, 2007

There's also NPR's All Songs Considered website with music interludes for its radio programs. For 'Weekend Edition Saturday' the hyperlink leads to the page which rtha references above.
posted by ericb at 12:05 PM on September 1, 2007

I have to reiterate that this isn't an NPR show, so the Weekend Edition Saturday and NPR links won't help.
posted by found missing at 12:11 PM on September 1, 2007

Best answer: Weekend America is a product of American Public Media. I see you already found their website though. I notice that older programs (recent example) that you can listen to online do give information on the music interludes (scroll down and look for the little notes labeled "Music Bridge" between segment descriptions), so if you wait a week or so it will probably be posted once the full show description gets archived. On preview, um, what they said.

Way too much additional information for you: Not really answering your question, but some general background that helps in answering questions about things you hear on public radio.

NPR: National Public Radio. A non-profit production and distribution network (that is, they produce original programming and distribute it to public radio stations for broadcast). Independent public radio stations and networks are members of NPR with a voting governance stake in its operation (although it is not "owned" or "run" by stations as such, they just have a role in the decision-making process. It is based in Washington, DC. So, you weren't actually "listening to NPR" in this case. I know, it's splitting a hair. But if you ever got to the point of actually calling your station or going to the distribution source to answer a question, it helps to know who's producing a show.

PRI: Public Radio International is a non-profit production and distribution network which has traditionally been more focused on distribution than original programming, although in the recent decade or so it has increased the focus on original programming. While stations subscribe to its network, they have no governance power. PRI was basically started by Minnesota Public Radio as "American Public Radio" to distribute its original programming. Eventually it became an independent entity, although until recently (see below) it still distributed MPR's original programming. PRI is based in Minneapolis. I used to work there, although it's been 6 years and I don't have anything to do with Public Radio any more.

APR: American Public Media is the network Minnesota Public Radio (which is, incidentally, huge and rich, far beyond what most people realize) started to distribute their program instead of PRI. Like PRI stations are members of the network but do not have a governance stake. Basically MPR is wholly in control of APR and all of APR's programming is basically MPR programming slightly repackaged (if you look at the two websites you can they are basically identical design).

Finally, your local station is an independent nonprofit entity - either a standalone or part of a regional network. If you ever don't know the specific program you were listening to, your local station is the best place to go - likely they have a playlist online, and chances are you can also call and talk to a person about it. Questions like this are really common.

Another place to look is the Public Radio Market. Although not up-to-date or comprehensive, they provide links to buy music broadcast on particular programs (producers get a small affiliate benefit from purchases). Not as good for incidental music. They also have books and other media that are featured on programs for sale.

NPR has an "interludes" section on its Music page (center column, midway down, under Live Concerts. MPR's Music section does not have such a feature, though there is a discussion forum (left hand column, lower down) where you might drop in and ask a question if stumped. APR's Music section is focused on Music-exclusive programming. Likewise the music section for PRI.

So there you go, fifty links that don't answer your question and the one that probably will, eventually, you already have. No need to thank me.
posted by nanojath at 12:14 PM on September 1, 2007 [1 favorite]

(MPR and APR are both based in St. Paul, to wrap up the excess of extraneous public radio info)
posted by nanojath at 12:17 PM on September 1, 2007

And I guess all those things I labeled "APR" should be "APM."
posted by nanojath at 12:19 PM on September 1, 2007

Response by poster: Hmmmm. Well, I checked back with the website, and they had indeed posted their bridge music, but the artist and song listed was not the song that I heard. The song that I heard definitely had more of a MM&W, Bad Plus, Tord Gustavsen (thanks for that suggestion, by the way!) feel. The song that they claim to have played during the interlude after the HIV in an RV park story sounds more like the Postal Service meets DJ Shadow, which in and of itself ain't bad, but it definitely ISN'T the song I heard. What now?
posted by msali at 2:21 PM on September 1, 2007

Response by poster: Ok, I am totally wrong. I listened to the wrong song initially. I just bought it, Cold Jubilee, by Tijuana Mon Amour, off of the Cold Jubilee (Of the Snowqueen) album. It is a lovely song, and I recommend it to everyone. Listen to this song, and your day will be brighter, and life will appear more blessed, if just for a few moments.
posted by msali at 2:39 PM on September 1, 2007 [1 favorite]

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