April 9, 2007 10:49 AM   Subscribe

Dwight Yoakam's cowboy hats are awesome. I want one. So what kind of cowboy hat is this, and how much should I expect to pay for it? Any other cowboy hat knowledge is appreciated.
posted by smorange to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (7 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
It's almost certainly a Stetson.
posted by MsMolly at 11:14 AM on April 9, 2007

Best answer: Specifically....

(scroll down to the question "And what about your hat?")

"I have other hats, they’re Stetsons that I had blocked like it, Stetson did a signature model of it. That block is called…it’s a bull rider brim with an RCA crown, which is the Rodeo Cowboy Association before it became the PRCA. I’d always liked it, so I went into Manuel and I said, “I want an RCA crown, but bring the sides up.” So he’d steam it and re-block, steam and re-block, we’d pull the sides up some more. And I have a great blocker out of San Antonio that’s blocked a lot of hats for me, Tara’s Hatters out of San Antonio, they’ve blocked a lot of my hats over the years now and do a great initial block. But I’ll get the kettle out and steam ’em up and touch ’em up. Because things don’t settle until, well when things get shipped, I’ll just, well, hot steam is what you use to block the felt. I’ll just hand block it myself once I get it."
posted by MsMolly at 11:21 AM on April 9, 2007

Best answer: A decent hat will run you $100-150. Or a really nice one can get north of $300. I've always been partial to Resistol's in case you were wondering.

Cowboy hats usually come with a flat brim and a round crown kind of like Hoss wore on Ponderosa. When you buy it, you choose what shape crown and brim you want, then they'll steam it and block it for you right there in the store.

Random Hat Knowledge:
-Nice felt hats don't like to get wet, so sometime you'll see guys wearing a plastic cover over their really nice hats.
-Don't take your hat off by holding the brim because you'll break the felt and it will never be right again.
-Don't lay your hat down on the brim because it will cause it to lose shape; instead, lay it down on the crown
-If your hat is too loose, stuff some paper towls in the liner band to tighten it up - helps keep them on when you're tearing across a pasture
-Avoid hat cords; only little kids and Yankees (no offense) use stampede cords
-Wear felt hats if it's cold enough for a jacket or you're dressed up; wear a straw hat if it's hot
posted by CRS at 12:18 PM on April 9, 2007

Definately a Stetson.

I have a Stetson (straw cowboy hat) for summer and a black felt cowboy hat I purchased in Mexico, for winter. I had another straw cowboy hat stolen off my head during a show :( To get the cool furls in the brim of my black hat, I put it in a plastic shopping bag, twisted it closed as tight as it would go and left it in the window sill soaking up the sun. Looks pretty slick. The straw ones have wire so you can shape them any way you want.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 2:26 PM on April 9, 2007

Best answer: I agree that's it's probably a felt Stetson. The quality is based on the number of Xs. The higher the number, the better the hat. For example, a 20X hat would be a better hat than a 4X and probably run around $500.

Color is a matter of preference although most older gents wear grey felt while the young guys wear black. I don't know anybody outside of show business who wears a white hat except for at weddings.

A plain straw hat in summer is quite a bit cheaper than a felt hat. Most guys in Texas over 30 wear a plain one, some of the younger guys are wearing hats with a wider brim and a different color trim around the edge.

I can't imagine putting a $500 hat in a plastic bag and twisting it up, but whatever works for you. Around our house, everybody, including the grandkids, know that you never put the hat down on its brim. And you will stick out around here if you wear a straw hat in the winter or a felt one in the summer.
posted by rcavett at 8:12 PM on April 10, 2007

rcavett writes "Color is a matter of preference although most older gents wear grey felt while the young guys wear black. I don't know anybody outside of show business who wears a white hat except for at weddings."

White hats are pretty popular in Calgary because of Stampede.
posted by Mitheral at 6:03 PM on April 12, 2007

Response by poster: Calgary would be the best place to buy one too, I'd bet.
posted by smorange at 6:10 PM on April 12, 2007

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