Please help me find a phone logging app
October 3, 2006 4:44 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone please suggest a hosted or downloadable app that would allow me to log phone calls simply and quickly?

I have been using CRM systems from Microsoft, SalesForce, and Zoho for quite sometime. I am looking for something much simpler. Something that would allow me to create call recipients quickly and simply click on their name and write, "called, left message" and click save. Being able to set call status (i.e completed, started, waiting) is also important. I would want to be able to click the name and see a running history of phone calls with that person, and to be able to schedule future calls with alarms. Can anyone suggest something along these lines?

posted by Ezrie to Technology (2 answers total)
I don't know where it falls on the 'simple' spectrum but ACT! will do those things. You'd right click somebody, record a history item, and click a button to follow up (and set the date) later.
posted by powpow at 7:32 PM on October 3, 2006

Outlook Journal has the ability to create a log of phone calls, categorized by name, and it has a free-form text field to write notes in. It automatically records the time, and you can start a timer to log the call length. You could then drag the item onto the calendar to set a reminder. You could drag the item into the task pane, or simply add an additional tag for progress info.
posted by Mr. Gunn at 8:18 PM on October 3, 2006

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