September 15, 2006 1:40 PM   Subscribe

Whats the best 4 day adventure we can go on?

So the year is drawing to a close and I just realized I have 3 vacation days I need to use by December. I've recently started dating a pretty damn cool girl, and we'd both like to go on some sort of unforgettable adventure together. We're trying to figure out where we should go.

She's 22 and I'm 23
We live in North Carolina (She's in Chapel Hill, I'm in Wilmington)
Been casually dating for a couple months but get along really well and are pretty close.
Both want to live life to it's fullest
Shared interests: boats, water, raggae music, country music, spirit of adventure, the islands, dogs...
Wouldn't mind camping out for part of the time to save cash
We could take others with us on the trip, but its doubtful anyones schedules would line up. So probably just us 2.

- We are only free from 6pm Saturday until 6pm Wednesday (4 days off). [This could be tweaked a little if we find a really awesome idea]
- We only have $350 per person to spend total. [This could be tweaked if we find a really awesome idea]

I'm up for anything-- from a bahamas cruise (if we could find one to fit in the requirements) to some sort of ridiculous New Orleans festival, etc. I really like the idea of flying to Peurto Rico but worry about the cost of living. So whats an exciting and unique trip we could take?
posted by ZackTM to Grab Bag (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

I am almost exactly the same situation, save for my intention to go it alone. This is my plan...
posted by phrontist at 2:24 PM on September 15, 2006

In February of 2000 my friend and I took an extended-weekend vacation to Paris (from Chicago). Air France was selling a package that included round-trip airfare and 3 (or 4? I can't remember) nights in a hotel (down the street from the Eiffel Tower) for $500. A little more than you indicated (and will be increased with food expenses, etc.), but it was great fun to jet off for the weekend.

I'm not sure if they're still doing such a package deal, but I'd look into it. It's an off-season thing. I think British Airways had a similar thing going on at that time, too.
posted by penchant at 2:46 PM on September 15, 2006

Go on a bike epic. Get as far away from where you are as you can within your budget, decide if you want to do singletrack mtb or road biking, plan out a map of how far you'll go each day, & do it. Camping will be cheap, if you already have the gear. If you decide to mountain bike, I'd plan on ending up relatively close to civilization during the nights in case one of you gets hurt (hey, it happens, & being 2 days out just sucks).

Alternately, hike 3 days of the Appalachian trail (or, if you're really ambitious, come out to the west coast & hike some of the Pacific Crest trail. Don't hike in Oregon because of the fire closures (and rain), and not in Washington (because of the rain). I'd guess the California section is still pretty nice this time of year though. And I guarantee you, your Appalachian trail doesn't hold a candle to the crest trail ;)
posted by devilsbrigade at 3:11 PM on September 15, 2006

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