Pre-Setting Up a Chromecast as a Gift
December 7, 2023 1:27 PM   Subscribe

I'd like to get a loved one a Chromecast and set it up for them so they have access to the right services and everything with no set up needed. How do I do that?

I don't want to make them download the app, start a google account, remove all the stuff they don't need, and all of that. So I plugged it in and set all of that up for them. But it's all set up on my wifi. Taking a look, it doesn't seem like there is a way for them to change the network without either downloading the home app, or doing a reset.

Visiting them to set it up, or having someone else visit to set it up for them is not an option unfortunately. Talking them through it would be incredibly difficult as well.

Would it work if I temporarily changed the name and password on my network to theirs, finished the set up, and then mailed it to them?
posted by Garm to Technology (2 answers total)
I'm far from an expert, but whenever I move my own Chromecast, it requires a reset to function on its new network. I don't think your plan will work without access to the network where it will reside.

You may need to look into a different streaming device.
posted by wile e at 12:52 AM on December 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

Since you haven't gotten any answers addressing it yet, I think your idea to temporarily change the SSID/password of your network to match theirs is worth testing! Do you have a friend you could try this with first before risking shipping it off? Or a spare router (borrowed or bought/returned) you could swap out at your own home for testing?

(I'd wonder if you might need to match not just their SSID/password, but also their encryption type.)
posted by nobody at 6:17 AM on December 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

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