Polo shirts for people who like button downs
July 9, 2023 11:54 AM   Subscribe

I need to buy a polo shirt. I don't like polo shirts. Recommendations needed

I have an annual golf event coming up, and everyone wears polo or golf shirts. I don't like wearing them. I much prefer short sleeve button downs, which I find more flattering. I am, however, committed to blending in by wearing a polo shirt. I have cycled through a few the past several years, and not liked any of them. My last polo shirt was from Banana Republic.

What don't I like? I find polo shirts kind of clingy, and think that they don't look very good on folks who don't have athletic body types. They highlight tummies, which I don't like.

Given that, is there a brand or material that you would recommend? Must ship to Canada, shopping for Men's size medium. Thanks in advance
posted by walkinginsunshine to Shopping (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I think what you might want is something called a "short-sleeve button-up golf shirt". Go for a larger size than usual if you want it to be less clingy.
posted by pipeski at 12:03 PM on July 9, 2023

Unbound Merino makes Polo shirts. You can return them for free if you don't like the fit.
posted by dobbs at 12:04 PM on July 9, 2023 [1 favorite]

I belong to a country club that requires tucked in polo shirts and I also don't have the most athletic torso, and Greyson is what I use.

Besides having larger sizes, they are made of a stretchy material that not only breathes and feels great the entire round, but also doesn't look like a skinsuit for anybody with higher than 12% body fat. Also, they have a decent balance of non-traditional patterns that don't veer into the "Bill Murray is so Awesome!/Fireball Whiskey shots at the turn/My Wife's Boyfriend!" horseshit that a lot of the "I play golf, but I'm not a golfer" brands have these days.
posted by Back At It Again At Krispy Kreme at 12:05 PM on July 9, 2023

I find polo shirts kind of clingy, and think that they don't look very good on folks who don't have athletic body types. They highlight tummies, which I don't like.

First, find an all-cotton polo. I find most/all of cotton-poly blend polos fit exactly as you describe, and I hate ‘em. Cotton just drapes more comfortably.

Second, opt for a pique weave polo. It’s that slightly mesh-ish texture material. It breathes nicely, and I find it drapes more forgivingly than the brushed-cotton materials.

The third step is a little more problematic, which is the fit. Clothes today seem to be more fitted. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t find roomier polos. Honestly, any polo worth the name should be cut to allow movement without binding.

Also: Ribbed collars and armbands.
posted by Thorzdad at 1:38 PM on July 9, 2023 [4 favorites]

Dappered does a yearly polo shirt roundup. It doesn't cover all of them by any means, but I've found it helpful in the past. They also show how each shirt fits on a model and include their height / weight, so you might be able to extrapolate how they will fit you.
posted by true at 1:52 PM on July 9, 2023 [1 favorite]

Are you familiar with popovers? The placket is longer, nearly to the waist, and they’re often in more shirt-y materials. They were an old school thing that had a revival a few years ago.

But also, does everybody wear polos because they like polos, or because there’s an explicit dress code? If it’s just a preference, just wear a button down you like.
posted by kevinbelt at 3:19 PM on July 9, 2023

I think polos are unflattering on everyone. I'm wondering if you'd prefer a henley (no collar, a couple of buttons at the neck), or a quarter-zip shirt?

If you try on a shirt that has a zip nearly to the waist, make sure it doesn't inhibit your swing. Zippers can make a garment more rigid.
posted by wryly at 8:01 PM on July 9, 2023

Check out Duluth Trading polos. They swim on me neckwise but I think they have added different cuts.

posted by drowsy at 7:48 PM on July 10, 2023

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