Stop showing me work stuff!
June 28, 2023 11:44 AM   Subscribe

How do I get Google Calendar on Android to stop showing me work tasks?

On my Android (Pixel 5), I have two accounts set up - personal and work. I am also running Nova Launcher with Google's At-A-Glance widget. Other than Nova, it's running stock Pixel Android, latest version (13, not the 14 beta) and I'm using Google Calendar as-is.

I have the AAG widget set to not show me upcoming alerts from my work profile. I also have the Calendar app on my phone set to not show me anything from my work calendar - all the boxes under "personaladdress@homeemail.home" are checked, and none of the boxes under "" are checked.

And yet, I get alerts on my phone about upcoming work tasks. I do not want these - I do not want any work info notifications, as I'm a desk worker, sitting at my work computer right now, with my calendar open. I don't need alerts! I never get work email notifications, or event notifications from my work calendar - it's just task notifications that keep appearing.

Is there a setting I'm missing? This is making me nuts and I can't figure out how to solve it.
posted by pdb to Technology (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I am not sure whether this'll resolve what you're seeing, but try this:

Open the Calendar app, open the 3-lines menu, then select the gear/settings item from it, and select the calendar you don't want notifications about.

In this screen is a "default notifications" section. Change whatever the current setting is (e.g., "10 minutes before") to "no notification".

You can also try this: In Android settings, search for "accounts", then select the account you never want calendar notifications about. Under "account sync" you can turn off calendar syncing entirely while leaving whatever syncing you want (e.g., drive, gmail) enabled.
posted by the antecedent of that pronoun at 11:59 AM on June 28, 2023

The notifications could be coming from another calendar app. When I first got my phone, the Samsung calendar app was the default and notifying me of events. I prefer the Google Calendar app, and eventually had to just mute the Samsung app entirely. Scrutinize the app source of those notifications -- it might not be the app you are fiddling with.
posted by intermod at 6:19 AM on June 29, 2023

You can pull any notification to the left or right to reveal a gear icon. Tapping the gear gives you some options, as well as telling you which app generated the notification and what the notification channel is called.

If the app has a separate notification channel for each account (or the work-related notifications are coming from a different app altogether) you can tap "Turn off notifications" to disable that channel. Otherwise you'll have to dig into the app itself as others have suggested.
posted by smammy at 11:40 AM on June 29, 2023

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