Mesh gate, mechanical lock
March 27, 2023 11:06 AM   Subscribe

Installing a wire mesh fence and gate, it's up -- but the lock isn't figured out yet. Strong preference for mechanical, not electronic. Pushbutton, no keys. What you got?

New security fence and gate:
The installer put in a mechanical lock with pushbuttons for a four-digit code and handle on the public side, just a handle (no keypad) on the private side. Seemed like a good idea for easy exit, just use the handle. BUT from the public side it's easy to reach through the wire and use the handle on the private side.

One solution is a big steel plate preventing easy reach-through.
But first, can you recommend a great mechanical lock for outdoors, pushbutton code, same code on both sides? Solid, no b.s., black finish preferred but not necessary. Extra points for reasonably easy tumbler adjustment to change the code.
posted by xaryts to Home & Garden (3 answers total)
I think you need to clarify what your threat model is here and how serious you are about it. Who are you trying to keep out, and what sort of investment is worth doing that, to you?
posted by mhoye at 11:12 AM on March 27, 2023

Response by poster: Thanks for query about intention of fencing and gate, mhoye. The longevity of the solution is more important than any day-to-day incursion threat. A 6 ft fence is max here, the fence can be climbed--so no illusions about impregnability.

However, the no-barrier option expired as we had an intruder walk up the unfenced passage to the backyard at night.

Looking for no-fuss, robust. It's not a domain I know anything about.
posted by xaryts at 11:54 AM on March 27, 2023

The reason most modern locks don’t require a code or a key to exit is fire/emergency egress. Even on a gate, assuming it’s residential property, I wouldn’t want to have to remember a code or climb the fence after climbing down a fire ladder at 2AM.
posted by outfielder at 12:18 PM on March 27, 2023 [7 favorites]

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