Please recommend a wireless Bluetooth earbud for running with sunglasses
March 23, 2023 2:33 PM   Subscribe

I wear sunglasses and the earbuds that wrap around my ear are a problem with my sunglasses. Add to that a cord to keep the sunglasses from slipping and it’s really not working. I am looking for earbuds that are comfortable, will stay in place, and filter out noise. Decent. Thank you to all who respond.
posted by Tziv to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Not sure if this is what you meant by "wrap around my ear", but I wear these wireless earbuds every day on my walk/jog, and they stay in place, eliminate road noise completely, and do not interfere or cause discomfort with my glasses.
posted by xedrik at 7:30 PM on March 23, 2023

I got these Jabra earbuds as a Christmas gift last year and really love them. I run or lift weights with them almost every day and they never shift or fall out. They have good noise canceling, though I also appreciate the setting that filters noise IN (helpful for running on busy streets). The only real con is that they're pretty expensive.
posted by catoclock at 6:12 AM on March 24, 2023

I like my Jabra 85ts. The noise cancellation/isolation is good and it has a hear-through mode for when you do need to be aware of what's around you. They stay put well in my ears while active. As an added bonus, the mics are quite good as far as earbuds go (I selected Jabra over other brands with slightly better sound because I wanted to be able to use them for audio/video conferences.)
posted by Candleman at 8:52 PM on March 26, 2023

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