Who will rid me of these troublesome pubes?
March 16, 2021 10:24 PM   Subscribe

I am a woman who hates pubic hair. Can deal with it on others, but not on me. After many years of occasional waxes (painful, expensive, humiliating) and electric shower razor shaving (gross stubble,) I'd really love to celebrate the end of COVID, when it happens, by just getting rid of it forever. But I'm seeing conflicting information about whether this is a thing that is safe/effective to do, and I'm looking for anecdata.

To be clear: I don't mind hair on the front of the mons veneris - in fact I'd ideally keep it, it looks better to me than bald. But anything lower down is anathema to me - on the labia, etc., and especially the stuff that's on the skin that transitions from outer to inner. That's what I'd really like to get rid of forever.

The thing is I have a Mediterranean complexion, where the skin down there is pretty pigmented, and the hair is pretty light, lighter than on my head. If I yank out a representative couple of hairs from the area I want to target, some of it's light-medium brown; and some of it is near colorless. And the online information makes it sound like maybe that won't work, and that trying it could cause burns. I don't want burns. The presumed pain is also an issue.

So what are people doing to get rid of pubes in 2021? I believe there are new ointments on the market that retard hair growth, can those be used down there? Or maybe you have a laser success story to share? Or you figured out a way to do waxing at home? I've tried that once or twice, and it's just been a mess.

Not everyone wants to publicly discuss the state of their pubes, so let's assume that all anecdotes shared happened to your "friend."
posted by anonymous to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
I don’t have a laser success story unfortunately. I’ve had a full course of laser done on the areas you described as troublesome and the hair has always come back. Laser only works well on dark hair and lighter skin... I’m generally lighter skinned with dark hair so it’s worked on my legs and underarms etc but the skin on the labia etc tends to be darker and I think that’s why it hasn’t been as successful. The hair on the front is much thinner but down in the bitsy parts nothing has changed. Have you considered epilation? I think you can get lidocaine cream.
posted by pairofshades at 1:07 AM on March 17, 2021

I had laser hair removal on my pubic hair, as well as most of the rest of my body (and I tell literally anyone who'll listen, so MeMail me if you have more questions!)

Firstly, go and get a consult at a really good salon. They are the only ones who'll even begin to be able to advise on what sort of results you might see, whether your skin is suitable, and any risk of burns.

Burns are related to either 1. your own exposure to UV light, which creates photosensitivity - so you have to wait 6wks between any sessions AND six weeks after your last sun exposure, to prevent overdosing your skin on UV and causing what I understand to be the equivalent of really severe sunburn; and 2. how high they have the laser turned up. I only had one experience of uncomfortable redness - not burns, but we did end up putting ice packs on my legs to calm the reaction - which I think was due to the salon having increased the intensity of the laser a little too much between sessions. On the flip side, I also had them once refuse to laser me because I'd booked a session too soon after my holiday - safety first.

Secondly, I had six sessions on my pubic hair and I would say it's removed 80% of the hair. I'm pale with dark hair: you're right that the more contrast between your skin and your hair, the better your results. If you do proceed, you may well not see 100% hair removal, especially if some of your hair is paler than your skin: I also had my underarms done, where apparently some of my hair is blonde, and that hair is still there, though invisible. So it's unlikely that laser removal would remove everything even if you do it.

Thirdly, yah it's not the most comfortable feeling in the world, but it's by no means unbearable. I would take laser over epilation any day, if that comparison helps; and I found the pubic section WAY less painful than some areas of my legs (which I've also had done), because the additional fat between the laser and your nerves provides padding. The laser hitting your skin is like being suddenly prodded by a dozen thin needles all at once; but each section is only prodded once. Also the pubic section really isn't that big so it's over pretty quickly.

MeMail me if you want a recommendation in London (UK) or the list of steps I went through to work out what to look for in a laser package.
posted by citands at 4:04 AM on March 17, 2021

My partner had laser done at least six years ago, and has had basically zero regrowth in any of the areas treated with no need for retreatments later. Not everyone has that result, but for her it turned out well (with dark hair, but also darker skin). I think it helped that she chose a highly-qualified place rather than the cheapest option, and probably also there was luck involved to get that good of an outcome. There were no burns or anything like that but there was some short term pain/stinging during the treatments. She is happy with the outcome and would do it again.
posted by Dip Flash at 6:13 AM on March 17, 2021

based on your description of your skin color and hair color, you're not a candidate for laser hair removal. HOWEVER, the best way to know for sure is to go to a place and have them look and tell you for sure.

i have had laser hair removal on my upper lip and underarms and have had a great experience. if you are eligible based on a consult, i would do it with no hesitation.
posted by misanthropicsarah at 7:34 AM on March 17, 2021

If laser turns out not to be an option, there's always electrolysis. I had both on my face/neck. Both methods sting and both methods require a number of sessions with a person up close and personal with the body part you want to depilate. In general I think hair removal folks spend a lot of time up close and personal with all kinds of intimate body parts, so they're not likely to be weirded out if you're not.

Once or twice in my life I've gotten a Brazilian wax. Though it wasn't exactly a bowl of cherries, it was much less awful than I initially expected it to be. Not permanent, but since it's more pleasant growing in than stubble from a shaver, perhaps an ongoing grooming practice for you? I should say, I cannot imagine trying to replicate this salon service at home.
posted by Sublimity at 10:43 AM on March 17, 2021

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