the rain...during 'Rona times
October 2, 2020 3:42 PM   Subscribe

Am going to London tomorrow with my husband and three small children. For sightseeing and fun. much of what we would normally do is either fully booked (due to it being a rainy Saturday in October) or closed due to the 'Rona. Any tips, which won't break the bank, and possibly not already all over the "10 best things to do in London with the kids!" lists as I've scoured them all!! :-D Thanks all. Dropped the ball on this one...shoulda checked the websites BEFORE booking train tix. Kids are 9, 5 and 5 (twins).
posted by dance to Travel & Transportation around London, England (5 answers total)
Where are you coming from?
posted by wenestvedt at 4:15 PM on October 2, 2020

Inside Out Westminster scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled but the website lists a few things still happening, the best of which is the Mayfair Sculpture Trail.

If you're coming into Kings Cross you might want to check the market at Coal Drops Yard.

A friend told me that Hamleys was surprisingly empty though that was midweek.
posted by boudicca at 5:20 PM on October 2, 2020

Take a bus ride? Ride at the top front of a double-decker that goes through the centre. Maybe even one of the proper sightseeing hop-on hop-off ones if you want to splurge a bit.

Very central London retail-wise hasn’t been back to normal levels of business so I second Hamley’s as a idea. Could also visit the big Waterstone’s on Piccadilly if the kids like books.

Also kids might like the Lego store and M and M store in Leicester Square. So touristy I know!

Emirates Airline is cool but so far out of the way that it’s probably not worth it.

You still might be able to book an afternoon tea somewhere. There is a gorgeous looking Peter Rabbit Afternoon Tea at Le Meridian Piccadilly but it is very spendy.

I hope some others have some better ideas and hope you have a lovely day regardless!
posted by peanut butter milkshake at 9:09 PM on October 2, 2020

Tower of London (where the Crown Jewels are) is really low-traffic at the moment, and the tour you get with a Beefeater is a fantastic storytime experience. You can watch the ravens and they might steal your snacks. It's rainy but with umbrellas I think it would be nice and absorbing, and it isn't too cold and windy right now.

I just checked, and tickets are plentiful! I'm sorry it's £££ though, I also haven't been for this reason.
posted by lokta at 1:14 AM on October 3, 2020 [1 favorite]

Right now, there is exactly one free slot for a family of five at the London Aquarium today, at 11am. This is almost certainly not helpful unless you're already in the area, but I mention it just in case.

Even in the rain, perhaps the children would enjoy seeing the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs? I'm struggling to think of anything else nearby though, given that the maze is closed for Covid and the Horniman is fully booked for today.
posted by ManyLeggedCreature at 2:42 AM on October 3, 2020

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