How does a medical professional get started in chart review?
June 14, 2019 12:18 PM   Subscribe

I'm an MD who would like to get involved in doing some chart auditing, whether for legal reasons, utilization management or any other type of professional review. Has anyone here been involved in this, and if so what advice or direction could you provide me with?
posted by docpops to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
Contact the claims offices at medical malpractice insurers, either near you or otherwise. (Physical proximity is not essential.)

Speak to a lawyer to find out who defends these cases in your area to find contact information. Those lawyers may also be able to put you in touch with the insurers they work with.

There are agencies who put doctors and lawyers together, but think of this as an option if the first two ideas don't move you forward.
posted by megatherium at 12:28 PM on June 14, 2019

No personal experience with this but if you are on Facebook, there are quite a few groups (one is Physician Nonclinical Career Hunters) where there will probably be more people who can answer this too.
posted by Pantalaimon at 8:29 PM on June 14, 2019 [2 favorites]

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