Tell me about your favorite (powerful) Android Podcast App
March 7, 2019 4:43 PM   Subscribe

Mr. Getawaysticks and I have been long time users of Pocketcasts. Pocketcasts did an update overnight that we won't be using going forward. What would be a good replacement?

Pocketcasts pushed a major update today which blew away any playlists, doesn't do things like multi-selecting episodes to add to "Up Next," took away the ability to have custom folders of podcasts. The development team is sniping at people on reddit who have issues with their update.

Can you suggest a replacement? Requirements:
1) Playlists
2) Can store on SD card
3) Import from OPML
4) Can enter custom URLs for things like Stitcher that require username/password

Mr. Getawaysticks used Podcast addict for years and switched to Pocketcasts a while ago. I have heard good things about Google Podcasts but that it doesn't support playlists? Overcast and Downcast don't appear to support Android? We are on Galaxy 9/9+ if it matters. It is okay to pay a few (<$10) bucks for the right app.

A slight tangent: Is there a way to find a 6.9x download of Pocketcasts that is trustworthy (since the developer won't provide it)?

Thank you!
posted by getawaysticks to Technology (5 answers total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
BeyondPod (Play store link; 7-day free trial, $4.99 to unlock)

1) I think yes, as I understand your meaning. I keep my podcast subscriptions in 3 folders (daily, weekly/monthly, and 'catch-up'), and I can generate playlists from each alone, or (as I do in fact) tell SmartPlay (auto-playlist-maker) to follow certain rules for each folder, i.e. grab 5 unheard episodes from each of the daily podcasts, any new episode from podcasts in the weekly/monthly, and the oldest unheard ep from the catch-up podcasts, which is where I file the 'casts I'm listening to from the start. I also keep a folder of casts that I just check into manually from time to time. I don't know if you can save a playlist; I've always just generated a new one per-folder or using SmartPlay or whatever it's called.
2) Yup
3) Yes
4) Yes, though I've never tried it; I didn't know I could obtain a direct feed to a Stitcher Premium show, which I'd love to do.

My only beefs with it: 1) besides being sometimes a little tricky to find the right setting, is that it throws up a lot of unnecessary notifications that don't always dismiss easily in the drawer. I found the best way to deal with that, and I'm just living with this, is to use the notification to open the app, and then dismiss the app. 2) Podcasts from WBUR stopped working, I think because BeyondPod's default programming is misreading the feed somehow; it just downloads a brand image instead of downloading the playable mp3, every time. So I'm using Google Podcasts for that one show.

It does keep a player in the drawer (I think that's the name; in any case I'm referring to the list of notifications you get when you drag down from the top of the screen). My dad found it annoying, but I miss it when it's gone.

I recently (3-4 months ago) tried Pocketcasts and just didn't get it; BeyondPod has spoiled me. I never did find any kind of playlist function; it seemed like a lot of other players (including Google Podcasts) that just seem made for people who want to manually select podcasts to listen to every time. Possibly i didn't try hard enough, but I went back to BeyondPod, tried a little harder there, and solved my problem with playlist generation.
posted by Sunburnt at 5:36 PM on March 7, 2019 [2 favorites]

I would definitely recommend giving Podcast Addict another look if it has been a few years. I love it, it's extremely customizable, and I believe it meets all of your requirements -- I know for sure it meets 2-4 and it allows for at least 1 playlist, and possibly more, but I just use one.

The one major thing I would say, and it's possible this has been fixed, but it is definitely worth paying for the unlocked version once you've demo'ed it and are sure it does most of what you want. When I was using the free version I was having major battery drain issues that I am pretty sure was due to the ads (regardless of what ad format I used). As soon as I purchased the app, that issue went away.
posted by possibilityleft at 6:14 AM on March 8, 2019 [1 favorite]

I tried a bunch of different Android podcast apps after switching away from iOS and my beloved Downcast. None of them are perfect, but Podcast Republic is the best. It does all of the things you are looking for and more. It is free with (minor) ads, but I ponied up the $3 for ad-free after using it for a while.

If it added a "don't lock screen when playing and charging" option it might be perfect.
posted by Rock Steady at 6:26 AM on March 8, 2019 [1 favorite]

Going to keep an eye on this one; I LOVED Pocket Casts and kind of hate the update. Hearing that they're being dismissive of people who don't like the changes is so disappointing.

FWIW, I think I went from BeyondPod to Pocket Casts when I got my new phone late last year, although I don't remember exactly what feature pushed me in that direction, I do remember Pocket Casts being an improvement. :\ But I might try it again, if they've swapped places in the good-to-actually-use category.
posted by epersonae at 1:21 PM on March 8, 2019 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks for the responses! So far, I'm digging Podcast Republic. My husband tried Podcast Addict and it does allow just one playlist - a deal breaker for him, but not for me. We have a few more to go through.

I appreciate the responses!
posted by getawaysticks at 1:31 PM on March 8, 2019

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