Why does Android keep forgetting permissions?
March 7, 2017 12:11 PM   Subscribe

I have a Moto G4 running Android Marshmallow, and every couple of months it will forget the permissions for most of the apps. Any ideas?

This never happens while it's running, only when it's turned back on/reset. The phone gets turned off every night, so it can't be the actual act of turning it on and off that triggers this.

Google apps appear to be unaffected, but most other apps (most annoyingly WhatsApp) lose all their permissions and need them individually turned on again within Android's settings. Researching online hasn't got me very far..... most of the information seems to relate to various HTC models which I definitely haven't got (and for these models it seems to happen a lot more frequently than every few months).

The only other info I could find suggested that Android automatically reset the permissions after a period of time for any apps that didn't specifically request access to the hardware/calendar etc. Which might be true for some of the apps, but definitely can't be for WhatsApp as it's used every day. Any help much appreciated......
posted by inner_frustration to Technology (2 answers total)
And it's not synchonous with the apps updating?
posted by aimedwander at 12:28 PM on March 7, 2017

Response by poster: In reply to aimedwander: No, this seems to be independent of whether apps have updated recently or not.
posted by inner_frustration at 12:51 PM on March 7, 2017

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