I need to learn how to make and store a podcast.
February 22, 2017 12:12 PM   Subscribe

I did a radio show for a long time and I have been asked to turn it into a podcast. I have no idea how I should do this. I have a Mac book pro, maybe a smidge of online space, and a lot of time. The radio show is mostly music with me talking a small amount.

I have previewed the other askme questions and I think I need some specific pointers. I have never really edited any audio. Also, I have access to a Mac, so, I don't think I can use Audacity. This is essentially a music radio show that is prerecorded for broadcast on my old radio station.
posted by Foam Pants to Technology (7 answers total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
Audacity is available for the Mac

You could also use Garage Band, which comes free with your Mac and I believe has a podcast mode.

As long as you can put your audio into MP3 format, you're halfway there. The next step would be to create a blog (say, at Wordpress.com). You'd create a blog post for each podcast episode, attach the MP3 to it, and the RSS feed from your blog would be your podcast. There are podcast plugins for Wordpress that give you more bells and whistles (here's one). And then you can get it into iTunes' podcast listings…somehow so that people can find you more easily.

I'm sure you could do the same on other blogging platforms—Wordpress is just what I'm best acquainted with.
posted by adamrice at 12:21 PM on February 22, 2017

A "podcast" is just some audio, encoded in some standards-based way (almost certainly MPEG-1 and/or MPEG-2 layer III audio, aka "mp3") and made available over the Internet (almost certainly through a web site). If this is an ongoing thing (as opposed to a big archive of past shows), then it might be worth having an RSS feed so people can conveniently find out when new content goes up.

A blogging or CMS package is one easy way to do this. (On preview: adamrice has it.)

But the first question (especially if you're trying to monetize this!) is: do you have the rights to the music in the shows? Rights to radio broadcast (at the time and place the original broadcast happened) is not the same as that music being podsafe now. If not, your choices are hope nobody complains, go through rights clearance (with which, good luck) or edit out the music leaving just the talky bits (which may or may not be any fun, depending on your show). (Does your radio station own the rights to the talky bits? Are they OK with your podcast?)

If you have recordings of your show as aired, the editing you need to do is probably minimal: remove commercials, station ID, dead air, and unrelated matter before and after the show content. If you recorded in an actual studio with a non-garbage mic and not a whole lot of extraneous background noise, you're *well* ahead of most of the podcasters out there.

Audacity has a learning curve, but it's extremely useful and free. It has reasonable tools for MP3 exports. Setting your id3v2 tags (MP3 file in-band metadata) to useful values is a nice touch.
posted by sourcequench at 12:32 PM on February 22, 2017

posted by Grangousier at 12:33 PM on February 22, 2017

Response by poster: To clarify, this is less of a podcast and more of a pre-recorded radio show. I won't be advertising this is any way, not even an accompanying blog post. I will be storing it online for the radio station to download. This is how I will be getting around music rights because the radio station's will be covering me.
posted by Foam Pants at 1:10 PM on February 22, 2017

Upload the MP3's to Dropbox? Then you are not posting to the open internet.

Are the radio episodes on tape? Or digital? If digital, which format?

If I am reading you correctly, your question is how to convert, edit, and upload each episode so the radio station can archive it - correct?
posted by jbenben at 1:41 PM on February 22, 2017

There are some good guides on transom.org
posted by radioamy at 1:59 PM on February 22, 2017

This is how I will be getting around music rights because the radio station's will be covering me.

If the goal of this is to circumvent music licensing issues, this is unlikely to actually solve the problem. Them just receiving your audio and broadcasting it doesn't allow either of you to dodge licensing laws (however unfair they may be).

But what Jbenben suggests is probably what you're looking for (podcasts are, kind of by definition available to the public, or a subset of the public...it sounds like you're just trying to send it to the station?) Google drive might also be workable, depending on their systems.

Lifehacker has a surprisingly good, detailed breakdown of the steps going into making a Podcast, if that's what you're looking to do.
posted by furnace.heart at 3:04 PM on February 22, 2017

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