bounce! roll, coach!
January 6, 2006 3:05 PM   Subscribe

Leadership book about a basketball coach who was really into excellence; for instance he made people learn to tie their shoes correctly before he allowed them onto the court. Any ideas? My boss wants a bunch of us to read it but we can't do that if we don't have a title.
posted by pomegranate to Writing & Language (4 answers total)
Wooden on Leadership?
posted by Gator at 3:09 PM on January 6, 2006

I second Wooden on leadership. From a page found on a google search:

"I’ve heard that the great UCLA basketball coach John Wooden taught his players how to play the game by first teaching them how to lace up and tie their shoes."
posted by saraswati at 3:12 PM on January 6, 2006

Plus, if you "search inside" on the Amazon page for the words tie shoe, you'll see a couple of pages from the book itself that mention that.
posted by Gator at 3:20 PM on January 6, 2006

for instance he made people learn to tie their shoes correctly before he allowed them onto the court.

That is absolutely, 100 percent John Wooden.
posted by frogan at 9:57 PM on January 6, 2006

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