Simple cheap device for galvanic skin response only?
September 8, 2015 1:01 PM   Subscribe

There's a bevy of wearables out there which record all sorts of things. I just want galvanic skin response, in a nice wireless bracelet or something.

I am willing to poke around at sdk's and futz with individual bits in scripts and stuff if and only if I can have something that will measure galvanic skin response and galvanic skin response only.
posted by curuinor to Technology (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Is the nice wireless bracelet a necessity?

If not, here is a link to a sensor you can buy and code to use it on an arduino.

Alternatively, a galvanic skin response sensor is basically just reading a change in resistance in the wearer's skin. If you are comfortable with some simple electronics you can make your own using the analog inputs on an arduino, some resistors and wire. This project is an example of one. The project includes 2 resistors, but you could do it with one as long as you have the right resistance value. I think this is a pretty cheap + simple solution.

And if you want to make it wireless you can connect it to an arduino fio board with an xbee radio. It will be too big to fit in a discreet bracelet, but as a wrist cuff or a large pendant it could work. You can also buy a board that connects an xbee radio to your computer by usb, so setting up the communication hardware is fairly straightforward. Then use the programming language of your choice to read the data.
posted by keeo at 7:55 PM on September 9, 2015

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