Hunger makes me a modern girl: food restriction edition
October 2, 2014 2:40 PM   Subscribe

I'm interested in main dish recipes for someone who is vegan and also avoids:
  • soy
  • gluten
  • nightshades (white potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, etc.)
  • acidic foods (tomatos, citrus)

I've been making a lot of curries leaving out the potatoes and tomatoes, and roasted fall vegetables with polenta is a hit. But - I'm running out of ideas, and most recipe search sites have few results that hit this profile. Can you help me with some meal planning?

I have access to a slow cooker, a food processor, a blender, a rice cooker, a microwave, and a typical selection of pots and pans.

Thanks in advance for feeding me and a friend!
posted by pants to Food & Drink (10 answers total) 26 users marked this as a favorite
Dal (Indian lentil dish)
Pad thai (rice noodles are gluten free, although you'd have to pass on the tofu and soy sauce)
Risotto (you don't need any dairy, my favorite is with butternut squash mixed in)
Split pea soup with veggies
Wild rice with veggies

That's like 80% of what I eat these days.
posted by miyabo at 2:49 PM on October 2, 2014 [3 favorites]

Caramelized onions (just oil) with wine-glazed mushrooms on top of a gluten-free crust (or polenta.) Or rosemary sweet potato pancakes. Rice noodles + peanut butter + chili garlic sauce + sesame oil + green beans/peas? Cuban black beans with guacamole and corn tortillas. Lentil salad with maple/dijon/vinegar (unless too acidic?) dressing and carrots. I found this blog, which is soy/gluten free and vegan, so at least you would just have to watch out for nightshades and acidic foods-- it looks like there are some that would either be okay or easily adapted.
posted by jetlagaddict at 2:58 PM on October 2, 2014 [2 favorites]

Thai-style curry with coconut milk and rice noodles
Bun (Vietnamese cold rice noodle salad)
Any kind of lentil/bean soup
mushroom soup with rice (usually fine without the added cream)
Sweet potatoes roasted or as 'fries' with your favorite condiment
gluten-free noodles with pesto
posted by arrmatie at 3:33 PM on October 2, 2014

Rice pilaf
Squash or pumpkin soup with coconut milk - I like curry spices here but you can also go for cinnamon and ginger, or thyme and rosemary
White bean soup with greens and roasted garlic
Beans and rice - there are a thousand variations here to be had
Tacos - beans, avocado, corn tortillas, whatever veggies you can handle
posted by bile and syntax at 3:49 PM on October 2, 2014

I think many of the vegan (V) recipes here would work for you. Bonus you could try some cashew cream or other nut-based things that can take the place of cheesy things:
posted by purple_bird at 4:32 PM on October 2, 2014

This recipe (minus the tomatoes) sounds delicious! The rest of the blog might help too. Asparagus pasta
posted by purple_bird at 4:39 PM on October 2, 2014

Sweet potato* apple ginger soup! Perfect for autumn (and also every other time)
Seconding risotto, but when you reheat the leftovers, do so on a skillet with some olive oil.

* Sweet potatoes do not belong to the nightshade family.
posted by aubilenon at 4:48 PM on October 2, 2014 [1 favorite]

Someone MeMailed me asking for the recipe for the sweet potato apple ginger soup, and I guess the answer might be of interest to other people here. I'd forgotten this but when I went back looking for it, it turned out the recipe I used (this one) does use regular nightshade potatoes in addition to the sweet potatoes. However, it's not much, and I bet it would work okay if you only used sweet potatoes. Though some people seem to say they've had success substituting in a few spoons of arborio rice (risotto rice). Since it's all pureed I guess the source of the starch is pretty flexible. So if it were me I'd try that. In fact, I will try that next time I make it.
posted by aubilenon at 12:38 AM on October 3, 2014 [1 favorite]

Wow, add the rest of the legume family (ESPECIALLY peanuts), corn, onion, and cruciferous vegetables and you've got my conundrum.

Quinoa has become one of my best best friends. I use is as a staple protein and blend it with a food processor to make burgers and other things. I have mastered a ridiculous "cheese" sauce.

One cup Macadamia nuts, one cup pistachios, 1 tbsp tahini, 1 tsp mustard seed, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 tsp lemon juice. Blend until creamy. Serve over Tinkyada rice noodles, rice, or even better, blend with quinoa (red is best) a tsp of cumin, and roll into tortillas (brown rice for me). Bake in the oven rolled or flat, cover with home made guac.

I am a total freak with curries made from sweet potato, or mixed vegetables thai style. I was SO bored until I started experimenting.

Feel free to hit me up. (I also have mastered gf/vegan pies, cakes, and cookies!)
posted by Polydactyly at 1:21 PM on October 3, 2014

I've been thinking more about this since I have a similar allergy cluster (gluten, soy, acid foods, a couple other random things) and would like to get back to eating more vegan meals. One of my big standbys is rice with stuff, and I just found a couple of recipes I am psyched to try out so I thought I would post them here.

Persian lentil rice.

Rice with fava beans - this one calls for yogurt, but if you can handle the coconut or almond yogurt it should work fine, and I'm going to make it with lima beans rather than fava beans.

I also like mujadara and it goes well with all kinds of veggies or you can use it as a base and drop more veggies in like so.
posted by bile and syntax at 8:00 AM on October 4, 2014

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