CPAP Machines and TSA X-Rays
November 23, 2013 9:05 PM   Subscribe

Why must CPAP machines be removed from their carrying cases when being X-rayed by the TSA?

I recently flew and did not remove my CPAP machine from its carrying bag. The bag, which contained only the CPAP machine, was flagged for additional screening and I was told to remove it from its bag on future flights.

I know that modern airport X-ray machines are quite sophisticated, but I wonder what they can observe about a CPAP machine outside of a light vinyl bag that they can not see with the machine inside of it.

I understand that much of what the TSA does might be better considered as security theater than security, but it seems like they must have *some* reason in mind for this, right? Anyone? Any ideas?
posted by Juffo-Wup to Travel & Transportation (9 answers total)
Just a random thought here. It may be a non standard enough of an item that it helps to visually see it as well as the xray. So it gets seen by eyeballs and it clicks oh.. yeah CPAP that'll look like ___ when xrayed. vs not seeing it and it pops up on xray and then having the process of 'hmm what is that... looks like it could be a CPAP but we should check to make sure'
posted by edgeways at 9:18 PM on November 23, 2013 [1 favorite]

You don't need to remove it. I carry mine whenever I travel and I never remove it from its travel case, unless the TSA agent flags me to be double checked. ...which, sadly, happens more often than it should (seriously, last time I flew, my friend carried a lighter through security. I got patted down and felt up because I wore an underside bra). TSA is pretty ridiculous about things, but at least they've never demanded that I unpack my CPAP for the x-ray machine. The agent who told you to remove it in the future was just playing his part in the security theater drama.
posted by LOLAttorney2009 at 10:48 PM on November 23, 2013 [1 favorite]

Why must CPAP machines be removed from their carrying cases when being X-rayed by the TSA?

They mustn't. I've flown with a CPAP on several occasions, and as long as the case isn't inside some other bag, it's been fine.

it seems like they must have *some* reason in mind for this, right?

Menial bureaucratic drones gotta justify their existence somehow. Everyone knows what they're doing is pointless, including them, but this sort of petty power play makes them feel important.
posted by valkyryn at 2:26 AM on November 24, 2013

Like so many of the TSA's rules, it is mysterious and varies from airport to airport as well as by the whims of individual screeners. I've had agents in one airport tell me that even in Pre-Check lines where you leave your laptops and liquids bagged, CPAPs still have to come out, and agents in another airport tell me not to bother unbagging mine. According to the TSA's blog CPAPs do need to come out of the bag, because parts of them are difficult to see by X-ray, but honestly I don't ascribe that much rhyme or reason to their doings.
posted by strangely stunted trees at 4:18 AM on November 24, 2013 [2 favorites]

I have seen airport security ask people to remove all sorts of machines from their cases before x-raying: laptops, piano keyboards etc. I assume it's so the x-ray image has less clutter and can be read more easily by the technician.
posted by EXISTENZ IS PAUSED at 6:37 AM on November 24, 2013

TSA has a general rule on "electronic equipment" needing to be out. That said, I've never had to do it. As others mention, it probably has a lot to do with the particular airport you use.

I just unzip the top of the case, and put it in a tray. Haven't had a problem.

Beyond the US, changing from international arrival to domestic flights in Heathrow, the screener just asked "what's this?" before it went into the xray. I said "medical equipment". He asked "breathing equipment." "Yup." "Okay, thanks".

Easy peasy, no problem at all.
posted by colin_l at 7:04 AM on November 24, 2013

I fly a few times a year BOS>DFW and BOS>LAX and I don't take the machine out for X-ray. I do however have a tag on my CPAP bag that states that it is a medical device so maybe that helps? Also, I pack each part in a ziplock bag, just in case. I don't want a bunch of airport coodies. :-/
posted by dorkydancer at 7:05 AM on November 24, 2013

Mod note: Come on folks, not the thread for TSA rants, act like adults and just answer the question or move on
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 7:06 AM on November 24, 2013

I have never been asked to remove my CPAP from its case. It has been swabbed a few times to makes sure it's not contaminated with explosives, but not nearly as frequently as my wheelchair has. I think the wheelchair gets swabbed every time.
posted by artistic verisimilitude at 10:55 AM on November 24, 2013

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