Owning a house vs financing a house.
May 1, 2013 2:32 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find stats on actual home ownership, not home borrowship?

I read an article today that said, " The share of Americans who own their homes was 65 percent in the first quarter, down from 65.4 percent a year earlier and the lowest level since the third quarter of 1995, the Census Bureau reported today. "

But that includes those who:
1) Owe money on their house (mortgage)
2) Own their house outright

Where can I find stats on how many Americans actually own their house outright with no mortgage.

(Lets not turn this into a "but you can never truly own your home because of property taxes, you're just renting it..." debate ;-)

Thanks in advance!

posted by sandra_s to Work & Money (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
One-third of homeowners own it outright. Source 1, 2.
posted by Houstonian at 2:35 PM on May 1, 2013

Zillow did an analysis on this in January. Overall takehome: 29% of Homeowners own their home outright. More details and whatnot in the article.
posted by brainmouse at 2:35 PM on May 1, 2013

This article claims 20 million: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100370046
posted by dfriedman at 2:35 PM on May 1, 2013

You can get it from census
posted by JPD at 3:04 PM on May 1, 2013

Census data from 2012 is here.
posted by jabes at 3:09 PM on May 1, 2013

Actually, that's 2009 data but from the 2012 statistical abstract. More updated info should be here.
posted by jabes at 3:11 PM on May 1, 2013

Zillow also said Portland Oregon is in Washington state.
posted by Cranberry at 11:14 PM on May 1, 2013 [2 favorites]

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