Sports Uniforms Distribution For Schools and Other Institutions
April 29, 2013 9:51 AM   Subscribe

I'm researching the market for sports uniforms, e.g., those snazzy football and soccer uniforms worn by high school athletes, etc. I mainly want to understand the sales process.

e.g., how do the schools select the company that provides the uniforms? What special considerations are there? Who are "the deciders" in the process? What makes one sporst uniform company better than the others? Are there "mega-providers" that do sports distribution at schools?

Thanks in advance Metafilter!
posted by mtstover to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
2012 Story from Richmond, VA Times-Dispatch.
posted by Ideefixe at 10:37 AM on April 29, 2013 [1 favorite]

I'm the director of a charter secondary school.

We typically charge $30 per season to play on a team (basketball, soccer, volleyball) which covers the cost of the student's jersey. Most secondary schools in this area are charging about $80-$120 per team per year and they don't let them keep the jerseys, so we're definitely at the low end of the spectrum. Since we buy new jerseys every year, we aren't worried about having super fancy jerseys - my main concern is durability.

From there we try to find the highest quality kit we can under that price point. There are a couple suppliers I usually look at first since they give us bulk/school discounts, but occasionally someone else will be running a promotion that makes the cost fit our budget. The discount suppliers have been working with our school since before I was here; the others I find through the internet.

I get the feeling that any professional-looking supplier you find is doing huge volumes. The guys we use for soccer act like our 20 jerseys are not a problem at all - they get them printed and shipped within a day or two of ordering. I'm thinking they are probably doing city rec league type deals where they are making hundreds or thousands of jerseys. It's pretty easy for them to get our relatively small order done quickly and correctly.

Oh, and I'm the decider.
posted by _DB_ at 12:31 PM on April 29, 2013

At the University of Oregon, Nike proposes designs. The football team has as many as 80 different looks. Not every one counts Phil Knight as an alumnus.
I have no idea if the university selects favorites, or just accepts what Nike designs.
posted by Cranberry at 3:52 PM on April 29, 2013

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