Methed out Elizabethan musicians?
December 9, 2012 9:33 PM   Subscribe

Can you please help me figure out what old-fashioned brass and choir music this was that I found (and then lost) on an LP?

Fifteen years ago I borrowed an old LP (1980 would probably the latest it would have been from) from the downtown Berkeley library. It had a wonderful, hyper, cheery collection of songs that I liked to listen to during the holidays. I put a bit of it on a cassette tape and I didn't write down the name. Then I accidentally taped over it about 10 years ago. Since then I have been hoping to run across it but have not done so.

When I search youtube the closest things to the style are pieces by William Byrd, but his things are rather slower than what I remember, and it was a combination of brass, especially high brass, like piccolo trumpets, and choir.

Think this, overlaid with 5 frenetic madrigal-esque piccolo trumpets going up and down the scale in a manner more befitting a harpsichord.

I know this is a terrible description but.. anyone have any idea what it might have been?
posted by small_ruminant to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
I can't listen to your sample, as my wife is sleeping next to me, but I'll invite you to investigate John Rutter (if you haven't already), based on your description.
posted by The Potate at 2:32 AM on December 10, 2012

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