looking for 1974 tv movie version of Little Match Girl starring Lynsey Baxter
December 8, 2012 6:35 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone tell me where I could find a copy (legit or not) of the 1974 TV movie "The Little Match Girl" (IMDB info here) that starred Lynsey Baxter. It was a great, particularly dark version, and I'd like to show it to my family this holiday. Any leads appreciated. It was originally produced by a TV station in Cincinnatti. I am not interested in any other version than this one. Thanks!
posted by cmp4Meta to Media & Arts (6 answers total)
Where are you located? If you're in an urban area, we may be able to recommend bricks-and-mortar video rental options.
posted by croutonsupafreak at 9:19 PM on December 8, 2012

Just checked the cupboard.. I have the 1987 version (Roger Daltry and Twiggy) if that would help? UK VHS (PAL)
posted by ewan at 4:51 AM on December 9, 2012

OCLC says there is one holding library, the New York Public Library system. They probably don't lend AV materials through ILL, but on the off chance that you're local, it might be worth tracking it down through them. Have you tried contacting the station? They may have an archival copy or be able to put you in touch with the syndication company.
posted by jetlagaddict at 9:55 AM on December 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

Maybe try contacting Lynsey Baxter's agent to see if s/he has a spare promotional copy (hopefully VHS, not Betamax) lying around?
posted by invisible ink at 10:42 AM on December 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: I tried contacting the NYPL (am in Boston) but they have no services for allowing viewing outside of NYC. Also tried contacting the original station that broadcast it in Cincinnatti, but got no response. Contacting the agent is a good idea - will check on that.
posted by cmp4Meta at 4:11 PM on December 16, 2012

Response by poster: Any leads on bricks & mortar rentals?
posted by cmp4Meta at 4:12 PM on December 16, 2012

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