Please help decipher the signatures of a drawing and painting
May 16, 2012 11:10 PM   Subscribe

My wife and I bought a sketch and a watercolor, both of which have visible signatures, but that we cannot decipher. Images: Sketch Img 1 & 2, Painting Img 1 & 2. Does anybody recognize the artists or have any suggestions on how to ID the artists?

If it's not obvious, the two works have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

My wife and I bought the sketch in an antique/flea market in Bologna Italy last year. The seller mainly sold photos, but also had a few other sketches, which to my untrained eye looked to be done with the same technique, if were not done by the same artist. I kind of regret not buying one of the others, but at the time, we were limiting our budget spend. I think it's done in pencil, but that's just a completely uneducated guess. If it helps, it's about 18"x11". (Side question: would there be any reason to doubt the authenticity of the 1852 year that appears in the signature?)

As for the water-color painting, we bought that in an Atlanta antiques auction, who didn't have any info on the painting. The painting was in not-so-great shape (the frame it came in didn't have any glass and judging from the color of the surrounding paper, it looks like it's been discolored by the sun). As a result, the painting went cheaply, for like $35. This colors looks to be in watercolor and the blacks in ink. It's 24"x6".

We've tried Tineye on the images and Googling as many spelling variations of the two signatures, but didn't come up with anything. We mainly want to know for curiosity sake and given what we paid for them, would probably pass on any $$$ methods for identifying the artists.

Thanks in advance!
posted by comradechu to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
The first signature looks like "L. du Fougeroux," which also appears in this PDF.
posted by Knappster at 12:51 AM on May 17, 2012

Best answer: Make that "G. du Fougeroux," short for Grelier du Fougeroux. The artist Octave Guillaume de Rochebrune married Alix Grelier du Fougeroux.
posted by Knappster at 3:18 AM on May 17, 2012

Response by poster: Thanks Knappster, that looks like a solid lead. Going to now see if I can dig up any images of du Fougeroux other works to see if they're alike.
posted by comradechu at 11:06 AM on May 22, 2012

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