Help Marcel, the 1.5-winged pigeon
February 18, 2012 10:43 AM   Subscribe

Pigeon prognosis?

There has been a pigeon living on the balcony of my apartment for two weeks. It is very cold, and it hangs out by the window, presumably to take advantage of the poor insulation.

Marcel is minus all of the large feathers on one wing, and apparently can't fly, although he is active and able to hop from the balcony to the windowsill. I have been feeding him twice a day -- bits of bread, mashed-up nuts, and crushed crackers -- and he eats quite a bit.

1. Are Marcel's feathers going to grow back so he can fly?
2. Should I be giving Marcel water? Any ideas for leaving water on my balcony when it is always far below freezing?
3. Anything I shouldn't feed a pigeon?
4. Should I call the SPCA or something (I am in Montreal, Quebec, if that is relevant)?
posted by kengraham to Pets & Animals (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This website and this website might be of some help. Both seemed geared towards people interested in caring for feral pigeons. I know a lot of people consider these guys "rats with wings", but I think they are pretty special birds.
posted by OsoMeaty at 11:08 AM on February 18, 2012

In the U.S. rehabbers and other animal sanctuaries won't take pigeons because they are considered a non-native species. So if this is the case in Canada- you are really his only hope.
I agree with everything Jamaro said. Also bread can be bad for birds- avoid feeding him bread and crackers. Better to get him seed and also give him corn, peas, blueberries.

Birds' feathers are great insulation- with a little shelter to protect him from the wind he should stay warm enough to get through winter.

Good luck
posted by biograd08 at 2:51 PM on February 18, 2012

I called the Humane Society once about a distressed pigeon in a parking garage - amazingly enough, they came to help. It's worth a try.
posted by analog at 5:38 PM on February 18, 2012

Response by poster: Marcel thanks all y'all. So far, I made him a little house by placing a beat-up old square table that was lying on the balcony in the corner formed by two exterior walls, and putting a piece of plywood over one of the remaining openings; should be reasonably warm due to escaping heat from the building. I got some seeds for him and some water. It looks as though, as jamaro mentioned, his feathers have been pulled out.

I will try the SPCA, although it doesn't look promising, from their website.

Finally, how long is "a long time" for feathers growing back? I am moving out of this place in six months; I'll do what I can for him until then, and it's already starting to get a little warmer, but will he be able to fly in the summer?
posted by kengraham at 12:05 PM on February 19, 2012

Response by poster: After a few days of more-intrepid-than-usual hopping, Marcel has apparently regained the ability to fly and disappeared. (Protect yo' neck out there, Marcel.)

Thanks again for your advice, everyone.
posted by kengraham at 3:16 PM on April 3, 2012

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