A make-up person who'll make someone who doesn't wear make-up look like she's not wearing makeup, while actually wearing make-up
January 26, 2012 3:59 PM   Subscribe

Recommendations for affordable make-up artists in the Los Angeles/Malibu area?

I'm getting married in Malibu in June and need to hire a make-up artist for myself and five bridesmaids. In the interest of saving money, we're all doing our own hair. A pro's assistant would be fine, I just don't know how to find them. I'd prefer to spend no more than $650 for the six of us.

My problem is that most of the makeup artists' websites don't list their rates, and I don't have time to call them all to find out. Also I'd love someone who comes recommended by someone in the MeFi community.

Would appreciate any names you could throw my way, and an approx idea of the rates if possible. Thanks!
posted by np312 to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (1 answer total)
I'm sorry that I don't have any personal recommendations for you.

However, I would suggest calling some of the many makeup schools in the area as a place to start - perhaps a student who is not yet graduated (but about to) would have more reasonable rates.

They should have a portfolio you can look at. You could also pay for a single makeup application beforehand, just to test out that you like their style.

Do a search on yelp for cosmetology schools in order to find some of the makeup schools in the area. If you read the reviews, you'll see references to other makeup schools that aren't listed on yelp.

Since you don't have time to call makeup artists, you probably don't have time to do all this - maybe you can request that one of your five bridesmaids does it for you, narrows it down to 2-3 makeup artists, shows you their portfolios, and then you make the final decision.
posted by insectosaurus at 8:28 AM on February 5, 2012

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