Smarter way to consolidate a big international Amazon shipment?
October 5, 2011 6:06 PM   Subscribe

Smartest way to consolidate a large international order from A big enough order to get free shipping within the US, and of mostly small and light items from multiple vendors, but international shipping will add several hundred to the cost. This is to Singapore, but the Singapore service ( is frankly lousy, and I'd like an alternative.
posted by viggorlijah to Shopping (3 answers total)
Multiple vendors is the real complication - even in the US, they would be all shipped separately and for charges (free shipping is for Amazon-warehouse stuff only).

Do you have a friend you could ship it all to, who could then repackage and ship it on?
posted by jb at 6:56 PM on October 5, 2011 [1 favorite]

Well if you Google "post forwarding from usa" you'll find a slew of companies that want to sell you a service whereby they consolidate multiple packages (which I think is part if your shipping cost problem ?) and resend it ?

They're based in the USA so you will, I presume, get free shipping to their address. Some of them aren't really set up for a one time shipment but some are.

In the past I've read some horror stories about people in this business so please don't assume they're all OK.

Sending back returns to Amazon for us ex-USAians is pretty difficult/impossible normally I presume shipping something via an address in the USA would make that side of things more difficult.

On the other hand Amazon refuse to sell ex-USAians quite a range of goods and presumably this gets around that problem.

Lastly someone mentioned the other amazons - you might also consider
posted by southof40 at 8:21 PM on October 5, 2011

Response by poster: We are going to ship directly - the reviews were so mixed for the forwarding companies, and so instead we whittled down our list, split it between and, and went to local retailers.
posted by viggorlijah at 6:58 AM on November 21, 2011

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