Concerned about possible hip problems in pound puppy
September 25, 2011 7:08 PM   Subscribe

I am considering adopting a puppy from the pound. She's a 9-month old shepherd mix and she's extremely mellow and sweet (though still playful and fun). I have a concern, though, do to her breed and an apparent issue with her gait: I worry that she might have a problem with her hip socket or with possible hip dysplasia. Video below...

Here's Roxanne's video from the pound:
(Click on the video link embedded in that page)

You can see that when she walks and runs (at the beginning and end of the video; lots of extremely cute petting footage in the middle) she occasionally "bunny hops" and uses both legs to move or jump. Does this appear to you to indicate hip dysplasia, possible hip dysplasia, or any other problem?

I know that she deserves a loving home even if she has some health problems, and I wouldn't even rule out adopting her. However, part of why I want a dog is for a hiking buddy and a running partner for my husband. We just want to know.

From this little video, can we tell anything? Keep in mind that having a vet look at the dog isn't an option. Are there any other tricks or things to look for?
posted by anonymous to Pets & Animals (14 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It was a cute video (love that they paired the song with it), but you won't be able to tell without x-rays. I think she looks good, though.
posted by bolognius maximus at 7:21 PM on September 25, 2011

Have you brought up the issue with her gait with the folks at the shelter? Have they definitively said that an outside vet's opinion was not possible?
posted by crankylex at 7:40 PM on September 25, 2011

I watched that video very closely and didn't see anything wrong, but I'm no vet. I have a German Shepherd and the video just looked like a GSD running a little. I didn't see any "hops" I just saw the playful bouncing. My dog looks exactly like that when we get her playing. (Our vet says she has beautiful hips FWIW.)

She looks like an absolute sweetheart, I hope you get her.
posted by TooFewShoes at 8:20 PM on September 25, 2011

My two Aussies hopped when they where puppies. They outgrew that bit of gait awkwardness but I always missed it. It is a very cute little thing to watch. They never had hip problems. I would talk to the shelter about your concerns though and maybe have a vet look at her. Hip dysplasia can be painful for dog and owner and very expensive if severe. Good luck.
posted by cairnoflore at 9:54 PM on September 25, 2011

You can have bunny-hopping without dysplasia. Our Nina bunny-hops sometimes or picks up a leg when gallivanting around the backyard, and as the page says her hips are OFA good.

What I'd suggest is booking an appointment with whoever your vet for Undetermined_Dog will be to talk about this. If you can, show him/her the video. Ask for strategies that you understand will be imperfect for assessing Roxanne at the shelter. Maybe, just guessing here, see if you can take her for a long walk/jog to see how willing and happy she is to do so, whether or not she seems to have pain, and how quickly she seems exhausted (=a sign of pain). But vets will know more.
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 10:00 PM on September 25, 2011

Looks like a typical german shepherd rear end (which to me looks weird and low).
I didn't see signs of hip problems. I am not a vet.

If you are buying a dog for a purpose other than companionship, then perhaps you
should select a body form that is more appropriate to that purpose. A dog for a
running partner might be a little more lithe than a houndy-looking shepherd mix.

I don't know what your situation is, but if part of the dog's purpose is to be a running
partner for your husband, then he should be the one that is evaluating the dog for
that purpose. You might know your husband well enough to evaluate this dog for
your husband, but to me it doesn't seem fair to the dog. Your husband has to have
an active role in the selection.

No matter what you decide, you have my admiration for considering a pound dog.
It's a literal stay of execution for the dog.
posted by the Real Dan at 11:18 PM on September 25, 2011

Such a gorgeous girl! My Odie (the behemoth on the left) is also a Shepherd mix and his gait was quite similar at that age. He's had his hips checked and all was a-ok, so I always just put it down to awkwardness. Even now at the ripe old age of 4, he still bunny hops when he's rather excited.

However, I personally am not a vet, so I can't say it's her problem with 100% authority. I'd go with ROU_Xenophobe's suggestion of showing the video to your future vet will be before you take her in.

And I'll join the chorus thanking you for considering a shelter dog!
posted by arishaun at 3:35 AM on September 26, 2011

Does this appear to you to indicate hip dysplasia, possible hip dysplasia, or any other problem?

We can't tell this from a video on the internet.

We just want to know.

Take the dog to a veterinarian for radiographs of the hips- this is the only way to tell.

Keep in mind that having a vet look at the dog isn't an option.

Why? If you are adopting a dog, you need to do your due diligence, and you can't do that on the internet.
posted by TheBones at 7:14 AM on September 26, 2011 [1 favorite]

Oh weird. That video's from the same little romping area where we adopted my puppy. If you do adopt her, you should come out of anon-hiding to set up a doggie play date. She looks really sweet.
posted by deludingmyself at 9:35 AM on September 26, 2011

While this wasn't my AskMe, I am the husband in question. I want to clarify a couple of things:

1. The running isn't the only reason we want the dog. We want a companion, first and foremost, but there are various little bonuses, and running/hiking would be one. Cuddliness is the one inviolable principle in our search.

2. The due diligence issue: we intend to do as much due diligence as we can. The official rules, insofar as we can tell, are that you can either adopt the dog or not. No taking it the vet for a checkup first, etc. Now, we are asking questions and would love to "break," or arrive at a new understanding of, those "rules." We're asking for opinions on the internet as a supplement or as a possible "better-than-nothing" alternative.

We have sent the video to our old vet to check out. Of course, the more we watch the video and the more we talk about this cutie the more likely it seems that we'd adopt her even if it turned out she had three legs and a gambling addiction, so I really do appreciate folks chiming in to help us try to make this decision as objectively as we can.
posted by Ignatius J. Reilly at 9:50 AM on September 26, 2011 [2 favorites]

Alright. We're taking her home. We went back to see her and realized we loved her, so we can figure everything else out later. She's coming home tomorrow.
posted by Ignatius J. Reilly at 9:14 AM on September 27, 2011 [3 favorites]

Please update us with what your vet says and LOTS of pictures! She looks so adorable and I find myself completely obsessed with your story.
posted by TooFewShoes at 10:15 AM on September 27, 2011

posted by crankylex at 7:30 PM on September 30, 2011

Update: Apparently these things puke?!?!?!?

Just kidding (well...). After a few days of adjustment she is at home and doing great. Goes by the name of Roxy Pancakes. She's a sweet, smart and curious dog, appears to be totally housebroken, and she's eager to learn new stuff and to please us. The puking is over, she's happy to be here, and if anyone is thinking of posting an AskMe about the highest-capacity laundromat washing machines in Oakland, I will be eager to provide a helpful answer.

And the best part? I have no idea what we were seeing before. She's in perfect shape, her gait is silly (part of the low-slung shepherd hips thing) but totally healthy. She's gonna be a great running partner once she puts on some weight and gets another few months to finish her growth.
posted by Ignatius J. Reilly at 10:27 AM on October 3, 2011 [2 favorites]

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