Life Without Amazon Prime
July 16, 2011 3:09 PM   Subscribe

I need a Sony Type3b USB cable (for my Cybershot DSC-WX9). I'm in Prague and can't receive packages or have it shipped. Is it possible?

Like an idiot, I forgot my charging cable for my camera. Any chance I can buy one of these things locally in Prague or Rome (our next destination).

Example of the cable here.

Location of a local shop or creative ideas will be helpful.

P.S. To hell with Sony for using proprietary cables.
posted by shew to Shopping (7 answers total)
i would suggest walking into a camera shop and asking. They may know of spare parts dealers or repair shops or some connection through which you may be able to beg or borrow.
posted by infini at 3:20 PM on July 16, 2011

That looks a lot like a MicroUSB cable. The link you have there only shows one angle of the cable so I can't tell 100% but you could at least give that a shot, see if it even fits.
posted by Bonky Moon at 3:23 PM on July 16, 2011

Why can't you have it shipped? Are there extenuating circumstances? Because you could always have it shipped to the hotel you are staying in, if you are in a hotel. How long are you going to be there? More information please.
posted by TheBones at 3:34 PM on July 16, 2011

It definitely is a proprietary cable. Sources 1 & 2.

No idea, sorry. If you're looking to charge it, you're probably going to have to trawl the larger electronics and camera shops in hope of a lucky break. There's apparently a Sony Centre in Prague - that might be your best bet.

If you just want to get your images off it, though, you could get a USB card reader, remove the memory card, and transfer them that way.

Good luck!
posted by Magnakai at 4:25 PM on July 16, 2011

Best answer: Definitely head to the Sony Center. Alternately, if there is an asian/import electronics market in Prague, you could get a universal battery charger.
posted by fake at 4:52 PM on July 16, 2011 [1 favorite]

Nthing "ask in a camera shop".

On holiday in Australia a couple of years ago, I'd deliberately left my (Canon) charger behind to save space in my bag, assuming the camera battery would last for a week. It fell a day short. I went into a camera shop to ask if they could sell me a charged battery, and instead they offered to charge the one I'd got, for free - which was the ideal solution, under the circumstances.
posted by ManyLeggedCreature at 7:49 PM on July 16, 2011

Response by poster: Shipping seems dicey. We're leaving Prague tomorrow and will be in Rome for 5 days. I don't mind paying to have it shipped but I feel it would be a lot of stress to make sure it got to me at the hotel before we go our next destination.

4 camera shops later... here's the follow up.

Camera shop #1 (in a mall): looked at it and said something that sounded negative. No help offered.

Camera shop #2 (in another mall): offered a battery charging system for $115. Also offered to charge my battery for $10.

Camera shop #3 (Foto Skoda): Helpful. Didn't have the cord but directed me to the 'Official Sony Store'.

Sony Store: Had the cord. $50. I paid it and continued my vacation.

Thanks for the advice!
posted by shew at 9:35 AM on July 18, 2011

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