Tex Avery tribute cartoon?
May 31, 2011 9:46 AM   Subscribe

After Tex Avery died, one year the Tournee of Animation included a tribute to him. I'd love to see one of those again, but I can't find it.

The Tournee comissioned four cartoons for a "Tribute to Tex Avery". One of those came from eastern Europe, and the animators really showed that they understood Tex Avery. It was about cavemen and dinosaurs, and it had the kind of frenetic energy, logic breaks, 4th wall breaks, face faults, and sheer lunacy of Tex Avery at his best.

I'd love to see it again, but my google-fu comes up short. It seems like the kind of thing someone would have posted to YouTube, but I can't find it there, either. Can anyone help me here?
posted by Chocolate Pickle to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: A wild stab, with no video for review: "Pre-Hysterical Daze," by Gavrilo Gnatovich, found in this review of Fourth Animation Celebration. Another review elaborates:
Gnatovich takes on a non-Averyish subject–dinosaur chases caveman–but plays with all the deconstructive high jinks that are Avery’s stock in trade: frame lines, the shadows of film spectators, separate takes, animation splices, post-end-title action.
Available on VHS, if you search for Animation Celebration volume 4.
posted by filthy light thief at 10:08 AM on May 31, 2011

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