What are the options for residential care for a senior in the north of England?
June 3, 2010 2:55 PM   Subscribe

What are the options for residential care for a senior in the north of England?

My grandmother is getting to the point where she needs assistance for basic personal care issues, and has decided she wants to move into a 'home' where she can get that. She is currently lives in a council flat where she is visited a few times a day for assistance with cooking/cleaning etc, but nothing that would fall under the rubric of 'nursing'. She does not need 24 hour care, so ideally wants to go somewhere she can still have a relative amount of independence.

All of my family live outside the UK, so it is a bit of a complicated process and I'm looking for some assistance in figuring what the options are. She currently lives on a state pension in Lancashire. Does the NHS provide the kind of homes I am thinking about? Are they of reasonable quality? Would she have to stay in the same authority jurisdiction as she is in now? How much would a private seniors' home cost? What would happen to her pension in such a situation? Does the NHS contribute anything to private care?

Thanks for all info you can provide -- links to appropriate NHS or other govt legislation/regulations would be most appreciated.
posted by modernnomad to Grab Bag (5 answers total)
One would be extra care sheltered housing by the sounds of things; Age UK (Help the Aged as was) provides free info and advice ("free national information line on 0800 169 6565. It's open 365 days a year from 8am to 7pm.") and also give information on choosing a care home if your grandmother wants to look at that option.
posted by Abiezer at 3:49 PM on June 3, 2010

There are some local authority residential units for older people; they tend to have long waiting lists and are - in my area at any rate - increasingly focussed on people with higher needs (dementia, mostly). Private residential homes are inspected by the Care Quality Commission - they have some brief notes on what to look for in a care home, and reports for individual homes are online.

Authorities I've worked in have produced guides to residential care, listing homes in the area. I can't find anything like this on Lancashire's site, but it would be worth contacting them.
posted by paduasoy at 4:14 PM on June 3, 2010

> Private*

*and voluntary and LA.
posted by paduasoy at 4:15 PM on June 3, 2010

Something that may help with immediate service provision while she's still at home and working out what to do about moving, is to get in touch with her NHS Community Matron service. They can help provide equipment and assistance to make living at home easier while care needs increase. East Lancs Community Matron Service has a nicely easy to find web page, for other PCTs (NHS areas) you'll have to look for yourself.

I only have experience of a Community Matron service working with someone who was fiercely determined to remain at home, but given their general wonderfulness I am certain that they would also be great at helping your grandmother find the right place to move to (or, if that's not precisely in their remit, finding the right person to provide that help).
posted by Lebannen at 4:41 PM on June 3, 2010

Oh, you asked abut costs. I've not seen homes cheaper than £450 a week - but if she has no savings and doesn't own a house she'll be entitled to financial support with this.
posted by paduasoy at 4:49 PM on June 3, 2010

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