Obtaining access to WileyPlus by buying the book online.
January 19, 2010 7:13 AM   Subscribe

Hey, academics: a question about purchasing access to a value-add website for a college textbook.

A textbook I need to purchase has some kind of web-based companion package that can be purchased by itself or accessed with a code included on a new copy of the book.

Is this code only available in copies I buy from a brick-and-mortar college bookstore, or will it come on a copy I buy from [bookstore behemoth website here]? Has anyone else signed up for this?
posted by britain to Shopping (6 answers total)
The code is usually available no matter where you buy the textbook. I've used behemoth websites in similar situations and the web companion package was always included. Never hurts to read the fine print, though!
posted by amanzi at 7:28 AM on January 19, 2010

Probably available in all books. Usually the code is on a card inside the book. You can call the publisher, though and double check and also see if they will give you a code if it doesn't.
posted by kch at 7:33 AM on January 19, 2010 [1 favorite]

Best answer: A new book from any place will have the code. If you buy a used book, sometimes the codes are good for 1 use only and so you may have to buy the separate access from the publisher.
posted by katers890 at 8:17 AM on January 19, 2010

Best answer: I just (literally, today) bought copies of a text like this at work. Two copies from Amazon, three copies from a college bookstore. All copies had the card inside with the code.
posted by onshi at 9:09 AM on January 19, 2010

Best answer: Ugh WileyPlus. Previous posters are right: the code can only be used once. At my campus, you can contact the publishers to buy the code separately (e.g. if you bought the book off half.com or a friend), but I think it's something like $75. Depending on the price of your book, it might not be worth it to buy a used book. From what I've overheard (from my classmates), [big website that sells everything]'s new books came with the codes as well.
posted by mittenedsex at 10:38 AM on January 19, 2010

Response by poster: Turns out the copy I purchased not only wasn't new, it was a teacher's edition. Not the way it was advertised. Stick with the college bookstores or the 'zon like Onshi said. Whatever you do, don't expect the code in there if you buy from little sellers on services like Alibris.

Also going to note, here, that my wife aced the course even without WileyPlus.
posted by britain at 12:35 PM on July 12, 2010

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