Where can I find a business directory or point of interest database?
November 23, 2009 7:42 PM   Subscribe

Are there any reasonably-priced, reliable databases of US businesses that allow users to store, edit, and retransmit that data?

I'm working on a small web application and I need to be able to create maps, annotate them with local businesses, parks, and other points of interest, and then pass those on to other folks.

A nationwide database of businesses would be awesome, but something specific to Oregon would work for now. I could get by with each business's name and address, though a geocoded and categorized dataset would be preferable.

Google's terms of service are a bit too restrictive, and I don't think buying data directly from each state's corporation division would scale terribly well.

posted by SemiSophos to Travel & Transportation (1 answer total)
See OpenStreetMap.

In the US it is not nearly exhaustive, but it certainly is a good place to start.
posted by yellowbkpk at 7:56 PM on November 23, 2009

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