Can you recognize this book cover?
December 8, 2004 8:19 PM   Subscribe

Here's a challenge. Anyone happen to recognize the book whose cover is partially revealed/shown here? I think it looks like Ralph Nader. My friend thinks it's Al Pacino. But neither panned out. Ideas?
posted by beingdaddy to Writing & Language (8 answers total)
Err... Ned Kelly?
posted by paradigm at 9:14 PM on December 8, 2004

Abe Vigoda or Nipsey Russell. One or the other.
posted by joelf at 10:16 PM on December 8, 2004

Dishoom! It looks like Amitabh Bhachchan to me, and a match for the cover of To Be Or Not To Be.
posted by PY at 12:53 AM on December 9, 2004

oops, Bachchan, I think. Let us know the answer if you find out.
posted by PY at 1:14 AM on December 9, 2004

the left side (as you're looking at it) looks like Vigoda, the right like Pacino...

iow - i have no idea
posted by kamylyon at 4:46 AM on December 9, 2004

I'm getting a David Blaine vibe over here....
posted by Dagobert at 5:10 AM on December 9, 2004

Response by poster: PY got it right - it was "To Be or Not To Be," about/by Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan. Thanks PY!
posted by beingdaddy at 5:37 AM on December 9, 2004

Marty Feldman (squinting) ?
posted by mds35 at 12:54 PM on December 9, 2004

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