Eco-friendly carpet cleaners? In DC?
May 12, 2009 10:07 AM   Subscribe

Carpet Filter: My company in Washington, DC is looking for an eco-friendly company to come and clean our carpets.

We have medium-sized office with standard office carpet. We want it clean. We don't want to use toxic chemicals to do it. Does anyone know what to look for in a carpet cleaner as far as environmental responsibility goes? What questions should we be asking potential vendors? Of course, if you actually know of anyone to call, that would help too.

We found one company locally and another company in Boston but we're hoping to find more in or around DC to get a better sense of appropriate costs. Anybody have any ideas?
posted by alexherder to Work & Money (1 answer total)
Best answer: You should get in touch with Mrs Lavendar, they did an awesome job on our place. Their site mentions carpet work, methinks. They are locally owned. Very nice folks! Highly recommended.
posted by wowbobwow at 6:39 AM on May 19, 2009

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